Divyansh (ML BFF)
*came inside Aditya's cabin without knocking*
Aditya (ML)
Who the hell *stopped midway*
Divyansh (ML BFF)
रुक क्यों गया? (why did you stop) *said while sitting in front of him*
Divyansh placed the food on the table..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Maa send food for you..
Aditya (ML)
I didn't notice you..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
It's okay..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
But, Why are you so angry Adi?
Aditya (ML)
I'm not angry..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Oh shut up.. Everyone in the office is talking about your temper today..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
you're not like this..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Then what happened?
Aditya (ML)
Nothing.. Just some projects..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
*laugh* Are you kidding me?
Divyansh (ML BFF)
You're angry because of some silly projects..?? Don't make me laugh more.. Just say the truth buddy..
Aditya (ML)
*grab his hair in frustration and sit on his chair* Why did she have to leave?
Divyansh (ML BFF)
*smile* so that's the reason..
Aditya (ML)
There's no one there Anshu..
Aditya (ML)
How can she live there alone?
Divyansh (ML BFF)
let me remind you, You send Sam with her..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Still what?
Divyansh (ML BFF)
*chuckles* okay.. I have a solution..
Aditya (ML)
What solution?
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Marry her..
Aditya (ML)
*look at him with disbelief* Have you gone mad or what? Marry??
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Yes marry..
Aditya (ML)
Stop daydreaming.. I'm not marrying anyone..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
not anyone.. But Bhumika..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
*left his seat while smiling* Mr Aditya Agarwal.. You'll marry her.. And only her.. That also In a month.. *started walking backwards*
Aditya (ML)
In your dreams.. Why do you get on my nerves everytime?
Divyansh (ML BFF)
Because I'm your best friend.. *wink and turn around*
Divyansh left the room whistling..
Divyansh (ML BFF)
No thank you.. *shout from outside*
As Bhumika and Sam came to Bhumika's house.. The driver left..
They both walked inside..
Your house is very cozy..
But it needs some cleaning..
Bhumika (FL)
They didn't take care of the house..
Don't worry..
They're not here anymore..
so we'll now help the house to get back its own cozy vibe..
Bhumika (FL)
*chuckles* sure..
You're the only child of your parents? *asked while settling herself on a couch*
Bhumika (FL)
Yes *sat beside her*
Bhumika (FL)
Can I ask you something?
Oh sure.. *smile*
Bhumika (FL)
Mr Agarwal.. Where did he send my uncle and aunt??
(• ▽ •;)oh that.. I don't know.. I mean.. Boss didn't tell me..
Don't worry.. They'll never come here again to disturb you..
Did they always torture you?
Bhumika (FL)
*nod her head as yes*
Bhumika (FL)
My mom died while giving birth to me.. And my dad passed away when I was 6..
Bhumika (FL)
My uncle took my responsibility..
Bhumika (FL)
*smile sadly* Responsibility.. They don't even understand the meaning of that word..
Bhumika (FL)
They made me do all the house chores from that age..
Bhumika (FL)
If I made any mistake they used to hit me..
Bhumika (FL)
I was clueless.. I couldn't understand what was happening in my life.. After all I was just a kid..
What happened? they have a son? Did he do something?
Bhumika (FL)
*shrugged off her thoughts* He used to hit me..
Bhumika (FL)
As I grew up, I became habituated with those tortures..
Bhumika (FL)
They never let me go outside or even talk to someone..
Bhumika (FL)
The only thing I thanked them for, They let me study.. But it also got stopped in my first year..
Bhumika (FL)
When I turned 18 my aunt came to me and told me to sign some papers..
Bhumika (FL)
It was my dad's property papers.. Which was now in my name..
Bhumika (FL)
When I refused to sign them.. They started torturing me more..
Bhumika (FL)
It doesn't hurt anymore..
Bhumika (FL)
I'm used to it..
*suddenly hugged her tightly*
Bhumika (FL)
*smile* I'm fine..
You're strong..
Bhumika (FL)
I wish I was not..
It's okay.. We're here now..
*they pulled out from the hug*
You don't need to be afraid anymore..
Now.. now.. no need to think about all this..
What do you want to eat?? Tell me.. I'll make it for you..
Bhumika (FL)
*chuckles* no need.. I'll make something for us..
*shook her head as no* nope.. I'll cook for you today. You can make something at dinner..
*stood up from the sofa* So.. what should I make??
Sam started walking towards the kitchen..
She was in her own world.. When Bhumika called her..
Yeah? *turn her head towards Bhumi*
Bhumika (FL)
Do you.. *shy*
Bhumika (FL)
Do you have Mr Agarwal's phone number? *said while circling the dupatta in her fingers*
chl juthi