Drunken Confession

A smaller body was wrapped around the well built chest. His face was at the crock of the others neck. The older unknowingly pull the younger one’s tiny waist by his hand. The older open his eyes to find a very peaceful pretty face laying down in front of him. Jimin smile at the sleeping figure who was in his arms, his hand goes to caressing the younger's face. Jungkook’s hairs are covering his beautiful face, Jimin tug his hairs behind his ears before he kiss the forehead.

He was about to get up but stop when he saw Jungkook's movement, cause of his movement Jungkook also start to wake up. Jimin don't want to wake him up yet cause of their last night events. He knows the younger was tired and he need much more sleep today. So he slowly remove his hand which are wrapped around his tiny waist. He chuckled softly when he remembers something from last night.

"You're so cute 🥺 Jimin... This much cute that I can kiss you all day" Jungkook said coming closer to the elder, trying to kiss him. Jimin let him do anything he want until the younger's hand tug on his shirt. Saying him to remove it too, but Jimin doesn't let him.

He saw them clearly both are Top less, he blush a little when he again remember what exactly happened last night. He got up and goes to freshen up. After coming from shower, he goes to his kitchen to make some pancakes and Jungkook's favourite Banana milk. he slowly woke up the younger, caressing his face. He saw that the Younger was sleeping peacefully, a soft snore escape his mouth.

"Koo 🥺 sweetie wake up now" He said patting the youngers hair.

"Mmm... I Wanna Sleepu..." Jungkook blabber and again drift to sleep.

"No baby woke up now look I made you breakfast"

He woke up rubbing his cute little fist against his eyes. He slowly open his eyes and saw the love of his life Jimin was there with a tray full of pancakes. He smiles at the older before screaming loud as heck.

"Aaaaaaa..... WHY ARE YOU HERE?! WHERE AM I ??!?! WHY I'M NOT WEARING MY SHIRT?!!?? WHAT HAPPENED JIMIN!?!" He yelled loudly. He get up from the bed and find the clothes and wears them

"Aigo, this brat" said by Jimin and he put his plate at the side.

"It's because of you brat" he said running his hand through his hair.

W-what? What d-did we d-do last n-night? I know I can trust you for not doing anything without my concern but s-still" Jungkook said playing with the Hem of his shirt. Jimin was touch with his words but he decided to tease a little with the Younger.

"H-how can you say that Jungkook? When it was you who clearly want this to happen!!"

"You need to take responsibility of this Jungkook" Jimin said covering himself with his both hands like Jungkook gonna attack him soon.

"M-me? W-what d-did i-i do? I told you to do it? How?" The Younger said in a small voice. Here Jimin was cracking in the background.

"Yes... Jungkook it was all your wish *sniff* you who take advantage of my state" Jimin said fakeing a cry.

"What... i-i did?" Jungkook sank on the bed. Clutching his head in frustration. He can't believe he just lose his v card. It was not like he's complaining but he just can't remember anything what happened last night. He want to memorize the movement when he did with Jimin, but he can't remember anything. He pulled his leg up to his chest.

Jimin understand that Jungkook is feeling guilty, so he decided to tell him what happened.

"Do you feel any plain in your back or anywhere?" Jimin still ask him in sarcastic tone.

"N-no!" Jungkook said sobbing but he also get the hint what Jimin is saying.

"Wait w-what d-do you mean?" Jungkook ask again. Jimin come closer and sat beside him patting his hair.

"It means nothing happened" he said that and Jungkook hug him tightly crying so hard in his chest. Jimin chuckle on his cuteness and pat the boys head. After a while when Jimin successfully clam Jungkook down he told him everything.

What exactly happened yesterday


(A/N - LMAO flashback in flashback 😂)

Here Taemin was fluming in anger he was thinking about how to take revenge.

He saw the couple are smiling at each other, dancing hand in hand. And when Jimin pulled Jungkook to kiss on the lips Taemin broke the glass in frustration. He decided to take revenge against Jimin. If he can't hurt Jimin then he'll target Jungkook.

Jungkook was so naive and innocent as Jimin wanted to protect him from the world someone is here targeting him. Of course Taemin is going to hurt Jungkook but he thinks he can't attack him like physically, Jimin is here to protect him, so he decided to embarrass Jungkook.

If he succeed to embarrassed Jungkook then the younger will feel uncomfortable and he automatically create his distance with Jimin. Here Jikook don't have any idea what he was going to do. Both are so happy with each other that they didn't even think anything could go wrong.

"I'm thirsty" Jungkook said

"Do you want anything to drink baby, I can order" Jimin said patting the boys hair.

It was so comfortable for Jungkook that he lean in to the touch. He was sleepy cause of Jimin's patting on head.

"Just soft drink please" he said and the older goes to the bar counter before leaving Jungkook with his group.

Taemin order the waiter and tell him to Spike Jungkook's drink. When Jimin come near the bar he told the waiter to order beer for him and soft drink for Jungkook.

Taemin decided to spike Junkook's drink. when Jimin went to get the drink he glance toward the boy who was smiling with his friends when Jimin was watching the guy Taemin order the waiter to come toward him. And give him some money to spike the drink, the waiter node and did what he told, Jimin was'nt looking at the drinks when his drink got spike.

He said thank you to the waiter and goes to

the younger who was laughing cutely with others boys.

"Here you go Baby boy" Jimin said giving the soft drink to the brown hair male. the male blush when he heard the "Baby boy" word. He took the drink from his and gulp in a one go mumbling tasty to the blond hair boy.

other boys chukle on that, after some time Junkook start feeling dizzy. He put his hand on his head rubbing it, seeing Junkook

reaction Jimin got concern about it.

"Are you ok Baby" he asked the boy

"I'm ok Jimin, just feeling dizzy" he replied massaging his head a bit

"sit down Baby boy" Jimin said and Junkook obeyed him

"Jimin, im not feeling well can we go home please!" he asked the boy who was eyeing him in worried expression.

"ok Baby, as you say" Jimin get up and support Junkook to get up from his place. when Teamin came toward him holding them back

"where are you going Jimin? you can't go anywhere" Taemin said his voice was filled with hatred.

"Move Taemin! I have nothing to say to you, let us go." Jimin said moving with the younger.

"Why sweetheart, is your boy not feeling well?" he said and Jimin scoff in annoyence.

"Now i know why he's feeling like this, it was you right?! Who did this to him?"

"come on Jimin, i didn't do anything to your Baby boy" he try to touch the younger when Jimin remove his hand in anger.

"MOVE!!!" he yelled gain the crowds attention once again.

Seeing them again like this Yoongi shake his head and look at Tae who shrugged . Jin and Namjoon look at each other and when they saw Junkook like this they know Jimin is right this time. Hoseok run toward the boys. one was unconsius while the other was in flumming in anger.

"Jimin please let's go " Junkook plead the older, who look at him and node saying "yes Baby" he can't see his Baby like that.

Jimin lift him up in bridle style and give innocent eyes to Hoseok and said "Hobi Hyung, please can you drive my car for us?"

seeing Jimin pleading for the first time Hoseok said " Don't please me Jimin, let's go"

And they left the place. here Taemin was smiling like crazy " the drug just start to kick Jimin, you don't have any idea what will he do now!!!" he said and smirk evil way.

Jimin carried the boy toward the car, Hobi open the back sit door for them and Jimin gently put the boy in the back seat while he sit with him.

He hug the boy who was blabbering and whimpering "please don't touch me". Jimin assure him that he isn't going to do anything to the boy, when he feel Jimin's touch Junkook stop tensing and cuddle more closer to the elder.

Hoseok was eyeing them from the rare view mirror and smile seeing the couple. "You're in good hand Jimin" he mumble.

After they reach Park Jimin's mansion , Hobi informed them and Jimin again gently lift the younger in his arms and walk toward the house thanking Hoseok for the ride. Here Junkook was mumbling things which the elder can't understood.

He place the younger on the bed removing his shooes. "Jimin...." the younger started to wake up soon muturing his name.

"Hmm..." he hummed in responed. Junkook open his eyes, he moved toward where Jimin was sitting and lock his arms around the elder's neck

"Jimin, Jiminie...no! Dimmie!! yes Dimmie, I love Dimmie....Dimmie loves me then who is this Taemin? that asshole try to touch me" Junkook said and pout.

he was fully in drugs effect "Junkookie hate Taeminie! Taeminie is bad!!! Taeminie is obessesed with Diminie but Diminie likes Junkookie no Kookie

no no Koo, Diminie's Koo" Jungkook smile pout and Jimin faceplam himself when he heard the boys blabbering.

"Koo honey you should sleep, let's sleep ok! we'll talk tomorrow about this" he said pushing the boy toward bed.

"no... kookie want some kissi! kookie want kissi, kiss kookie" making a kiss face

"my lips and your lips perfectly fit together with each other, i want to kiss Diminie always! kiss kookie" Junkook pout again and Jimin just rolled his eyes and say "If i kiss you right now will you go to sleep?"

Jimin asked Junkook in a cute tone which result the boy obeying his saying he nodes again and again.

Jimin gently lift the younger, shift toward his lap. carrsing the younger's thigh he kiss him gently.

The plump lips meet the pinkish one sending the electric wave to both of them, There lips moves in sync, Jimin bit the younger's bottom lips asking for permision which Jungkook gave him easly. his tongue explore every bit of his mouth and Junkook moan in plessure. Junkook's hand goes to tug Jimin's shirt asking him to remove it.

Jimin knows what the younger is trying to say but he won't let the younger. he knows Jungkook not gonna regret it but still he want their first time to be memorable. he stop the younger and stop kissing him too.

when Jungkook pout he just chukle and said " no baby you only want the kiss! now go to sleep" he said and Jungkook pouted again.

"but Jimin...." he try to protest but Jimin didn't heard him and made him change into comfortable cloths. But when he change into comfortable cloths he throw up in the toilet and on Jimin and his shirt too. That's why they are shirtless when they go to sleep.

Junkook listen everything carefully before planting a kiss on Jimin's cheeks and murmured thank you to him, when he asked the younger why he simply said " for not thaking advantage of my state". Jimin shook his head and said " i would never Koo! your permision means everything for me"

The couple then eat the pancakes and spend the afternoon cuddling watching thier favorite movie.

End of the Chapter ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

A/N - I think it's very long. Koo and Minnie didn't do anything ( ꈍᴗꈍ). I bluff you again (◡ ω ◡).



Jin's Cupcake 🍰🐇

Jin's Cupcake 🍰🐇

you'll be gonna so happy happy coz there's a surprise in next chapter 😉



Midnight Rain

Midnight Rain

Wowwww!!! I love the way Diminie cares for Koo😍😍
But I was wondering when will the two of them wake up from their sleep in present??





yeah.......we want more😋😋😊😊😊



See all
1 Description
2 The mall
3 Troublemakers!!
4 Be my Mommy
5 New Boss
6 My Cold Hearted Boss
7 The Phone Call
8 Principal's Office
9 Hide And Seek
10 I Still Want You
11 Party With Taegi
12 String From The Past!
13 Under The Wings
14 Drunken Confession
15 Nightmare!!
16 Strawberry and Chocolate!!!
17 First Date
18 Announcement
19 Fireflies
20 Dispatch Should Stop going around Jungkook!!!
21 Special Nickname!
22 Definition of Love
23 I Love You 3000
24 Moving Out?!
25 Conversation with Father-In-Law!
26 Rainy Day (Analysis)
27 I'm Sorry
28 Stealing The Thunder!!!
29 Good News!!!
30 Not Today!
31 Attention
32 Let Me Love You.
33 Euphoria!!
34 Into The Unknown!
35 Falling In Love With You Again!!
36 Precious Treasure
37 Our Flawless World!
38 Apology letter!
39 Trust Me!
40 A Livid Dream!
41 Our Bun!
42 It's all happens because of me!
43 We Don't Belong Together?!
44 Bun's Misery
45 NamJin's Conversation!
46 39. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 1
47 40. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 2
48 41. Main Culprit!
49 42. Bun's Magical Confession!
50 43. Head Over Heels!
51 44. Dangerous Double Bunny! Run!
52 45. Mr. Park's Wise Words
53 46. True Face!
54 47. Jimin's Miserable reality!
55 48. SeokJin's Promise
56 49. Bun's Baby Shower!
57 50. Bun's Worries
58 51. Start Of Their Fallacies!
59 52. Cycle Of Misfortune!
60 53. The Truth Untold!
61 54. Second Side of Coin!
62 55. Jungkook's Agony
63 56. End of their Fallacies!
64 57. The Proposal
65 58. Wedding Preparations!
66 59. The Wedding!
67 60. Our New Journey!

Updated 67 Episodes

The mall
Be my Mommy
New Boss
My Cold Hearted Boss
The Phone Call
Principal's Office
Hide And Seek
I Still Want You
Party With Taegi
String From The Past!
Under The Wings
Drunken Confession
Strawberry and Chocolate!!!
First Date
Dispatch Should Stop going around Jungkook!!!
Special Nickname!
Definition of Love
I Love You 3000
Moving Out?!
Conversation with Father-In-Law!
Rainy Day (Analysis)
I'm Sorry
Stealing The Thunder!!!
Good News!!!
Not Today!
Let Me Love You.
Into The Unknown!
Falling In Love With You Again!!
Precious Treasure
Our Flawless World!
Apology letter!
Trust Me!
A Livid Dream!
Our Bun!
It's all happens because of me!
We Don't Belong Together?!
Bun's Misery
NamJin's Conversation!
39. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 1
40. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 2
41. Main Culprit!
42. Bun's Magical Confession!
43. Head Over Heels!
44. Dangerous Double Bunny! Run!
45. Mr. Park's Wise Words
46. True Face!
47. Jimin's Miserable reality!
48. SeokJin's Promise
49. Bun's Baby Shower!
50. Bun's Worries
51. Start Of Their Fallacies!
52. Cycle Of Misfortune!
53. The Truth Untold!
54. Second Side of Coin!
55. Jungkook's Agony
56. End of their Fallacies!
57. The Proposal
58. Wedding Preparations!
59. The Wedding!
60. Our New Journey!


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