Twin Doctors Becomes My Sugar Daddys
Cooper and Carter missed their mom
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Sir,go inside,I'll wait hear
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
No come with me
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
Mama ~ with bright smile and hug him
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
How are you mama it's been years
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
I'm good ,i decided to live with you and cooper
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
Thank you mama
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
Baby ,how are you
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
I'm good mama ,where is dad
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
He was in a meeting
Augustus and Carter forgot about cassius and talking
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
Hello cooper
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Hello Brother
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Mama is hear , come to my cabin
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
coming brother
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Mama, i missed you ~tears gathered
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
Baby, don't ~wiping his tears
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
You and dad said that you will come fast when you left from hear
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
But you came after 5 years
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
I really missed you mama
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
Sorry baby ,I'm hear right . so, don't be sad
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~they totally forgot about me
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~ I wish I too have a family like them
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~ tears forming
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~slowly goes from there
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
Hey wait don't go
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~Didnt listen go outside
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Who is it mom
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
i don't know his name, he was Carter assistant
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
Oh that boy name is Cassius
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
how you know him mama
Augustus (omega ML's mom)
He show me the direction and also come with me
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
Do you want to talk with him
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
Yes baby
Carter justin Enigma (ML)
I'll call him
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~continously crying about his mom and dad