Twin Doctors Becomes My Sugar Daddys
cassy in pain
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~still standing
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
~ego slightly satisfied
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
~having his food
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~smells the food
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~stomach rumbles
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
~watching Cassius,hey you go and eat your food don't look at mine ,i got indigestion
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
I'm not watching you sir,i won't go to eat ,i have so many files to report
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
~ego satisfied by his answer
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~continuing his work
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Are you completed the files
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
No sir ,it takes some time
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
May i submit Tommorow
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Ok ,you can submit tommorow.but you have to stand until you complete your work
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Ok sir
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
Anyway ,I'm going, see there
Cooper justin Enigma (ML)
I'm watching at you ,if you sat by any chance .get ready for your resignation
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
Ok sir,i won't sit
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~legs trembles due to heavy pain
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
~ahh in pain
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
This internship is important to me
Cassius Nathaniel Alpha (MC)
I have to do this