Bhumika (FL)
I'm grateful to you God..
Bhumika (FL)
I'm grateful to have a friend like Nidhi..
Bhumika (FL)
I'm grateful to receive the parents love I always craved for
Bhumika (FL)
Thank you for saving me from them..
Bhumika (FL)
thank you for sending Mr Agarwal to save me..
Bhumika (FL)
But why does it feel so wrong to be back in my house?
Bhumika (FL)
why do I want to go back there!
Bhumika (FL)
Am I being greedy?
Bhumika (FL)
Will I be called greedy if I want the care I received there..
Bhumika (FL)
Is it okay to want to lean on someone's shoulder?
Bhumika (FL)
I'm tired of being strong..
Bhumika closed her eyes and hugged her knees..
she was sitting on the balcony in a chair.. Hugging her knees to her chest.. Closing her eyes, feeling that soothing breeze..
The moonlight fell on her.. And a tear drop escaped from her eyes..
Bhumika and Sam were running from the kitchen to the dining table.. And vice versa..
Finally they stopped after a few minutes.. And sat on the chairs while taking deep breaths..
They looked at the table and smiled in satisfaction.
We did a good job..
Bhumika (FL)
We surely did..
Bhumika (FL)
I wonder when they will come..
Don't worry.. They'll come soon..
Before that happens.. Let me freshen up..
Bhumika came out of the room wearing a simple Churidar..
And Sam wore her comfortable clothes..
you're looking beautiful..
Bhumika (FL)
*gets shy* Thank you..
*chuckles* No need to be shy my lady..
Bhumika (FL)
Shut up *push her playfully*
*laughed out loud*
Sam ran towards the door..
Boss you came..
She stood aside and Bhumika's eyes went to the man standing there..
Bhumika (FL)
Mr Agarwal (He looks good in casual clothes too )
Aditya came towards her and patted her head a little..
Bhumika (FL)
*blush* I'm fine..
Bhumika (FL)
Where are the others?
Aditya (ML)
They're coming in another car..
Aditya (ML)
We came in another car..
Bhumika frowned her eyebrows in confusion.. Then she looked at Adi's back..
Subham (PA OF ML)
Hi di.. *said from behind*
We are also here..
Sweta Nayak (VIKRAM'S WIFE)
But I think you didn't notice us as you were busy with looking at the boss..
Bhumika (FL)
*blush* it's nothing like that.. I just.. Come in.. Please..
Bhumika dragged Sweta inside the house holding her hands..
Soon the others also joined them..
Nidhi and Bhumika shared a warm hug..
Oh my god Bhumi.. I missed you so much..
Bhumika (FL)
*giggle* We just met each other two days ago..
That doesn't matter
Bhumika (FL)
Yeah right.. *smile* I missed you too..
Akash (ML DAD)
No one missed us.. Let's go wifey.. We should go back to our home..
Bhumika (FL)
baba..*whine* It's not like that.. I missed you all..
Nisha (ML MOM)
He's just joking.. Don't take his words seriously..
Nisha (ML MOM)
Come here..
Nisha hugged Bhumika and Kissed her forehead..
Nisha (ML MOM)
How are you my child?
Nisha (ML MOM)
And what about you Sam?
I'm cool as f..
Nisha (ML MOM)
Language girl *glare*
Hehe.. Sorry.. *chuckles nervously*
Subham (PA OF ML)
Oh My God.. Are these for us??
Subham shouted from the dining room..
Nisha (ML MOM)
What happened to him now?
Everyone went towards the sound..
They found Subham sitting in a chair and just drooling over the food..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
*smack his head* close your mouth idiot..
Subham (PA OF ML)
oww. That hurts *pout*
Nisha (ML MOM)
Oh god.. Did you both make all these?
I just helped her.. She cooked everything..
Bhumika (FL)
No ma.. She's lying..
Bhumika (FL)
She also cooked..
Yeah.. Right.. *glare at her*
Aditya (ML)
Okay enough.. Stop arguing now..
Both of them stopped hearing him..
Subham (PA OF ML)
Yeah.. let's eat first..
Akash (ML DAD)
Yeah.. we can talk over eating food.. Or they will turn cold..
They all started eating the food..
Everyone was chitchatting..
it was like a peaceful family time..
Nisha (ML MOM)
The food is so good..
Nisha (ML MOM)
I can never cook like this..
Bhumika (FL)
*shy* oh stop it maa.. it's nothing like that..
Subham (PA OF ML)
NwoShetlight.. *mouth filled with food*
Aditya (ML)
Subh.. Eat first then talk.. We can't understand anything.. And you'll choke like this..
Subham (PA OF ML)
*gulp the food * I was saying that Maa is right.. You cook the best food di..
Subham (PA OF ML)
What say boss?
Aditya (ML)
Hmm.. It's delicious..
Bhumika (FL)
*gets more shy and ears turns red*
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