Principal's Office

Jungkook rush out of Jimin's cabin, he come to his cabin and grab his stuff. Jungkook run towards his car only to find out that his car is out of fuel! Jungkook run his hand through his hair in frustration. Grabbing and pulling them together. He run towards the main road to find taxi but his bad luck there were no taxi at that time.

On the other hand Jimin told Taehyung that he's going to Jiwoon school. Taehyung asked worriedly what happened, Jimin just reply with anxious "He got injured".

Jimin rush towards the Company’s gate and went into the parking to find his car. He dismissed the Driver saying "Move" in a cold tone! He get into the car and was about to drive when he spot Jungkook sighing in frustration. Jimin drove toward Him and roll his car's windows down

"Hey, Koo" Jimin yelled trying to get His attention, but the boy didn't realize his attention and continue to search for an Cab.

"Jungkook-ah" Jimin shouted plus honk his car's horn so many times. And this time he gain the Younger's attention successfully.

"Jimin...I mean Boss" Jungkook said panting.

"There's no need to call me Boss" Jimin said shaking his head, then he saw Jungkook's eyes swim with tears and he panicked. He get out of his car and held Jungkook's hand in his and said "Koo, what's wrong?"

"Areum..." He just said this and Jimin feel his heart sank. Jimin start thinking Jungkook moved on and there's some girl in his life.

"Jimin, Areum...she...she" Jungkook said crying. Jimin made him to sit into his car and stare at the younger.

"What happened Kookie, please tell me baby" He cupped Jungkook's cheeks into his palm making Jungkook to face him.

"Jimin, Areum she... She's injured Jimin...."

"Who is she Jungkook? And where's is she" The older ask keeping clam with him

"She is...she is in St. Merry School Jimin, She needs me" Jungkook again said panicking. Jimin got confused if she was his girlfriend then, what's she's doing in the school? Maybe she's teacher over there he concluded.

"Baby don't cry and tell me who's Areum ???"

"Your daughter Jimin... Our Daughter!!!" Jungkook said almost yelled at him.

He said it, he said that Areum is Jimin and His daughter. Daughter? His daughter?

Jimin expression went from blank to Joy. He don't know how to react first. He wanted to celebrate his Joy that he has a daughter too but on the other hand he was worried and shocked knowing Jungkook lie to him about not telling him about his own daughter. But he don't know it's not Jungkook wish to hide Areum from him.

Jungkook started sobbing hard when the Older hug him making him to clam down. Jungkook melt in his arms and tells him "Jimin please, please take me to her"

"Baby don't cry. We'll go there ok. Okay baby?" Jimin ask him again and made him sit on the sit properly, wearing the sit belts.

Jungkook was still sobbing a little bit when Jimin started to drive so Jimin held his hand and squeeze it but not too hard. It's like I'll be here for you, always. Jungkook just look at Jimin don't know what to do since he knows about Areum.


Soon they reach at the front gate of St. Merry.

Jimin told Jungkook " Baby go inside I'll come when I will find the place to park the car" Jungkook nodes and get out of the car and run towards Areum's class where her teacher told him that she and Jiwoon are with Principal now.

"Principal?" He asked her again and she node saying "They both are injured".

By now Jimin also reach there and when he heard they both are injured he took the crying Jungkook in his arms, smoothing him back and forth. Making him clam down he said

"Baby... relax ok I'm here. Nothing is happened to our kids" Jungkook node buried himself more in Jimin's neck.

"Let's go to Principal office baby, shall we?!" He ask earning a node from Jungkook.

Both the babies are sitting Principal's office eating candy. Jikook hurriedly entered the Principal office after knocking on the door.

When Jungkook saw the both babies he ran towards them and they both yelled saying

"Mommy". Jungkook crunch down and hug both babies at once. He showered them with Kisses on both babies crying and kissing.

A big smile appears on his Pinkish lips when Jungkook saw that his babies are in good condition.

Jimin Just admire the view in front of him. Jungkook loving the both babies. Jiwoon finally, first time got His mother's love , he was so happy seeing the babies with Jungkook. And when he sees Areum carefully he knows she's his shadow. Jimin feels like his family is complete now!

"Are you ok babies, Where did you get injured?" Jungkook said checking them both. one by one he check the babies and he found out both are injured in there knees.

"How did My children's get injured Mam? I already said to take care of my babies" Jimin asked the Principal in strict tone regarding she's a principal he ask her in his cold CEO tone.

"Please calm down Mr. Park. I'll explain everything to you" she said in a fear tone.

Jimin made Jungkook sit on the chair who was still sniffling. He made the babies to sit with them too. Jiwoon was with Jungkook and Areum was with Jimin.There are other children parents too.

"Now, please explain!" Jimin said in a strict tone.

"Actually Mr. Park. Your daughter that is Areum was playing with her classmates when she sees that Jiwoon was getting bullied by few children's and then Areum try to protect Jiwoon from them. Your daughter is very strong Mr. Park" she said smiling and being proud of the child.

Jimin Pat the girls hair and Areum giggled by the effect. She started to like Jimin.

The principal thinks that Areum is Jimin's daughter cause they look exactly similar ! Jungkook was about to denied it but he shrugged and asked "And where are those bullies who bullied my Child?".

She gulped and said " There are over there" pointing at the other kids

The kids parents stood up and bow. They said sorry for there children behavior. They bowed again and again. Finally Jimin told them to stay away from their children and they leave.

Jimin held Areum's hand and Jungkook Jiwoon's and they both get out to leave the office. Principal again said sorry to Jimin.

"Remember my words if anything happens to Jiwoon or Areum again I'll buy your little kindergarden and convert it into an Hotel." Jimin worn them.

Well Jimin already give them ultimatum if anything happens to Jiwoon he'll turn their school into Hotel.

(Hahaha Evil Park Jimin 😈)

Jikook left the office and came toward there car when Jungkook ask Areum " Tell me Areum , you try to bullied that kids first right?"

"No Mommy, Areum-ah save me" Jiwoon said.

"Baby, tell me again what happened" Jimin said

"Daddy, those big fat boys came towards me when I was playing on swings. They push me and then Areum came and gave them a punch. Woho Areum is so strong Daddy!!" Jiwoon said and action the punch . Areum was shushing him cause she knows she is in trouble now.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes and see her through the Rare view mirror. Areum gulped but Jimin handle the situation saying"Baby, let it go. She just try to protect her baby brother"

"Don't baby me, I'm not your baby Jimin." Jungkook said eyeing the man in front of him.

"Why Mommy is shouting at Daddy?" Jiwoon ask Areum.

"Don't know, maybe Mommy don't like Daddy" Areum said and with her little hand she shrugged.

"DON'T CALL HIM DADDY Areum" Jungkook said shouting

"Why not! If Jiwoon can call you mommy then what's wrong with me calling him Daddy?" Areum shout back.

"Hump" Areum said. Her hands close to her chest and cheeks are red with anger.

"Young lady...." Jungkook said but Jimin stop him in middle

"It's ok Baby, Areum-ah you can call me Daddy as you want" Jimin said.

"She's just calling her father, what's wrong with that baby?" Jimin asked the boy.

"Hump, Jimin don't teach the child anything"

"She's just calling her Father, there nothing wrong with that"

And they started to argue like a cute couple. Both babies laugh seeing their parents.

But suddenly "Daddy Ice cream" both babies yelled at one time.

"No. No ice cream for both of you" Jungkook said and hump again.

"It's ok baby, Areum needs her reward for protecting her baby brother" Jimin said and the babies cheers out loud.

"But Jimin..." Jungkook try to protest but Jimin cut him of again.

"They'll get what they want, after all they are Park babies" Jimin said in flirting with Jungkook reminding him that they are His "Park Jimin's" Children's. Jungkook smile wipe from his face when he heard the 'Park children's' thing. He don't like it. Cause he knows Areum and Jungkook can never be a part of Park family. But Jimin was there to change this thing.

Jimin shook the younger and ask "Are you ok baby?" Jungkook just node and said "Don't call me Baby".

"I will ! Don't argue with me on that now".

After hearing this Jungkook eyes dab with tears but Jimin hold his hand and give a lit squeeze to him.

"Come on now Honeybun " Jimin called him Honeybun after so many years and Jungkook blush by the nick name.

Soon they get of the car to get Ice cream.



Author Note -

Do you like the Chapter? They are not Jikook movements in last few chapters that's why I made this one fluff.

Preview - Jikook spend some quality time together.





I like this story so far





Ahhh my ship is sailing





I loved this story when I read this story I feel very happy



See all
1 Description
2 The mall
3 Troublemakers!!
4 Be my Mommy
5 New Boss
6 My Cold Hearted Boss
7 The Phone Call
8 Principal's Office
9 Hide And Seek
10 I Still Want You
11 Party With Taegi
12 String From The Past!
13 Under The Wings
14 Drunken Confession
15 Nightmare!!
16 Strawberry and Chocolate!!!
17 First Date
18 Announcement
19 Fireflies
20 Dispatch Should Stop going around Jungkook!!!
21 Special Nickname!
22 Definition of Love
23 I Love You 3000
24 Moving Out?!
25 Conversation with Father-In-Law!
26 Rainy Day (Analysis)
27 I'm Sorry
28 Stealing The Thunder!!!
29 Good News!!!
30 Not Today!
31 Attention
32 Let Me Love You.
33 Euphoria!!
34 Into The Unknown!
35 Falling In Love With You Again!!
36 Precious Treasure
37 Our Flawless World!
38 Apology letter!
39 Trust Me!
40 A Livid Dream!
41 Our Bun!
42 It's all happens because of me!
43 We Don't Belong Together?!
44 Bun's Misery
45 NamJin's Conversation!
46 39. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 1
47 40. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 2
48 41. Main Culprit!
49 42. Bun's Magical Confession!
50 43. Head Over Heels!
51 44. Dangerous Double Bunny! Run!
52 45. Mr. Park's Wise Words
53 46. True Face!
54 47. Jimin's Miserable reality!
55 48. SeokJin's Promise
56 49. Bun's Baby Shower!
57 50. Bun's Worries
58 51. Start Of Their Fallacies!
59 52. Cycle Of Misfortune!
60 53. The Truth Untold!
61 54. Second Side of Coin!
62 55. Jungkook's Agony
63 56. End of their Fallacies!
64 57. The Proposal
65 58. Wedding Preparations!
66 59. The Wedding!
67 60. Our New Journey!

Updated 67 Episodes

The mall
Be my Mommy
New Boss
My Cold Hearted Boss
The Phone Call
Principal's Office
Hide And Seek
I Still Want You
Party With Taegi
String From The Past!
Under The Wings
Drunken Confession
Strawberry and Chocolate!!!
First Date
Dispatch Should Stop going around Jungkook!!!
Special Nickname!
Definition of Love
I Love You 3000
Moving Out?!
Conversation with Father-In-Law!
Rainy Day (Analysis)
I'm Sorry
Stealing The Thunder!!!
Good News!!!
Not Today!
Let Me Love You.
Into The Unknown!
Falling In Love With You Again!!
Precious Treasure
Our Flawless World!
Apology letter!
Trust Me!
A Livid Dream!
Our Bun!
It's all happens because of me!
We Don't Belong Together?!
Bun's Misery
NamJin's Conversation!
39. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 1
40. Taegi's Wedding Pt. 2
41. Main Culprit!
42. Bun's Magical Confession!
43. Head Over Heels!
44. Dangerous Double Bunny! Run!
45. Mr. Park's Wise Words
46. True Face!
47. Jimin's Miserable reality!
48. SeokJin's Promise
49. Bun's Baby Shower!
50. Bun's Worries
51. Start Of Their Fallacies!
52. Cycle Of Misfortune!
53. The Truth Untold!
54. Second Side of Coin!
55. Jungkook's Agony
56. End of their Fallacies!
57. The Proposal
58. Wedding Preparations!
59. The Wedding!
60. Our New Journey!


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