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Author Name: Shreya


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Author Name: Shreya

well.. what if I say there's life in Venus?Hell no?Hell yes?
and what if..I say they wonder about us too?
sounds great, nah? I think so too!

Andromeda Galaxy (no I'm not talking about the galaxy itself) is a Venusian who loves looking at us lovely earthlings from up there. That's what she's always dreamt of,to see it for herself,even if she knows she will never live that down if anyone knows.
She just doesn't know what's so special about earth that Venusian Agency is going gung-ho to stop people from looking at it,or knowing about.
But she plans to find out, sooner or later.

Join her in a thrilling adventure of breaking rules, deathly experience and a hell of a kickass sci fi actions.

NovelToon got authorization from Shreya to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

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