Strawberry and Chocolate!!!

Jungkook got ready and goes towards the mirror with towel in his hand. His hairs are wet and dropping some water on his shoulder. He was rubbing his hair with the towel when two strong arms got wrapped around his body.

It was Jimin.

He was eyeing the younger since he step out of the bathroom. He was eyeing him like he gonna **** him hard on that wall near him. When Jimin saw his hair dropping the water on his shoulder he can't control himself. The younger just ignore Jimin's presence and dry his hair with a towel. He got startled when Jimin suddenly hug him.

Jimin start giving Jungkook butterfly kisses on his neck, Jungkook couldn't held himself... He was going week on his knees by the effect the elder was giving him. His only support was Jimin's hand on his waist, he grip the hand tightly to held himself properly again Jimin's strong chest. Jungkook couldn't help but got melted in those kiss he is receiving from the elder.

Jimin kisses Jungkook's neck while his one hand was opening his shirts button. And he got successful, he open his shirts button to slip his hand to feel the warmth from his chest. Jungkook was getting hot in this process, he couldn't control himself when the elder’s hand meet the bare skin from his body.

"Aahh..." He hiss and let out a moan when he feel the elders cold hand on his bare chest, Jimin's hands were roaming on his bare milky white skin. He was enjoying it so much, he smirked when the younger doesn't oppose him and his smirk got wider when Jungkook moan his name.

"Ji-Jimin... S-stop!! So-someone wi-will s-see u-us" he Sutter the whole sentence but Jimin being Jimin he didn't bug away. Jimin found his sensitive spot which were his nipples, he pinch it since he knows how much Jungkook is sensitive there. Of course being in relationship for more than five years they both know everything about each other.

What's their delicate part... what's their weakness...what's their strength... Where they are sensitive and where they are not!

They just know each other very well more than anyone. Not even their parents. Their synchronization is the most unsolved mystery for others. They use to do things in synced. Even tripping together. People used to say that they are attached by the red thread string that's why whenever the one trip the other used to trip at the same time.

(A/N - True fact! Remember the award show where they both tripped together)

Jimin’s magic was still affecting Jungkook like old days whether it's just a wink or stare or skin ship. Jimin then remove his shirt half and kiss the shoulder a biting it harshly. sucking it little bit longer on the spot creating a purple blue hickey before moving his lips towards his neck again to create a beautiful hickey over there too.

Jimin has an habit, he used to kiss and bite the youngers shoulder after sex. It's make him feel proud to see the younger covers in hickey which he creates. Claiming him once again he slowly bite the neck, digging his teeth to feel the skin. Jungkook can't help he feel hopeless in front of him. It wasn't like he's complaining but he wasn't enjoying at first but then he gave up seeing the old Jimin claiming him once again. He dig his nails to the skin, Jimin's hand.

"Mmmm...." He moan again when Jimin pinch his nipples making them hard, they wants mouth.. they want sucking and kissing them. He pined down the younger on the wall near by them and pick his lips hungrly. It wasn't a sweet kiss it was fill with hunger and passion. Lips to lips, teeth to teeth, tongue to tongue! Their tongue dance with each other, fight for dominance and after a while Jimin win it! His tongue explore every inch of Jungkook's mouth, testing the chocolate he just eat earlier.

"Umm... You still smell the same baby, strawberry!!" He finished his sentence before capturing the lips again. "And the chocolate test is just umm...." He couldn't get to finish what he's saying when the younger pull him closer by his neck and grip his hair.

"Shut up and kiss me already" Jungkook said and capture the lips again. The grip on Jimin's hair got more violent, Jungkook kiss Jimin like there is no other tomorrow.

"So impatient are we huh" Jimin tease.

"Yah, don't kiss me go away" Jungkook said pushing him a bit far.

"Haha... Baby don't be mad at me..." He chuckle and said. He was about to say something further more, when his eyes caught the pendant hanging around Jungkook's neck. The pendant was heart shape crystal with a little crown on the top of it, attached to it with a golden chain and star over on it.

"Ju-Jungkook.... Baby, You still have this" the light blue eyes filled with tears, they are about to escape the corner of his eyes when Jungkook suddenly grip his face with his both palm. Cupping it he kiss the cheeks from the elder and said.

"You gave this to me on our first date" he kiss his nose again and touch their forehead together.

"I thought you throws it away after what happened between us. Why you still have it?" he asked making an eye contact.

"I..I couldn't bring myself to throw it away! I couldn't bring myself to throw any of your things which are related to us! It has our memories!!" He simply replied and gives him a beautiful smile.

Jimin capture the lips again and then kiss his forehead, Jungkook giggle when Jimin kiss him on the nose suddenly feeling a butterfly effect in stomach.

*Knock knock*

Jimin and Jungkook was right beside the door when they heard the knock. A cute little head pop out in their room, it was Jiwoon! Jiwoon pip his head under the room, he Scan it with his two big shining doe eyes.

"Daddy?!... Mommy?!..." He spoke. Jimin immediately cover Jungkook by hugging him tight.

"!" He voice out, Jiwoon turn his head in the direction. "Daddy hugging mommy" he giggle.

Jungkook face turn red, Jimin face Jungkook on the wall by turning him around and pull the little boy Jiwoon in his arms to say "baby did you climb up the stairs by yourself?!" Until now Jungkook finish buttoning his shirt tugging it well in his pants.

He turn around and said "you don't let him climb up the stairs?!"

"No he scared of it"

"Oh Areum is opposite! She loves it. But i also don't let her to climb it until she got bit older"

"Baby why are you here?!" Jimin ask the little boy in his arms.

"Jin... Jin Samchon wants Mommy and Daddy to come downstairs" he said. His big doe eyes are watching the two elders in front of him.

"Ok let's go baby" Jungkook said and they both headed towards the dinning room.

They sat beside Areum. Their sitting position are like Jiwoon, Jungkook, Areum and then Jimin. Jimin and Jungkook are feeding their babies one by one. The both babies are sitting on large kids chair.

Jin and kia look at each other and smile. After they done eating Jikook take Kia, Areum and Jiwoon to take them school and Jin head towards his office. Jin is a CEO of Kim enterprises so he already arranged clothes and other stuff for Jikook and their babies. When they ask how he said "Uh the power of Kim Seokjin!!!" And wink, Jikook shake their head and laugh.

They first stop at the the school gate first saying goodbye to the kids kissing their forehead. Jimin was about to take the driver seat when Jungkook interrupt him saying they are going somewhere else. Jimin thought something else means he wants to go for a date but he stop the car at the hospital and force Jimin to come with him.

Jimin was saying no but Jungkook is stubborn the muscle bunny drag him towards the doctor room. The doctor check him and told them the test results he took yesterday. He said yes he has white splash and need to take care of himself.

"Mr. Park you need to take care of yourself I will give you some medicine but before that you need to tell me how did it happen" the doctor said.

Jimin was pacing out at that time if Jungkook know what happened back then he'll be sure worried and will blame himself for Jimin's condition!

"Oh well I had an accident few year back that's why" he said it but he didn't tell why and how and most important who did this to him.

After they left the hospital Jungkook kept his gaze low on the ground Jimin know why, he stop him by holding his hand. Cupping his face he ask him what happened?! Jungkook just shook his head in no. Jimin make him look at him and told him they are not going anywhere until he said something.

" did this happen?! I mean how? And when?!" Jungkook asked tears stinging into his eyes. His tears was about to run from his eyes when jimin kiss him on his both eyes!

"Kookie-ah!! Don't ask any questions now ok"

"But Jimin... At least tell me when? I won't ask who did this! But please tell how is it happen and when?!" He plead the elder again and again.

"Jungkook-ah! You won't believe it but it's happen that day when this all started. Just let it be now!" He try to end the subject but Jungkook seem stubborn.

"No tell me please" tears started to pour from his eyes and Jimin hate it the most. Jimin hate to see his Baby boy crying like this.

"Fine it happen that day. That day I had an accident and that's why I couldn't come back to you"

"Did.. did they do it?!" He ask Jimin node his head in yes.

"H-how can they?! They don't even think about us not even you?!" Jungkook cries harder by the thought of, when Jimin needs him the most he wasn't there rather he wasn't at the good condition to be there.

"I should be with you, I should have been with you that time " he said in between his sobbes, Jimin hug him tight.. patting his back making a circle on his back he said "it's not your fault and you wasn't in that condition to help me. Of course you are giving birth to our little babies that day. And I'm so happy that you give me two instead"

"I should have been with you" he chant again and again they stood there for good 4 minute before breaking the hug.

"Lets go home..." He voice out after Jungkook stop sobbing.

"W-why home?! We have to go to the office" Jungkook said

"No I'm not in the mood of going to office today plus we have to catch up few things. There are few more things you should know" Jimin said dragging him towards the car door.

"Jimin we can't skip the office right now, we have so much work" Jungkook said stopping in the middle.

"Don't complain then that I didn't tell you something"

"There's more?!" He asked Jimin. His big doe eyes become more wide.

"Yes there is, come on let's go to your real house today we have so many things to catch up" he smiles.

"Beside..." He come close to Jungkook and whisper in his ear "we need to finish what we started this morning" Jimin said earning a playful hit on the chest. Jungkook blush and said "Jimin...." He whined and the elder pulled him into warm hug!!

They skip the office today, Jimin called Taehyung saying he and Jungkook are not coming to office today the boy was very happy for his soulmate and his little brother. That they made up but is this really the start of the happiness or the tears?! Only God knows!!!

(A/N - And me !! 😈😜)


"Mam they are spotted in front of the hospital and then they drove somewhere else" a fine man in his 30’s said to the woman who was sitting in front of him. She is holding that man's phone with Jimin and Jungkook's picture on them.

"Hmm.. where did they go after this" she asked

"We don't know mam, we couldn't follow them. But I will make sure to find it out soon" the man said.

"You dog! You can't even keep your eyes on them?! You all are useless" she spat the anger on the man

"Mam...w-we will find it out soon" the man's said and bow.

"Go and find them!!" she shouted

" Yes mam" he bow again and left

"Jimin you are doing the same mistake, going back to that boy again. You have to pay for this Jungkook" she said looking at their photo and she smash the phone by throwing it.


Here Jikook are in Jungkook's house it wasn't big but wasn't small enough too just perfect like they always wanted. They are sitting on couch with a photo album in there hand.

They have no idea what the Strom coming towards them but this time they both are prepared for it. They both first talk about what happened that day the younger couldn't stop from crying and blaming himself for not being there for Jimin but Jimin was there to handle him. He shower him with lots of kisses.

End of the Chapter ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

**A/N - I can't write Short Chapter! I repeat I can't! I try it but no use. tell me who do you think is them?! 😰🤭

I'm sorry for the late update I got caught up into so many things and yeah there will be maybe grammatical error in next chapter co z I'm not good at Grammer so I'm already saying sorry 😔Hope you enjoy 💜

I'm singing the song "Strawberry and cigarettes always taste like you**~~ ".



Kiyus Kusum Banra

Kiyus Kusum Banra

no need to make the chapters small.
it's of the perfect size.
please keep updating.
I can't wait for the next chapter





I soooo happy for jikook , they got together again 😍😍
But I am damn curious for what happens next plz update soon author
love u for this wonderful work 😘😘





Ummm.... hey author Nim... I have a question... 😌 how can JK or Jin give birth to a child? I mean it's just imagination or a boy can really give birth?? sorry if I'm asking too much.... I- I just don't know and want to know about this...😌



See all
1 Description
2 The mall
3 Troublemakers!!
4 Be my Mommy
5 New Boss
6 My Cold Hearted Boss
7 The Phone Call
8 Principal's Office
9 Hide And Seek
10 I Still Want You
11 Party With Taegi
12 String From The Past!
13 Under The Wings
14 Drunken Confession
15 Nightmare!!
16 Strawberry and Chocolate!!!
17 First Date
18 Announcement
19 Fireflies
20 Dispatch Should Stop going around Jungkook!!!
21 Special Nickname!
22 Definition of Love
23 I Love You 3000
24 Moving Out?!
25 Conversation with Father-In-Law!
26 Rainy Day (Analysis)
27 I'm Sorry
28 Stealing The Thunder!!!
29 Good News!!!
30 Not Today!
31 Attention
32 Let Me Love You.
33 Euphoria!!
34 Into The Unknown!
35 Falling In Love With You Again!!
36 Precious Treasure
37 Our Flawless World!
38 Apology letter!
39 Trust Me!
40 A Livid Dream!
41 Our Bun!
42 It's all happens because of me!
43 We Don't Belong Together?!
44 Bun's Misery
45 NamJin's Conversation!
46 39. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 1
47 40. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 2
48 41. Main Culprit!
49 42. Bun's Magical Confession!
50 43. Head Over Heels!
51 44. Dangerous Double Bunny! Run!
52 45. Mr. Park's Wise Words
53 46. True Face!
54 47. Jimin's Miserable reality!
55 48. SeokJin's Promise
56 49. Bun's Baby Shower!
57 50. Bun's Worries
58 51. Start Of Their Fallacies!
59 52. Cycle Of Misfortune!
60 53. The Truth Untold!
61 54. Second Side of Coin!
62 55. Jungkook's Agony
63 56. End of their Fallacies!
64 57. The Proposal
65 58. Wedding Preparations!
66 59. The Wedding!
67 60. Our New Journey!

Updated 67 Episodes

The mall
Be my Mommy
New Boss
My Cold Hearted Boss
The Phone Call
Principal's Office
Hide And Seek
I Still Want You
Party With Taegi
String From The Past!
Under The Wings
Drunken Confession
Strawberry and Chocolate!!!
First Date
Dispatch Should Stop going around Jungkook!!!
Special Nickname!
Definition of Love
I Love You 3000
Moving Out?!
Conversation with Father-In-Law!
Rainy Day (Analysis)
I'm Sorry
Stealing The Thunder!!!
Good News!!!
Not Today!
Let Me Love You.
Into The Unknown!
Falling In Love With You Again!!
Precious Treasure
Our Flawless World!
Apology letter!
Trust Me!
A Livid Dream!
Our Bun!
It's all happens because of me!
We Don't Belong Together?!
Bun's Misery
NamJin's Conversation!
39. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 1
40. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 2
41. Main Culprit!
42. Bun's Magical Confession!
43. Head Over Heels!
44. Dangerous Double Bunny! Run!
45. Mr. Park's Wise Words
46. True Face!
47. Jimin's Miserable reality!
48. SeokJin's Promise
49. Bun's Baby Shower!
50. Bun's Worries
51. Start Of Their Fallacies!
52. Cycle Of Misfortune!
53. The Truth Untold!
54. Second Side of Coin!
55. Jungkook's Agony
56. End of their Fallacies!
57. The Proposal
58. Wedding Preparations!
59. The Wedding!
60. Our New Journey!


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