I Will Never Love You Again
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
God why didn't you help me 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Now my life is in danger 😭😭😭😭😭
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
So did you pack your things ?
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Yes mom l pack my things already
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
And where is your brother?
Carter Smith ○FL son○
lm here mom and l done packing all my things and k made a sandwich for four of us
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Mom where is uncle?
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Let me call him ?
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Where are you now !
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Hehehe oppss l didn't tell you that lm on the airport know hehehe
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Why did you wait ?
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Cause lf we are together you might kill me 😤😤
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Ohhh really 😈
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
What a jerk !
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Mom what happened ?
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Your uncle didn't wait on us 😠
Carter Smith ○FL son○
*R.I.P for you uncle *
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
So lets go now or we will be late on our plane
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
*R.I.P for you uncle *
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Okay mom
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Okay mom
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
King...stone ! 😈😈😈😈😈
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Ohhhh no lm dead ☠
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Bye bye 🙋♀️uncle R.I.P
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Bye uncle see you in heaven 🙋♂️
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Hey can you stop that or we will miss our plane 😑
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Oh yeah l forgot 😅😅😅😆😆😆
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Let's go
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Lets go
For 3 hours they finally arrived at the USA
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Lets go
Maam get inside now maam cause many reports are finding you !
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
How did ?
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Theres no time let go
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
They all get inside on the Long Car
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Anyways how did they know that lm in USA ?
Maam Someone link your Schedules
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Shit l forgot it
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Anyway we have to go on the Mansion of Smith
Kingston Smith☆FL Bestfriend / Brother ☆
Wow your Mansion is bigger that l excepted 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Yeah lm right 🤥
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Mom where is my room 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Me too mom l like to have computers and video games mom
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Yeah mom me too
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
Okay l have a big suprising news for you
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Rally mom 🤩🤩🤩🤩
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Really mom 🤩🤩🤩
Charli Smith ◇FL Daughter◇
Where is it 🤩
Carter Smith ○FL son○
Where is it mom 🤩
Charlotte Smith/Lee♡FL♡
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kimberly adion
crazy update please 🥺🥺🥺
Charles Smith
Ohhh Carter Know what tgey have done to there mother