The Delta Is Mine

The Delta Is Mine


Origin of Werewolves

Gaia the mother of earth, creator of living things, always loved to explore earth every so hundred years when the dark night is red like a ruby. This time she visited a small village Werensburg. She was horrified when she found that her creations, humans, were slaughtering all the wolves in the neighbouring mountains, for they thought they were higher beings and wolves were just desposible creatures in life.

Gaia was outraged at this fact and cursed all in this town that they will become the creatures what they see worthless in life!

As Gaia spoke, the curse spread through the town. It started with the nearest family... that night, multiple screams escaped the houses of the town. For everyone the curse touched their bones shattered and their skin transform into a new being - a wolf, with superior strength and height. The terror didn't stop there, for most of these creatures have a beast soul attached, confusion and fear spread through the town resulting into a massacre.

The next morning Gaia found bodies all around the town, only the strong survived..... Gaia then realized her creation would just spill more blood. She decided to bless them, giving them the ability to shift between their two forms and two souls. These creatures she named werewolves.

A few hundred years later an abnormally powerful werewolf was conceived and could not be defeated by any rival. He was crowned Alpha King of werewolves and many lone werewolves started forming similar packs inferior to the Alpha King's.

The Goddess Luna was pleased with this ultimate creation and soon fell in love with him. Gaia, who despised her creation forbid Luna to approach them. Luna wasn't pleased, not being able to go to her soul mate, she disobeyed Gaia and descended from the sky world of immortality to mortality. Luna soon found her beloved and got married, much to Gaia's dismay. Luna wished, every werewolf to find a mate, and truly be loved. Gaia saw a new side of her creation, that only Luna could bring out, a more gentle, loving and peaceful nature. As for Luna, she disobeyed Gaia and could only live a mortal life and passed away a few years later - bringing a peaceful life to an end. Gaia was pleased with Luna and formed the moon, as silver as her beloved sisters hair, saying "let my sister's wish come true - every werewolf would have a mate. A being that will complete the other!"




Hi guys, I'm the auther, I hope you guys will love reading this story as much as I enjoyed to write it. I wouldn't have originally have posted my story, I'm self-conscious, but I'm in a tough spot money wise and decided that the possibility of making money is better then no way to make money. I know for alot of you guys these words probably just sounds like I'm begging, but I only hope you guys can share this story so that I could make a few bucks🙈

Enjoy the rest of the story





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