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The Delta Is Mine


Origin of Werewolves

Gaia the mother of earth, creator of living things, always loved to explore earth every so hundred years when the dark night is red like a ruby. This time she visited a small village Werensburg. She was horrified when she found that her creations, humans, were slaughtering all the wolves in the neighbouring mountains, for they thought they were higher beings and wolves were just desposible creatures in life.

Gaia was outraged at this fact and cursed all in this town that they will become the creatures what they see worthless in life!

As Gaia spoke, the curse spread through the town. It started with the nearest family... that night, multiple screams escaped the houses of the town. For everyone the curse touched their bones shattered and their skin transform into a new being - a wolf, with superior strength and height. The terror didn't stop there, for most of these creatures have a beast soul attached, confusion and fear spread through the town resulting into a massacre.

The next morning Gaia found bodies all around the town, only the strong survived..... Gaia then realized her creation would just spill more blood. She decided to bless them, giving them the ability to shift between their two forms and two souls. These creatures she named werewolves.

A few hundred years later an abnormally powerful werewolf was conceived and could not be defeated by any rival. He was crowned Alpha King of werewolves and many lone werewolves started forming similar packs inferior to the Alpha King's.

The Goddess Luna was pleased with this ultimate creation and soon fell in love with him. Gaia, who despised her creation forbid Luna to approach them. Luna wasn't pleased, not being able to go to her soul mate, she disobeyed Gaia and descended from the sky world of immortality to mortality. Luna soon found her beloved and got married, much to Gaia's dismay. Luna wished, every werewolf to find a mate, and truly be loved. Gaia saw a new side of her creation, that only Luna could bring out, a more gentle, loving and peaceful nature. As for Luna, she disobeyed Gaia and could only live a mortal life and passed away a few years later - bringing a peaceful life to an end. Gaia was pleased with Luna and formed the moon, as silver as her beloved sisters hair, saying "let my sister's wish come true - every werewolf would have a mate. A being that will complete the other!"




Hi guys, I'm the auther, I hope you guys will love reading this story as much as I enjoyed to write it. I wouldn't have originally have posted my story, I'm self-conscious, but I'm in a tough spot money wise and decided that the possibility of making money is better then no way to make money. I know for alot of you guys these words probably just sounds like I'm begging, but I only hope you guys can share this story so that I could make a few bucks🙈

Enjoy the rest of the story

Chapter 1 : The Attack

My eyes flash open, as our border anxious mind-links to the pack.

Moonlight is coming! Sensing the fear in the mind-link, I jump out of bed, dashing through the corridor to my father and mother's room. I was the daughter of the Alpha and Luna, which made me the future She-Alpha of Ferrals, our pack name.

I burst through their door, seeing my father and mother already dressed and was about to leave as I entered, I didn't enter to tell them no, I entered to beg them to stay!

"Don't go! You won't make a difference there, we could just run." I was right, it won't make a difference, but in my pack, we were more wolf then human. Don't get me wrong, we could talk and enjoyed to be in human form, but we were taught from pup to live plainly on our instincts. Most of us, including me has never seen non-shifters, let alone cities full of them!

I can see the sympathy in my parents' eyes instinctly knowing the answer. I feel my eyes start watering, allowing a stray tear roll over my cheek.

"Ooh, my dear, don't cry.... we as the Alpha and Luna should be out there fighting alongside our pack, its the wolf way, you will understand in time." Said my mom, her voice that miraculously never betrays any panic, even though it shows all over her face.

I glanced over her shoulder to my dad, who looks impatient, probably annoyed, by my presence preventing them to go fight. In our culture, the strongest wolf will fight and hunt, including the Alpha. While the others protect the pups.

I'm now 17, still considered a pup, although I'm the best fighter in my class! Dad wouldn't allow me to fight, not a chance!

As mother gently push me to the side, allowing them to get through the door. My father glared at me releasing his Alpha pressure, warning me not to go after them or do something stupid. I was known for allowing my wolf much more control then most, giving me a tendency to break a lot of rules!


It's been two hours, I don't think any fighting has seriously begun because I haven't felt any pain.... In our pack we have a spiritual connection, a bond that allows us to mind-link and share our emotions. Once there was a rogue attack and managed to kill one of our warriors, that moment many pack members, if not all of them, let out a whine escape their mouthes I could still remember the pain like someone tore out a piece of the bond. The closer you are to the person the more it hurts....

Suddenly a mind-link down the line notifying everyone that it was at the west border, instantly I felt a pain! Is he dead? Minutes passed, just when we recovered a different person dies. I try to keep myself calm knowing my dad and mom is still alive, but each member who die is like taking a punch in the gut... some people were asked over, even some out my class.... weaker then me of course, which pissed me off.

I could feel my wolf getting more out of control inside me, when a heart-dropping pain in my chest appeared. I could barely breath.....

What just happened? I mind-linked mom.

Honey, you need to run. Go to moms' previous pack, up in the north! We can only hold them off so much..... I could feel the sadness in the mind-link. I tried to find out more info, but she shut her own mind. Wolves could do it if they concentrate really hard.

I tried to mind-link dad still trying to figure out what that heart-breaking pain was, which left hollow feeling in my heart. I tried but nothing went through..... wait! Was that.... no it can't be, can it?

I look to my right, the whole family on their knees crying their eyes out, it was him.... dead! I couldn't stop my tears now. My wolf howling inside making it hard to think of what comes next.... mom said to run away, but it goes against our believes to run! Mom was originally from Silver Wolf pack and grew up with a different culture, she sometimes tried to teach me, but rebellious me, didn't try to pay attention.

So I'm left with two choices either stay and obey our law, or, follow my mom's wishes?

Chapter 2 : The Decision

I'm now left with two choices, either follow my packs law, or, trust my mom?

It's hard to think clear as every 30 second someone else's bond is torn! I walk to the field stopping at the edge of the woods. The woods looks hauntly at night, especially tonight. I turn to my left and mid run shift in my gray wolf charging into the woods towards my mother, she might be super pissed and I will let her be, but I knew I can't lose her too! Me and mother were close while dad always put pack matters before family....

As I run past every tree, dodging the low hanging branches recognizing each one from our multiple training lessons in these very woods, that's being attacked. I can feel my wolf taking control, for my emotions isn't under control.

I stop, smelling the air, listening to the wolves growling and breaking benches about two miles ahead. I was about to head over when another sound catches my attention .... a wolf running to my very spot, closing the distance fast! What should I do?

I close my eyes to concentrate smelling every smell focusing my hearing on the nearing wolf left, he's too close!

I decide to run, but it's to late.... I watch as the ginger-wolf leap from behind the tree in my direction, am I gonna die today, right know? A white flash, so fast my eyes couldn't follow, it leaped right into the wolf throwing it away from me against a tree.

As his body touches the bark he lets out a yelp of pain while sliding down to the ground, I watch his unconscious wolf shift back into his human form, butt *****! I turn my head away just to stare into the white wolf's eyes that just saved me, it's the Beta, Caroline, my father's right hand and best friend.

I walk towards her. She lets out a growl powerfully enough to force me into taking two steps backwards.... did mom send her?

Miss Leah, your mother told you to run away from us, not to us!

I can feel the anger through the mind-link, she was probably fighting when my mom told her to come save me.

But I don't want mom to die here as well......

Her eyes darken to my comment. Then the sudden pain in my chest! I crouch down unable to breath and my vision is going blurry, wat happened! I tilt my head up to look at Caroline, to see her reaction. She seemed to lose the ability to stand, could this mean.... that mom's..... dead? Closing my eyes trying to feel her presence... nothing, I feel nothing. Another tear rolls down my furry face. An involuntary howl escapes my thought.

My face shoots to Caroline, as she lets out a growl telling me to stop, first I was confused, then I understood... I understood everything, her nervous posture, indicating I just attracted the attention of three wolves in the area of four miles.

Run as fast as you can, NOW!

Practically screaming the last word to my mind!

Run?! You want me to go against the wolf way? Stand strong together, die together, right!? That's what you taught us from middle school! And now you want me to go against the very thing that was burned into our minds?

I could feel even my mind-link's becoming emotional. I let out the pressure inside me forcing her to bow her head.

You can stay and fight and most definitely die today or you can ran escape and avenge your fallen family and pack.

Her words, it sounds so wise! No wonder Father had her as his Beta, but what do I do?

Please Leah, decide now! They are coming, I'll fend them off long enough for you to escape, don't look back, just run!

What's with that dominearing tone?

I make the split second choice to run and survive and fight another day. As I run away, I hear Caroline starting to engage in a fight, allowing me to run away!

Guilt, fear and anger is all I can feel, not the pain of each pack member to die. No only fear, anger and guilt! Guilt, because I felt my pack, the pack I was suppose to lead, but abandoned. Anger, to Moonlight killing my pack and family, leaving me all alone in the world. And fear of being alone, uncertain if I can find mom's previous pack never mind them helping me!

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