The Return of the Emperor

The Return of the Emperor

Episode 1

In a world where magic exists, wizards and witches are commonplace, and thanks to them, there has been significant progress in meeting the daily needs of the people. The use of fire to light streets and homes has been abandoned, as light orbs illuminate entire rooms, benefiting even those who cannot use magic. Furthermore, magical portals have been created, enabling travel from one city to another in minutes instead of days or hours, along with many other advantages. In this world, as in any other, there is always someone who must maintain the stability of each country, which is why the ruler is always the most powerful sorcerer. However, as with all worlds, there are always threats of war and power struggles for more territory to rule.

Aiden Barnett, the young emperor of the country of Ilios, is a blond and handsome man, bold and powerful, who conquered every realm within reach with his exceptional swordsmanship and magic to create a harmonious nation. He stood at the top of the world, hailed as the savior, the one to protect from every threat, as every kingdom he subdued had been under the rule of cruel and ambitious emperors. But of course, he did not fight alone; his mighty army was full of brave warriors, including his cherished friend Colin Doron, a handsome young man with dark hair; Raven, a very attractive young woman with unusual colored hair and eyes like the sun, known as the witch of shadows; and Daisy Rose, a young blonde with a sweet smile and great healing magic, who would later become his empress. His generals were also well-known, and while they did not use magic, they were highly skilled with the sword. Even though wars were not as frequent, as an emperor, Aiden always had a mission. Once, he had to defeat the queen of shadows, a powerful witch who had been an ally years earlier but had retreated to the dark mountains after the war. Seen as a threat to humanity, as every man, woman, or child that entered her mountain domain vanished never to be seen again, the people weary of this begged Emperor Aiden to eliminate her. They urgently needed access to the mountain for medicinal herbs and crystals used for lighting. Aiden fought the witch but, instead of killing her out of the affection he once had, he merely captured and sealed her in his palace's dungeon.

Aiden ruled with total harmony, always looking out for his people's needs, until one day he fell ill. No one knew what ailed him, and not even the finest mages could cure him. He was losing all his power and strength, and his empress tried to maintain the kingdom's stability, but without his boldness, she struggled. Trusting his good friend Colin, Emperor Aiden granted him temporary power. Then one day, a general informed Aiden that the country was in crisis and that Colin was blaming him. It was rumored outside the palace that the emperor was not ill but had become ambitious and blinded by power, and that poor Colin was the one fighting to keep the country afloat while the emperor opposed him. When Aiden summoned Colin, he was told that the general's words were lies and that all was well, resulting in the general's expulsion from the palace.

One night, as Aiden awoke to a calling voice, he struggled out of bed, silently walked down the corridors until he reached a dimly lit room at the end of the hallway—his friend's room. Assuming Colin was still awake, he entered unannounced, only to discover his empress intimately engaged with his friend. Horrified, he drew his sword, but in his weakened state he was unable to act. The empress quickly dressed and hid behind Colin, who drew his sword while grinning.

* Daisy\, I thought you loved me. How could you betray me like this?

* I love you? Please\, I only wanted the position of empress\, and now\, as a widow\, I'll raise Colin to power.

Unable to believe his ears, Aiden realized his beloved had used him, as had his friend; both had betrayed him. Weakened, he had no choice but to flee the room, summoning help, but the palace was deserted. Colin caught up and stabbed him in the stomach; using the last of his magic, Aiden cast a feeble spell that knocked down his friend, allowing him to escape, leaving a trail of blood along the corridor. Stumbling through rooms, he again heard a calling voice and followed it to the basement. There, he found the chained witch in front of a vast window bathed in light. She lifted her head and called his name, the voice he had heard.

* Do you see now? You know who your true enemy is...

The witch smirked mockingly, the poor emperor surely shaken by the truth.

* You'll die\, die as I die every day\, bound and far from home.

* You must be pleased to see me like this...

The emperor collapsed to his knees, barely able to breathe, his vision blurring.

* Do you want to live and seek revenge?

* Yes\, that I do...

* Break the seal\, and I'll grant what you desire...

* No\, I can't release you.

* Do it! Free me! They are coming; will you let them get away with this? Allow them to be happy while you die in misery?

At those words, Aiden struggled to his feet. Footsteps were approaching, so with his last ounce of strength, he opened the chains, freeing the witch. Just then, he fell, powerless to move. The witch sat down and cradled him, caressing his face as he gasped for breath. The last thing he saw was the witch's beautiful face looking at him with profound sadness before his eyes finally closed. Colin and the empress, accompanied by soldiers, reached the basement.

* The witch! The witch killed the emperor!













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