Aditya was walking towards his room when he heard a humming sound
he started walking towards the sound..
His feet stopped near the balcony
Aditya stood there.. Feeling the soothing breeze and the soothing voice..
Aditya (ML)
*clear his throat*
Bhumika (FL)
*Stop singing and turn towards him*
Bhumika (FL)
sorry.. I didn't notice you..
Aditya didn't reply but went towards her and stood beside..
Aditya (ML)
You sing well..
Aditya (ML)
*look at the moon* How are you?
Bhumika (FL)
Sorry? *look at him with questionable look*
Aditya (ML)
It wasn't a tough question.. was it? *look at her with serious expression*
Bhumika (FL)
I'm fine.. *said softly*
The sadness in her eyes didn't leave Adi's eyes..
Aditya (ML)
You didn't like the party?
Bhumika (FL)
I like it.. but why did you ask?
Aditya (ML)
You're standing here alone..
Bhumika (FL)
oh that? Actually Nidhi went to the washroom.. So I thought about looking around a bit..
Aditya (ML)
Hmm *nod in understanding*
They both again stood in silence..
Their eyes didn't leave each other..
Aditya (ML)
let's go then.. Nidhi is about to cut the cake..
Bhumika (FL)
*look at her watch and get a little tense* Hmm.. I've to leave early too..
Aditya (ML)
Is there any problem?
Bhumika (FL)
No.. it's just.. My uncle and aunt will be worried *smile nervously*
Aditya (ML)
it's okay.. I'll drop you at home..
Bhumika (FL)
It's okay.. You don't need to worry..
Aditya (ML)
Relax Bhumika.. I'll be happy to help..
Aditya (ML)
Should we go then?
Bhumika (FL)
*nod with a smile* Let's go..
They both started walking downstairs..
As they did, Everyone's eyes stopped there..
Akash (ML DAD)
Are you seeing what I'm seeing?
Nisha (ML MOM)
Aditya and Bhumika?
Akash (ML DAD)
Is it even possible?
Nisha (ML MOM)
They look so good together right?
Akash (ML DAD)
Like a perfect couple..
Subham (PA OF ML)
Am I seeing things?
Subham (PA OF ML)
The boss is smiling with a lady..
Subham (PA OF ML)
Is it our lady boss then?
Stop it subh.. Don't go overboard
Sweta Nayak (VIKRAM'S WIFE)
Don't scold him..
Sweta Nayak (VIKRAM'S WIFE)
I would even like it if she became the lady boss..
Sweta Nayak (VIKRAM'S WIFE)
Look at them.. They're looking so cute together..
*rolled his eyes* You both.. And your imagination..
Sweta Nayak (VIKRAM'S WIFE)
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Finally they met again..
What do you mean?
Divyansh (ML BFF)
*look at her and smiled* Nothing..
Tell me naa..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Let's cut the cake..
Divyansh dragged Nidhi towards the cake..
They all stood beside Nidhi as she cut the cake..
As everyone smiled in happiness, Bhumika smiled in sadness
Bhumika (FL)
"I wish, I had a family like this.. A happy family..I wish.."
A lone tear escaped from her eyes.. As the Agarwal house again cheered in happiness..
As time passed, Bhumika started panicking..
Any problem Bhumi ? *looking at Bhumi being worried*
Bhumika (FL)
Actually.. It's late.. I need to go home..
Bhumika (FL)
My uncle and aunt will be worried..
Akash (ML DAD)
Any problem Beta?
Akash came to them as he saw them a little uneasy..
Bhumika (FL)
*smile nervously* it's nothing uncle..
Bhumika (FL)
no need to be worried..
Bhumika (FL)
it's late.. So I was saying.. I've to leave now..
Akash (ML DAD)
But.. You didn't even have your dinner..
Bhumika (FL)
It's okay uncle.. Some other time..
No way.. At least have something.. I'm not letting you leave like this..
Bhumika (FL)
please Nidhi.. Try to understand.. I've to go..
Akash (ML DAD)
ok ok relax..
Akash (ML DAD)
Adi will drop you at home..
Bhumika (FL)
It's not needed uncle..
Bhumika (FL)
I'll manage..
Akash (ML DAD)
You don't need to manage.. Now relax..
Saying that Akash went towards Aditya..
Akash (ML DAD)
Drop Bhumika to her home..
Akash (ML DAD)
I don't know why.. she's tensed.. More like afraid of something..
Aditya (ML)
*frown* Did you ask?
Akash (ML DAD)
I did.. But she's not saying anything..
Aditya (ML)
It's okay baba.. I'll look after it..
Akash (ML DAD)
*nod* okay..
Akash (ML DAD)
Drive safely..
Aditya (ML)
*nod* I'm leaving then..