Killing Secrets

Killing Secrets

Chapter 1







*Ace's pov*

I drove as fast as I could and stopped In Front of an old and quiet alley.

There stood a lone structure, reaching the sky... It was degraded with no one near it... Over time the bricks had weakened, the paint wore off and layer of dust coated over it. Opening the dashboard I took out my gun, pushing it into the back of my pant.

Trotting straight into the building.

"Good morning sir" one of my men said opening the entrance.

"Good morning" I replied and proceeded.

My footsteps echo throughout the empty hall. Flickering lights left on aluminating the pathway just enough to see by. Water drops somewhere, creating a hollow pinking noise that is impossible to ignore. The walls shift and creak and the looming emptiness of the building is unavoidable. But ignoring, I press forward through the murky hall.

I entered a room in which a guy was tied with ropes to the chair. His eyes swollen over and bloody spit drooled from his slack jaws.

His mangled lips and obviously broken nose was caked in dried blood, congealed and cracked.

I walked towards him pulling a chair and perched myself facing him.

"Did he tell anything" I asked my men.

"Not yet sir, nothing" one of them responded.

"He's been refusing to tell anything. He says he doesn't care even if we kill him"

"So do it, kill him. If he's so desperate for it." I replied leaning back, making myself more comfortable on the chair.

"You won't get anything from this" he uttered in a low voice.

Chuckling, I leaned close to his ear and mumbled "have you ever heard about pleasure".

"You ain't getting that from me" he spoke spitting out blood.

I clutched his hair, pulling him towards me, enunciating

"Don't waste my time. It's fucking precious. And if you really don't know anything about it, maybe your wife does".

"Stay away from my family, please" He suddenly lets out in a terrified voice.

I could see a sudden change in his voice.

"So... Speak now" I spoke.

"I can't... I don't know anything" he muttered.

I could see his eyes turning weepy.

I looked at my men, gesturing him for the phone.

I take the phone from him, and press it to my ear.

"Give the phone to his daughter." I ordered.

"hey! Dear, wanna talk to your dad".

I nudged the phone towards him turning on the speaker.

"Hello Daddy. I miss you... When are you coming back?"

He looked up tears trickling down his cheeks.

Men don't cry!

"I miss you too princess. I am gonna come back soon. Wait for Daddy ok!" he talked swallowing his saliva and tears that slipped into his mouth.

Trying his best to hold back his breaking voice.

Pulling the phone back I spoke.

"Got something to say now?"

"P-please! Don't do a-anything to her. S-she is too y-young" he spoke in a stuttering voice.

"This is not how thing work you know" - I spoke folding my sleeves.

"Y-you c-can k-kill m-me. D-don't do anything t-to my family. They h-have nothing to d-do with this" he spoke sobbing. His face covered with sweat and tears, mixing with all the blood around his mouth, that had now turned into a darker shade of red and black.

"I promise your daughter and wife will be safe all you gotta do is tell me where the file is" I spoke assuring him.


His eyes were glued to the floor as tears rolled down his face.

"You are taking too much time" I spoke.

"It's in my house." he murmured.

"Mmhm... Continue, I am listening." I spoke gesturing for the phone again.

"It's in the black suitcase hidden in a secret locker in our basement... My wife knows where it is.

3497*** is the password." he continued.

"You heard him, quick." I enunciated.


"We found it, sir."

"Good!... Now come back. And about his wife and daughter go according to the plan." I spoke returning the phone back to my men.


I stood up taking out my gun.

*bang* *bang*

The bullet entered him as if he was nothing, just meat, blood bones, blasting a cavity in his back as it burst crimson into the fading day. His face now frozen, eyes open, mouth slack, as he was propelled backwards. His eyes held mine, tears still rolling down his face.

"Dump the body and clear the place. He talks to much." I spoke wiping the blood on my gun with a handkerchief.


I was walking out when I saw Maceo entering.

"You should leave, he is dead." I spoke coldly.

"What? How? Who killed him." he asked.

"Of course, me" I spoke.

"And why the **** did you do that?" he said angrily.

"Hungry?" I spoke. changing the subject.

"You are an asshole" he muttered.

I tittered keeping my hand on his shoulder "let's go".

To be continued...



Rojin Ehsan

Rojin Ehsan




Rojin Ehsan

Rojin Ehsan




Rojin Ehsan

Rojin Ehsan

Puh I was so scared of him 😅…



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