Episode 1: Sympathy For The King




Majestic. Magnificent. Epic.

The Evergreen in the kingdom of Melania, a land of diverse melanated people, veiled by a smokey, mistlike haze, which makes the landscape look more eerie than it normally would.

Cutting through Evergreen is a MIGHTY RIVER, it is so large and long that it seems to be the lifeblood of the entire forest, providing sustenance and nourishment to all that dwell within its reaches.


The canopy of leaves overhead blocks out most of the departing sunlight, casting eerie shafts of rays onto the forest floor, revealing twisted roots, rotting leaves, and both animal and human bones.

In the distance, faint footsteps can be heard, tracking through the trees. They're getting closer... Closer... And closer... And...

TIGHT on the sweat-drenched face of a panting MAN racing through the forest as if the devil himself is after his blood. He's a very frightened man indeed, you can tell by his bloodshot eyes.

This is JABARI, 40s, golden-brown, fit, adorned in his strong, well-crafted armor, swift as the mighty eagle of the skies. His skin is covered in several CUT WOUNDS, and his right thigh is red with blood where a BROKEN ARROW has deeply penetrated his flesh. But he runs heedlessly through the pain and tiredness.

Finally, Jabari bursts through the forest, and before him rears a formidable river bank FORTRESS made of weathered stone and adorned with the emblem of the LION. Guard towers dot the walls at regular intervals, housing VIGILANT WARRIORS keeping watch over the forest and the river.

This is Shadowfel, the northern border army base. And right now, Jabari storms into the gates as if it were a hurricane itself.

JABARI: (cries shrilly) Don! Don!

His best friend, DONTRELLE (40s), sees him and comes running.

DONTRELLE: Commander, what is the matter?

His big, fat arms encircle the frightened Jabari as he collapses. Unconscious? Dead?


TWO GUARDS stand attention just outside the physician chamber, chests out, chins up, their eyes glued to the front.

EKON (24) and his younger brother, AKO (19), loiter nearby, their relationship strained by an unspoken tension. As they observe the guards, Ako clears his throat uncomfortably, then speaks in hush tone.

AKO: (carefully) They say he defied the king's orders and went to attack the Snowcrest.

*Snowcrest is a neighboring kingdom of the Albino civilization.*

EKON: (snaps) There has to be a mistake! He would never!

AKO: I do not believe it myself, Ekon. But it is best to ask father himself if he wakes...

EKON: (explodes) If he wakes? Do you wish for him to not wake up, then, Ako? Do you want father to die?

AKO: (cringing from the advancing Ekon) No! No! My tongue slipped; I meant to say, when he wakes, believe me.

EKON: You ungrateful bastard, you know very well that you meant what you said. I am going to...

But he gets no further, as his attention is claimed by the footsteps echoing through the hallway.

It's the Lord of the West, AWI. 50s. Rich. Silver-tipped cane. Leather gloves. Impressive PANTHER fur cloak. Impeccable clothing. Handsome beard flecked with gray.

As Awi continues to march for the chamber, Ekon and Ako exchange worried glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.


The chamber is silent, save for the heavy breathing of the two men. Jabari, now cleaned up, has crawled out of his deathbed and kneeled in front of Awi, who regards him with bloodshot eyes and an intense expression on his fuming face. At last, Jabari finally opens his mouth, his voice cracking with exhaustion.

JABARI: (pleads) My lord, I only meant to defend our lands. I swear.

Awi's eyes narrow, unconvinced.

AWI: (cold as ice) You have committed a grave crime, Jabari. It is not something that can be simply forgiven. As of this moment, you are hereby stripped of your title and all privileges that come with it. Your land will be confiscated and given to someone more deserving. As a courtesy, you shall be escorted to the capital, where you will be granted an audience with the king before you are executed.

Tears well up in Jabari's eyes as he realizes the magnitude of what he has lost.

AWI: You have one hour to say your final goodbyes. Do not do anything foolish, or your house will have to pay the ultimate price.

With those words, Awi turns and stalks out of the chamber, leaving Jabari kneeling on the cold, stone floor, the weight of his failures pressing down upon him.


A thriving neo-Palladian style old city nestled along the eastern coast, accompanied by military sounds echoing through the cobbled streets. TRUMPETS BLARE, DRUMS ROAR, and the FEET OF A HUNDRED SOLDIERS THUNDER AS ONE, announcing the arrival of the king.

The CITIZENS of a variety of melanated colors, dressed in their finest and most luxurious attires, line the streets to catch a glimpse of their beloved monarch. As he emerges from the palace gates, a hush falls over the crowd.

KING EUMELANIN (60s), sits on the back of a GIANT LION, his skin colour as dark as chocolate. His eyes shine like a polished onyx, and his smile, though slightly forced, holds regal dignity.

Today, Eumelanin buried his second and beloved wife, Queen Amisi, who was killed by mysterious poisoning, and rumors has spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom.

The parade weaves its way through the streets, passing by the marketplace where Amisi had once bargained for the finest fabrics and jewelry from afar. The people bow their heads in respect as the king and his subjects passes, some wiping tears from their eyes, others simply standing stoically, lost in thoughts.

Despite the solemnity of the occasion, there is an undercurrent of unease among the crowd. Amisi had not been without her flaws, and there are many who feel she did not deserve the honor of being crowned nor buried as queen.

The procession finally comes to a halt before the GREAT MAUSOLEUM that has been built especially for Amisi. SERVANTS and COURTIERS scurried about, setting up candelabra and arranging bouquets of flowers.

The king, meanwhile, guides his lion up the steps to address his people. His voice is strong and clear, carrying over the murmuring crowd.

EUMELANIN: (shouting) Here lies Queen Amisi, first of her name. A dear wife, a loving mother, and a friend. May she find peace in the afterlife, and may her memory live on in our hearts forever.

With those words, the king turns his beast and descends the steps, taking his place once more at the head of the procession. The crowd part to let him pass, and as he disappears into the twilight, WHISPERS begin to circulate anew.


EBONY, the 27-year-old widowed daughter-in-law of Queen Amisi, makes her way through the palace hall. Her skin is the deepest of midnights, contrasting sharply with the crimson of her mourning dress.

In the next moment, she catches sight of Eumelanin sitting alone in his study, lost in his grief. She takes a deep, heavy breath and starts walking towards the study.


Ebony slips inside and approaches the king quietly, hesitating for a moment before speaking.

EBONY: (gracefully) My king, may I offer my condolences on the loss of the queen. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that she will always be with you, in your heart. And if there is anything I can do to ease your burden, please do not hesitate to ask.

The king nods, gesturing for her to sit beside him. Ebony's heart races as she takes a seat, unsure of what the king's response will be.

EUMELANIN: Thank you, my dear. This is a difficult time for us all. I must admit, though, I am not entirely sure what has happened. So many questions remain unanswered...

Ebony looks at the king with a mix of sympathy and concern. She hesitates for a moment, then decides to broach a delicate subject.

EBONY: (nervously) My king, if I may be so bold, there have been... rumors. About the circumstances surrounding her death. I fear that they could cause unrest in the kingdom if left unchecked.

The king's gaze sharpens and he leans closer, his voice calm but dangerous.

EUMELANIN: Rumors? Of what nature?

EBONY: (swallows hard) They say that... it was not an accident. That it was a self-act or someone close to the throne had a hand in her passing.

EUMELANIN: (stands abruptly, fists clenched) If there is any truth to these whispers, heads will roll. I will not have the memory of my beloved queen tarnished by such slander!

The room feels suddenly smaller, and the tension is palpable. Ebony rises as well and takes his hand, squeezing it gently.

EBONY: (softly) I understand your anger, my king. But perhaps it would be wise to investigate discreetly. For the sake of the realm and for your own peace of mind.

The king looks down at their clasped hands, then back up at Ebony and gives her a heavy, sad sigh.

EUMELANIN: (slowly considers) You are wise beyond your years, Ebony. I shall heed your counsel. But for now, let us lay the queen to rest and mourn her passing. Once that is done, I will investigate these matters further.

The king's voice is firm, but there is an undercurrent of vulnerability in his eyes that Ebony can't help but notice.

EBONY: (nods) As you wish, my king.

With that, she turns and departs, leaving the king in the silence of his study, his mind racing with questions. He wonders if Amisi's death was truly an accident or if there was foul play involved. If so, who stands to benefit from harming her? 

The king knows that he must be strong for his people, but right now, he feels as though he is drowning in a sea of uncertainty. Finally, he collects himself, resolving to face these challenges head-on. He walks over to a hidden panel in the wall, revealing a SMALL SAFE.

Inside, he keeps a SECRET JOURNAL where he records his innermost thoughts and fears, a confidante in times of darkness. He takes out the journal, opens it to a fresh page, and begins to write, pouring out his heart in a desperate attempt to make sense of the world around him.

As he writes, a single tear trickles down his cheek, leaving a trail of ink on the page. For now, at least, he finds some small measure of solace in the words he writes, knowing that they will never be read by anyone else.




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