As they finished their meal, everyone sat comfortably on nearby couches..
Akash (ML DAD)
Soo.. *signal Nisha to say something*
Nisha (ML MOM)
Yeah I mean *signal him back to say*
Bhumika (FL)
Is there any problem ma?
Nisha (ML MOM)
No no.. There's no problem..
Nisha (ML MOM)
it's just there's something we wanted to talk about..
Bhumika (FL)
yeah say *smile*
Akash (ML DAD)
But I want you to think carefully and answer after that..
Akash (ML DAD)
No need to take pressure or something..
Bhumika (FL)
Baba.. Now you're making me scared..
Nisha (ML MOM)
*chuckles* no need to be..
Nisha (ML MOM)
Actually we're kind of afraid.. To talk about this matter.. *murmur*
Oh come on guys *rolled her eyes* Okay... Let me ask her..
*held bhumi's hand in her* Bhumi..
Bhumika (FL)
Yeah.. *look at her with doe eyes *
You know right, you're my best friend..
Bhumika (FL)
obviously.. You're my bestie for life.. And I have only one true friend..
Hey.. Not in my face..
Bhumika (FL)
*chuckles* sorry..
Bhumika (FL)
I have a new friend too..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Gosh.. We're running out of the topic..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Divyansh (ML BFF)
We have a proposal for you..
Akash (ML DAD)
okay fine.. Let me ask..
Bhumika (FL)
what's happening?
Akash (ML DAD)
So we're asking..
Akash (ML DAD)
If you're willing to get married to our son?
Nisha (ML MOM)
Will you marry Adi and be our daughter in law?
Bhumika (FL)
*too shocked to react*
Nisha (ML MOM)
As your baba said , no need to pressurize yourself..
Akash (ML DAD)
Yes.. No matter what your answer is.. you'll always be our daughter..
Aditya (ML)
*clear his throat*
All attention went to him..
Aditya (ML)
We need to talk.. *look at everyone* In private..
Both of them came inside Bhumika's room..
Aditya (ML)
*signed bhumika to sit*
Bhumika (FL)
*sat on the chair*
Aditya (ML)
*Stood near the open window..*
Bhumika (FL)
*still lost in thoughts*
Aditya (ML)
Bhumika.. *called out her name*
Aditya (ML)
*let out a sigh and sat in front of her in a chair* You heard what my parents said..
Bhumika (FL)
*nod slowly* I did..*said like a whisper*
Aditya (ML)
As my baba said, no need to take pressure..
Aditya (ML)
They wanted me to get married for a long time..
Aditya (ML)
It's just, I never had a girlfriend and They couldn't find the one for me..
Aditya (ML)
You know about my profession, There's nothing to hide from you..
Aditya (ML)
But, we can't just tell anyone about this.. And I don't want to disclose my real identity in front of everyone..
Aditya (ML)
For the world, Aditya And Helios are both different person..
Bhumika (FL)
hmm *nod lightly*
Aditya (ML)
My life is full of risk *serious tone* I don't know if I can see the next day or not..
Bhumika (FL)
*look at him with an unreadable expression*
Aditya (ML)
Anyone related to me is equally in danger like me..
Aditya (ML)
There are a lot of people who want me to die..
Aditya (ML)
It's not the gang but also some people in this industry too..
Aditya (ML)
They don't leave a chance to attack me or my family..
Aditya (ML)
My family is my strength but they are my weakness too..
Aditya (ML)
I don't want to put anyone at risk anymore..
Aditya (ML)
That's why I never wanted to get married..
Bhumika (FL)
I can understand *nod a little*
Aditya (ML)
*look at her and smiled*but..
Bhumika (FL)
*⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄*(his smile is so pretty)
Aditya (ML)
But in this case, It's something different.. *look at her eyes without blinking*
Bhumika (FL)
*blushingly furiously* Why? *asked softly*
Aditya (ML)
*held her hand in his hand*
Bhumika (FL)
*Ears turns red*
Aditya (ML)
पसंद करते हैं आपको.. (I like you) *Said softly*
Bhumika (FL)
*look at him with wide eyes*
Aditya (ML)
From the first day we met, I felt a connection.. It may feel like a lie.. But it's not..
Aditya (ML)
When you disappeared, I searched for you everywhere I could do..
Aditya (ML)
I know it's my fault that I couldn't find you..
Bhumika (FL)
It's not your fault
Bhumika (FL)
No-one can ever do.. They caged me in my own room.. *said almost like a whisper*
Aditya (ML)
Now.. It's up to you..
Aditya (ML)
you know me.. You know about my life.. My family, friends my work..
Aditya (ML)
Any decision you make , we'll support you..
Bhumika (FL)
*words are going above her head* *looking at their joint hands*
Aditya (ML)
*look at where she's looking and smile* But I would like to know one thing that you don't know about me..
Aditya (ML)
I'm a very possessive type of person.. I have bad anger issues.. I just control them with all my will..
Aditya (ML)
So Think carefully before making any decision.. I'll give you some time if you want..
Aditya (ML)
*left her hands slowly and stood up from the chair* I'll wait outside..
And He left while glancing at her for the last time..