Twin Doctors Becomes My Sugar Daddys
Cooper thinks cassy ugly
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
it's non of your business,get lost from hear
Sorry sir ~bow his head and took cassy with him
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
~ahh f* ck,is he my mate
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
I'm hard
And do self mas* rubate to control himself
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
He isn't good,he has a scar on his face 💬
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
I don't like him,he is ugly 💬
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~Put on iv drip and inject pheromones controller
Hey ,how are you feeling now
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
I'm good, what happened to me
You are fainted due to lack of energy
is this your rut time
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Actually,i have a problem with my rut,it was irregular
Ok ,i think you are entering into your rut
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Why ,i didnt feel anything
Actually,you are spreading your pheromones all over M.D room
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Oh god
Mr Cooper grant 2 weeks leave
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Ok 😀
You may rest for now, after you can go
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
I'm happy that i got 2 weeks leave,they don't know I have only 1 week rut time*thinking and giggling*
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~signing to leave
Ashley allen
hey I am new in reading omegaverse can you explain me what is the nut time?