

Chapter one

Once upon a time,there was no rules and regulations in the second planet of the solar system,Venus. Everyone could do whatever they want,no strings attached. Really.

It's venustastic!

Imagine visiting all the plants in the galaxy and meeting aliens,if they're there, ofcourse! I'd love to leave this putrid piece of shit and travel all around gathering..knowledge.

They say it was the 'dark days' when there were no rules and regulations,because it was chaotic.I say it was the only golden days. Rules ruin all the fun.

Everyone needs a little fun In their life.

Seriously. Who needs rules?

"You are never to look at,or even think of trying to see the other planets.Knowledge is the biggest sin."

Mrs. Star looked at me pointedly as if saying 'yeah that one's for you' while reading the same 'ol Regime that they practically shove in our head.

Because, of course, you are never ever to go against the authority. It's what we do!

We are mini robots of the authority,ready to wag our tails anytime they please.

Getting out of my mental haze,I gave Star a I-dont-know-what-youre-talking-about look.

But ofcourse,she didn't fall for it..

Ha. Guess she knows better than to fall for my innocent looks now.

I must say she is one of the kindest VA to let me live for as long as I have already,even after she caught me trying to accidentally sneak-a-peek in the grand room which is a kill-on-sight zone for us maggots.

I stared at the green sky of Venus, I know it's a dangerous game to play for a low breeder like me to try to look at universe, perhaps even deathly..but I don't know. It's like I have to see it for myself.

Even if it cost me my life.

The teacher was in middle of a lecture when the grand bell rang, making all the students jump from their seats and I could feel everyone present in the room look at me,with that What-has-she-done-now look.

"I didn't do anything.what,got any problem?" I raised my eyebrow at the kid in front who flushed, and turned away.

I swear,being the problematic-kid ain't no easy job.

"Aww c'mon man,let me go! I didn't do anything!"

And suddenly, just like that,a wrecking shiver ran through me as the sound rang through my ears,again and again and again as if I'm in a nightmare.

Please dear Benjamin, don't let it be him..

Sure enough, I saw two guard bots dragging in a very dirty boy draped in a layer of..oh shit.Don't tell me, it's silver necter...

I wanted to slam my head in the bench, couldn't he be more obvious?This is bad.

"Agent 6632, this is Xeon Quad reporting. I found.." the guard bot started muttering in a monotone voice as he slammed the little boy's head to the bench hard enough to draw blood,as if it's his warming up call. "This maggot named Zacharias Easton in the third quarter, trying to grab onto the bottle of the silver necter."

Then he did something that made my blood pressure rise up dangerously,he kicked Zach in the ribs making him cry harder than he was already doing.

"Did you caught him red-handed,agent Xeon?"

I didn't have to look to know that Star has her hawk eyes on me when she said those words."Maybe there was some misunderstanding,by any chance?"

"No,agent 6632,I found him trying to grab onto the jar myself."

The bot tapped his chest,as if he has a heart there and smiled as it handed Star a disc that supposedly has the evidence.

"Very well,then."

The whole room was so silent I'm sure you could hear a pin dropping as I watched Star put handcuffs on Zach. His right eye was swollen blue,and the cut in his forehead had made a bloody mess on his face. But that wasn't what made my skin crawl, it was the way he was looking...right at me.

Save me.

It was written all over his eyes.

A sob made it's way out of my chest,and before I could stop it,a fat tear dropped from my eyes. I clenched my fists by my side as I stood by all the students that is looking at Zach, with a somewhat anxious and yet amusing look as he begs Star to let him go.

Bullshit. This is all bullshit.

I didn't wait around to see them drag him down the corridor to the secret sectors where they torment the rebellious maggots.

I just grabbed my backpack, and rushed out the window.

"Andy!Save me..."

I heard a thundering sound and his voice was lost as I kept running the other way.

It's always been like this. **** the Venusian Agency! **** their rules!

I rushed till I was away from the people's (and bots) eyesight before slamming backpack to one of the pillars.

I kicked at the rubble, making a good 3 cm hole in the floor as I kicked at the floor again.

They're just waiting for us to try, only so that they can kill us like some bloodthirsty demons!

They don't give us any privilege, and they want us to be their good pet! That's what it's always been.

You're born a maggot, don't question anything, don't see anything, and follow the damn rules..or you die.

Fucking convenient.

I sat down beside the piller and slammed my head, I can't believe they would do that to Zach.

He's only 14 years old, just got his birthday the past day even. I haven't known him for long,but the little guy is very curious about things,so I told him what little I have known about the planet 4, and the universe.

Since then he used to come to my house everyday, and we would always look at the sky and talk about the world. That has been my hobby for years now.

He's like a brother for me,the only person I can call family.

"I'm not letting you die down there like that,little guy.I will save you."

I whispered to myself,my mind suddenly clear as daylight as if I've been rebelling the agency for years.

I mean,sure. Stealing silver necter and being a pain the *** of the academic students is a thing,but trying to rescue someone from the hands of hundreds of deathly robots that can kill you in a flash, and the Elite guards that guard the torture chambers is completely another thing.

However,they don't have something I have this time. The undeniable fact that he's family.

I don't know if it's because he's like a brother,or just that he's alone like me..or the fact that the source of his curiosity which fucked it all up in the first place is me, I feel obligated to save him.Responsible,even.

Even if I don't live this down, I'll make an example in the normal people.

"Hey look,it was that crazy maggot who got killed by the mighty bots because she tried saving another maggot. Talk about hopeless! Don't ever think of breaking the rules,or you will end up like her."

kicking open the door, I thought.

Well,suicide mission,here I go. I'm coming for you VA.

With the happy thought, I walked inside.



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