NovelToon NovelToon


Episode 1: Sympathy For The King




Majestic. Magnificent. Epic.

The Evergreen in the kingdom of Melania, a land of diverse melanated people, veiled by a smokey, mistlike haze, which makes the landscape look more eerie than it normally would.

Cutting through Evergreen is a MIGHTY RIVER, it is so large and long that it seems to be the lifeblood of the entire forest, providing sustenance and nourishment to all that dwell within its reaches.


The canopy of leaves overhead blocks out most of the departing sunlight, casting eerie shafts of rays onto the forest floor, revealing twisted roots, rotting leaves, and both animal and human bones.

In the distance, faint footsteps can be heard, tracking through the trees. They're getting closer... Closer... And closer... And...

TIGHT on the sweat-drenched face of a panting MAN racing through the forest as if the devil himself is after his blood. He's a very frightened man indeed, you can tell by his bloodshot eyes.

This is JABARI, 40s, golden-brown, fit, adorned in his strong, well-crafted armor, swift as the mighty eagle of the skies. His skin is covered in several CUT WOUNDS, and his right thigh is red with blood where a BROKEN ARROW has deeply penetrated his flesh. But he runs heedlessly through the pain and tiredness.

Finally, Jabari bursts through the forest, and before him rears a formidable river bank FORTRESS made of weathered stone and adorned with the emblem of the LION. Guard towers dot the walls at regular intervals, housing VIGILANT WARRIORS keeping watch over the forest and the river.

This is Shadowfel, the northern border army base. And right now, Jabari storms into the gates as if it were a hurricane itself.

JABARI: (cries shrilly) Don! Don!

His best friend, DONTRELLE (40s), sees him and comes running.

DONTRELLE: Commander, what is the matter?

His big, fat arms encircle the frightened Jabari as he collapses. Unconscious? Dead?


TWO GUARDS stand attention just outside the physician chamber, chests out, chins up, their eyes glued to the front.

EKON (24) and his younger brother, AKO (19), loiter nearby, their relationship strained by an unspoken tension. As they observe the guards, Ako clears his throat uncomfortably, then speaks in hush tone.

AKO: (carefully) They say he defied the king's orders and went to attack the Snowcrest.

*Snowcrest is a neighboring kingdom of the Albino civilization.*

EKON: (snaps) There has to be a mistake! He would never!

AKO: I do not believe it myself, Ekon. But it is best to ask father himself if he wakes...

EKON: (explodes) If he wakes? Do you wish for him to not wake up, then, Ako? Do you want father to die?

AKO: (cringing from the advancing Ekon) No! No! My tongue slipped; I meant to say, when he wakes, believe me.

EKON: You ungrateful bastard, you know very well that you meant what you said. I am going to...

But he gets no further, as his attention is claimed by the footsteps echoing through the hallway.

It's the Lord of the West, AWI. 50s. Rich. Silver-tipped cane. Leather gloves. Impressive PANTHER fur cloak. Impeccable clothing. Handsome beard flecked with gray.

As Awi continues to march for the chamber, Ekon and Ako exchange worried glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.


The chamber is silent, save for the heavy breathing of the two men. Jabari, now cleaned up, has crawled out of his deathbed and kneeled in front of Awi, who regards him with bloodshot eyes and an intense expression on his fuming face. At last, Jabari finally opens his mouth, his voice cracking with exhaustion.

JABARI: (pleads) My lord, I only meant to defend our lands. I swear.

Awi's eyes narrow, unconvinced.

AWI: (cold as ice) You have committed a grave crime, Jabari. It is not something that can be simply forgiven. As of this moment, you are hereby stripped of your title and all privileges that come with it. Your land will be confiscated and given to someone more deserving. As a courtesy, you shall be escorted to the capital, where you will be granted an audience with the king before you are executed.

Tears well up in Jabari's eyes as he realizes the magnitude of what he has lost.

AWI: You have one hour to say your final goodbyes. Do not do anything foolish, or your house will have to pay the ultimate price.

With those words, Awi turns and stalks out of the chamber, leaving Jabari kneeling on the cold, stone floor, the weight of his failures pressing down upon him.


A thriving neo-Palladian style old city nestled along the eastern coast, accompanied by military sounds echoing through the cobbled streets. TRUMPETS BLARE, DRUMS ROAR, and the FEET OF A HUNDRED SOLDIERS THUNDER AS ONE, announcing the arrival of the king.

The CITIZENS of a variety of melanated colors, dressed in their finest and most luxurious attires, line the streets to catch a glimpse of their beloved monarch. As he emerges from the palace gates, a hush falls over the crowd.

KING EUMELANIN (60s), sits on the back of a GIANT LION, his skin colour as dark as chocolate. His eyes shine like a polished onyx, and his smile, though slightly forced, holds regal dignity.

Today, Eumelanin buried his second and beloved wife, Queen Amisi, who was killed by mysterious poisoning, and rumors has spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom.

The parade weaves its way through the streets, passing by the marketplace where Amisi had once bargained for the finest fabrics and jewelry from afar. The people bow their heads in respect as the king and his subjects passes, some wiping tears from their eyes, others simply standing stoically, lost in thoughts.

Despite the solemnity of the occasion, there is an undercurrent of unease among the crowd. Amisi had not been without her flaws, and there are many who feel she did not deserve the honor of being crowned nor buried as queen.

The procession finally comes to a halt before the GREAT MAUSOLEUM that has been built especially for Amisi. SERVANTS and COURTIERS scurried about, setting up candelabra and arranging bouquets of flowers.

The king, meanwhile, guides his lion up the steps to address his people. His voice is strong and clear, carrying over the murmuring crowd.

EUMELANIN: (shouting) Here lies Queen Amisi, first of her name. A dear wife, a loving mother, and a friend. May she find peace in the afterlife, and may her memory live on in our hearts forever.

With those words, the king turns his beast and descends the steps, taking his place once more at the head of the procession. The crowd part to let him pass, and as he disappears into the twilight, WHISPERS begin to circulate anew.


EBONY, the 27-year-old widowed daughter-in-law of Queen Amisi, makes her way through the palace hall. Her skin is the deepest of midnights, contrasting sharply with the crimson of her mourning dress.

In the next moment, she catches sight of Eumelanin sitting alone in his study, lost in his grief. She takes a deep, heavy breath and starts walking towards the study.


Ebony slips inside and approaches the king quietly, hesitating for a moment before speaking.

EBONY: (gracefully) My king, may I offer my condolences on the loss of the queen. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that she will always be with you, in your heart. And if there is anything I can do to ease your burden, please do not hesitate to ask.

The king nods, gesturing for her to sit beside him. Ebony's heart races as she takes a seat, unsure of what the king's response will be.

EUMELANIN: Thank you, my dear. This is a difficult time for us all. I must admit, though, I am not entirely sure what has happened. So many questions remain unanswered...

Ebony looks at the king with a mix of sympathy and concern. She hesitates for a moment, then decides to broach a delicate subject.

EBONY: (nervously) My king, if I may be so bold, there have been... rumors. About the circumstances surrounding her death. I fear that they could cause unrest in the kingdom if left unchecked.

The king's gaze sharpens and he leans closer, his voice calm but dangerous.

EUMELANIN: Rumors? Of what nature?

EBONY: (swallows hard) They say that... it was not an accident. That it was a self-act or someone close to the throne had a hand in her passing.

EUMELANIN: (stands abruptly, fists clenched) If there is any truth to these whispers, heads will roll. I will not have the memory of my beloved queen tarnished by such slander!

The room feels suddenly smaller, and the tension is palpable. Ebony rises as well and takes his hand, squeezing it gently.

EBONY: (softly) I understand your anger, my king. But perhaps it would be wise to investigate discreetly. For the sake of the realm and for your own peace of mind.

The king looks down at their clasped hands, then back up at Ebony and gives her a heavy, sad sigh.

EUMELANIN: (slowly considers) You are wise beyond your years, Ebony. I shall heed your counsel. But for now, let us lay the queen to rest and mourn her passing. Once that is done, I will investigate these matters further.

The king's voice is firm, but there is an undercurrent of vulnerability in his eyes that Ebony can't help but notice.

EBONY: (nods) As you wish, my king.

With that, she turns and departs, leaving the king in the silence of his study, his mind racing with questions. He wonders if Amisi's death was truly an accident or if there was foul play involved. If so, who stands to benefit from harming her? 

The king knows that he must be strong for his people, but right now, he feels as though he is drowning in a sea of uncertainty. Finally, he collects himself, resolving to face these challenges head-on. He walks over to a hidden panel in the wall, revealing a SMALL SAFE.

Inside, he keeps a SECRET JOURNAL where he records his innermost thoughts and fears, a confidante in times of darkness. He takes out the journal, opens it to a fresh page, and begins to write, pouring out his heart in a desperate attempt to make sense of the world around him.

As he writes, a single tear trickles down his cheek, leaving a trail of ink on the page. For now, at least, he finds some small measure of solace in the words he writes, knowing that they will never be read by anyone else.


Episode 2: Whispers Of War


The air is crisp and clean, carrying the scent of freshly mown grass and wildflowers as MELANIE (26) focuses on her target, ready to release the arrow with precision and force.

Her scholarly twin brother, MELANIN, stands nearby, watching with a mix of awe and boredom. He's grown accustomed to Melanie's skill and focus, yet he can't help but feel a sense of admiration and envy for her prowess.

A gentle breeze rustles the leaves of nearby trees, providing a symphony of natural sounds for Melanie to focus on as she fires her bow.


She hits the BULLSEYE on the target ahead. Her movements are fluid and graceful, almost dancelike, as if she were one with her bow and arrow. Melanin lets out an exasperated sigh.

MELANIN: (mutters) You make it look so easy, Mel. Why can't I ever do that?

Their father, PRINCE MELAS (40s), gives a POLITE APPLAUSE as he emerges from the trees dressed in plain clothing, almost as if he's a commoner among the nobles.

MELAS: (chuckles softly) The answer, my dear boy, lies in the question itself. Your sister strives for perfection in everything she does, while you...

He pauses, considering his words.

MELAS: (continues) You are content with mere competence. She is a force of nature, unyielding, and unstoppable. You, on the other hand, are more like a breeze, capable of moving the hearts of men but easily swayed by the winds of change.

Melanie flushes with pleasure at her father's words, while Melanin scowls and rebels.

MELANIN: I am not easily swayed! I am just as strong and determined as Melanie is!

MELAS: (laughs, amused) Oh, Melanin, you underestimate your own strengths. You have a kind soul that sees the beauty in the world and wisdom beyond your years. You have the ability to bring people together through understanding and compassion. That is no weakness; it is a strength that our people need now more than ever.

Melanie nods in agreement and Melanin flushes with pride as he smiles to his father and sister. However, the moment is quickly shuttered when a MESSENGER rushes over to them, bows deeply, and whispers something in Melas' ear. The prince's demeanor darkens instantly as he listens.


The ceiling is painted with the scenes of triumphant battles, while a roaring fireplace warms the room, its hearth inlaid with mosaics depicting nature's beauty. But it is the expressions on the faces of the COURTIERS gathered here that truly catch the eye. They range from shock to disbelief and fear to anger. The source is none other than Jabari, kneeling before the throne, bound in shackles of iron.

The golden throne itself sits empty, save for a single figure: the king Eumelanin himself. His face is etched with lines of weariness, but his posture is straight, his gaze unyielding. Beside him stands his older brother, SUPREME CHANCELLOR EFREM (late-60s), a man of more subtlety and guile than outright force.

JABARI: (trembles slightly) My king, I beg you, hear me out. It is true that I disobeyed your order. However, I did so with the intent of protecting Melania. You see, while on patrol near the Snowcrest border, I stumbled upon a machine they had built. A machine capable of firing hundreds of arrows at a time. I was ambushed by their forces while attempting to destroy it.

EUMELANIN: (slams his fist on the throne) Silence! You dare bring your treachery before me; speak of imaginary machines!

JABARI: (desperately) I speak the truth! The Snowcrest are planning to attack, my king. You must prepare for war.

Efrem, watching the exchange with a knowing smile, decides to speak up.

EFREM: (skeptically) What of your men? Can they verify your claims?

Jabari's eyes dart between the king and the chancellor, his desperation palpable.

JABARI: (sadly) They were lost in the battle, Supreme Chancellor. But I survived, and I am here to warn the crown.

Courtiers exchange worried glances, murmurs of doubt and concern rippling through the hall.

EUMELANIN: (calm but firm) Your loyalty is admirable, Jabari, but the law is clear. Disobedience in the face of the king's order is punishable by death. You shall face execution.

The room goes still; the only sound is the crackling of the fireplace. Melas, who has been quietly observing from the side, steps forward.

MELAS: (calmly) Father, if I may speak...

The king nods solemnly, giving him the floor.

MELAS: If there is truth in Jabari's words, could it not be that he saw a threat we have overlooked? Perhaps you should reconsider. His valor and strategic mind could still be of use should we find ourselves at war. 

The room holds its breath as the king's gaze lingers on Melas, then shifts back to Jabari. His expression is unreadable, but his eyes seem to soften slightly.

EUMELANIN: Very well. Jabari, I will not execute you today. I shall have someone sent to investigate this supposed machine of war then revisit your trial. In the meantime, you will remain in custody. 

JABARI: (gratefully) Thank you, my king.

Jabari's shoulders slump in relief, but he knows his fate is far from certain. As the guards escort him from the chamber, Efrem's gaze lingers on Melas, a hint of something unreadable in his eyes.


The council chamber is a grand room with a long, polished table surrounded by ornate chairs. On the walls, tapestries depict scenes of past great leaders, their eyes seemingly watching the proceedings with a stern gaze.

King Eumelanin sits at the head of the table, his expression a mask of calm despite the turmoil in his heart. His advisors, a mix of OLD AND YOUNG FACES, sit around him, whispering in hushed tones. Efrem flanks him, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword and a smug smile playing on the edge of his lips.

EUMELANIN: (interrupts the whispers)

Enough! The funeral rites for Queen Amisi are complete. We must now turn our attention to the future of our great kingdom.

The room falls silent, with the advisors looking at each other nervously.

MELAS: (breaks the silence) Father, perhaps we should discuss the succession.

Eumelanin nods solemnly, his gaze resting on Melas for a moment too long.

EUMELANIN: (nods slowly) Indeed. Melas, as the eldest and my acknowledged son, it is your right to be crowned heir.

As the room erupts into murmurs of approval, the eyes of Melas' half-brother, PRINCE MELAINO (30s), flash with anger, but he says nothing. The king then holds up a hand for silence.

EUMELANIN: However, before we proceed, there is another matter I wish to address.

He looks over at Efrem, who nods almost imperceptibly.

EUMELANIN: The treachery of Jabari has left us with a weakened western defense. We must ensure that Melania remains secure from all threats, both within and without.

EFREM: Your wisdom is unparalleled, my king. Perhaps it is time to appoint a new military commander for the western regions. One who shares your vision for peace and prosperity.

The advisors nod in agreement, and Melaino looks at his father with hope in his eyes. After a moment's thought.

EUMELANIN: Indeed. I hereby appoint Melas as the new military commander of the western regions. He will oversee the defense of our lands and report directly to me.

Melas's eyes widen in surprise and pride, while Melaino's anger boils over, but he holds it in. He knows better than to question the king's decision.


Ebony occupies the living chamber of her luxurious quarters, her maidservant, LILA (25), gently brushing out her hair. The door opens, and Melaino strides in, his eyes locking onto hers.

EBONY: (carefully) What is it, husband?

Melaino's expression is a tempest of emotions—anger, hurt, and betrayal.

MELAINO: (fuming) Father has made his choice! He has appointed Melas as the military commander of the west, and he wants to make him his heir!

EBONY: (coolly) Do not let anger cloud your judgment my love. Though your brother was raised by Queen Melanesia, he is still an illegitimate son, and the Melanian lords will never accept him as our true king.

Melaino paces the room, his eyes flashing with frustration. After a moment, he turns to Ebony.

MELAINO: But what if father officially crowns him? What if he bypasses me entirely?

EBONY: (stands and approaches) Then we must play our cards carefully. We must find a way to regain the power that is rightfully ours.

The two lock gazes, the unspoken understanding between them as potent as a silent promise.


Episode 3: House Of The Serpents


The study is quite, illuminated by fire and candlelights. King Eumelanin sits behind his desk, his eyes staring into the distance, lost in thought.

Suddenly, the doors burst open, and an OUT-OF-BREATH MESSENGER rushes in.

MESSENGER: (restless) My king, the northern border! The Snowcrest has breached the first lines of defense!

The king leaps to his feet, his features hardening.

EUMELANIN: (sharply) Sound the alarm! Summon the generals! We must mobilize the troops!

The messenger nods and sprints out of the room, leaving the king in the silence of his study, his mind racing with the implications of the news.


Melas, now dressed in his military attire, looks over the maps of the northern border with a furrowed brow.

MELAS: (to himself) What have I gotten myself into?

Don rushes in, his face grim.

DONTRELLE: (urgently) The king calls for you, Prince Commander. The situation is dire.

Melas nods solemnly, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword.

MELAS: We must act swiftly, General. Time is of the essence.

The two of them share a look of determination before running for the door. As they exit the quarters, the urgent sounds of the palace come alive, with action echoing around them.


The hall is a whirlwind of activity as Melas and Don rush in to find GENERALS and ADVISORS gathered around the king with a mix of fear and resolve. The map of Melania is spread out before them, with miniature figurines representing their troops scattered across the landscape.

EUMELANIN: (barks orders) General Kwame, assemble the eastern forces! General Abena, prepare the navy! We must repel this invasion before it reaches our heartlands!

The generals bow and hurry off to carry out their orders, leaving the king, Melas, and a few trusted advisors.

EUMELANIN: (turns to Melas) My son, I am placing my faith in you. You must ensure our cities and villages are fortified.

MELAS: (bows deeply) I will not disappoint you, father.

The king's hand rests briefly on Melas's shoulder before he turns to address the remaining advisors.

EUMELANIN: We must be vigilant. The Snowcrest has never been known for such aggression. There is something more at play here.


Ebony stands by the window, her eyes glinting in the moonlight as she watches the chaos unfolding below.

EBONY: (to herself) So, the time has come for our true reign to begin. 

Her father, Awi, emerges from the shadows, his expression as cold as the stone walls around them.

AWI: (whispers) We must be patient, daughter. Soon, all of Melania will be ours.

Ebony nods, her mind racing with the possibilities.

EBONY: (concerned) But what of Melas? He stands in our way.

AWI: (smirks) Do not worry about the prince. We will deal with him when the time is right. For now, we must ensure our pawns are in place.

The two share a knowing look before turning back to the window, watching the troops as they march for the northern border, unaware of the storm brewing within their own walls.


Efrem sits at his desk, surrounded by scrolls and parchments, a flickering candle casting eerie shadows on his face. He writes swiftly, a malicious glint in his eye.

EFREM: Let the cubs fight and bleed for their pride. In the end, it is the cunning fox who will claim the throne.

He rolls up the scroll and seals it with crimson wax, the emblem of a lion impressed into the crimson seal. 

EFREM: (calls out) Messenger! 

One of his trusted men enters the study, ready to execute his orders.

EFREM: Take this to Lady Morgana at Eden's Gate. Inform her of the situation and bid her to stand the Keepers ready.

The messenger nods and takes the scroll, slipping out into the night to deliver the chilling message.


Melaino sits in the darkness, his thoughts swirling with anger and betrayal.

MELAINO: (mumbles) How could father do this to me? After all I have suffered? 

He reaches for a nearby goblet, his hand shaking with rage, and takes a deep drink. The wine does little to ease his bitterness.

MELAINO: (raises voice) By the ancestors, I will not stand for this!

In the shadows, Ebony emerges, her expression calculated.

EBONY: (calmly) Dearest, let us not act hastily. We must bide our time and find our moment.

Melaino's eyes narrow as he considers her words. He knows she is right, but the injustice feels like a burning coal in his chest.

MELAINO: (slams the goblet on the floor) But how long can I wait? How long before Melas is crowned and I am forgotten?

Ebony crosses the room for him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

EBONY: (softly) Patience, my love. We have allies who still support your claim. The time will come for vengeance, and when it does, we shall strike swiftly and without mercy.

Their eyes meet, and at this moment, a silent pact is formed, a promise of power and retribution.


The hall is dimly lit, the only light coming from the high windows, casting a solemn glow on the proceedings. The king, flanked by Efrem, sits on his throne; his presence is felt heavily by all. The guards at the door step aside as Jabari is brought in, his wrists bound in heavy iron chains. 

EUMELANIN: (sternly) You stand before me, Jabari of the West, accused of treason and disobedience. What do you have to say for yourself?

JABARI: (bows gravely) My king, I acted in haste, driven by the desire to protect our lands. If it pleases the crown, I will take my punishment.

The king studies him for a long moment before speaking in a calm tone.

EUMELANIN: Your valor on the battlefield is undeniable, but your actions have consequences. I cannot simply overlook your disobedience. However, I see potential in you.

Jabari's eyes widen as the king approaches, a spark of hope igniting in his chest.

EUMELANIN: If you can bring back the head of the Snowcrest leader, I will spare your life.

The room falls silent, and the air is charged with anticipation.

JABARI: (swallow hard) I will not fail you, my king.

EUMELANIN: (nods, commands the guards) Release him. He leaves for the north right away.

The chains fall away, and Jabari stands tall, a new fire in his eyes.


The king sits on his desk. He looks weary, his crown heavy on his brow.

EUMELANIN: (to himself) This is the only way to ensure Melania's future.

He reaches for a parchment, his hand shaking slightly as he signs his name. It is a letter of pardon, should Jabari succeed in his quest.


The God of Light showers over the city as Jabari, now dressed in the armor of the Royal Guard, mounts his steed. The crowd has gathered to see the fallen hero off; some whispering words of encouragement, others casting doubtful glances.

DONTRELLE: (whispers) Remember, old friend. For Melania.

JABARI: (nods solemnly) For Melania.

With a final look at the palace, Jabari spurs his horse and gallops out of the courtyard, his fate intertwined with that of the kingdom he has sworn to serve.


Melaino sits brooding, the news of Jabari's pardon and mission weighing heavily on his mind.

MELAINO: (sternly) This is not over.

Ebony responds from far side of the room, her eyes gleaming.

EBONY: What do you have in mind?

Melaino rises and approaches her, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

MELAINO: The Snowcrest's attack is our opportunity. If they can be provoked further, it may lead to a war we can use to our benefit. But we must act swiftly.

EBONY: (nods in thoughtfully) We must be careful though. Your mother's passing has taken a toll on the king, and he's now more unpredictable than ever.

MELAINO: (confidently) Leave that to me. I will ensure our interests are protected.

EBONY: (smirks) And how do you intend to do that, my love?

MELAINO: (whispers) Through the one thing the king values above all else—his precious Melas.

The two share a knowing smile, their minds racing with the implications of their plan.


Efrem sits in his office, the heavy scent of burning incense hanging in the air. His fingers tap an impatient rhythm on the desk as he awaits the return of the messenger he sent to the Sworn Keepers of the Gate. The door opens, and the messenger enters, breathless.

EFREM: (sharply) Well? What news from Eden's Gate?

MESSENGER: (panting) They have received your missive. The Keepers stand ready to serve.

EFREM: (nods) Good. The time for patience is over. We must secure our alliances.

The messenger exits, and Efrem's gaze drifts to the map of Melania on the wall, his thoughts racing. His eyes linger on the southernmost point, where the Keepers stand vigilant.

His fingers trace the path to Eden's Gate, his mind racing with potential alliances and the power they could bring. He knows that controlling the gateway to the desert lands is vital to the kingdom's security, and he is not above using any means necessary to ensure its loyalty.


The grandeur of the throne room is marred by the tension hanging in the air. The court members, dressed in their finest silks and furs, murmur amongst themselves, their whispers a cacophony of speculation and fear. King Eumelanin sits upon the throne, his face a mask of stoicism as he listens to the reports of his spymaster.

SPYMASTER KOFI: (whispers) My king, the spies have uncovered whispers of treachery from the Snowcrest Kingdom. They seek to exploit our internal strife.

EUMELANIN: (firmly) Tell me everything.

The spymaster bows before speaking again, his voice low and urgent.

SPYMASTER KOFI: My king, it appears the Snowcrest has a new ruler, one who hungers for power and seeks to claim what he believes is rightfully his. Whispers has it that he has made alliances with the Desert Manes, hoping to strike Melania from both sides.

EUMELANIN: (eyes narrowing) A new king on the Snowcrest? This changes everything.

The court falls silent, their fear palpable. The king's gaze lingers on Melas, who stands tall, his eyes reflecting the flaming torches that line the walls.

EUMELANIN: We must be ready to face this new threat from the north. I am placing Supreme Chancellor Efrem in charge of internal affairs. Melas will follow the generals and lead our forces against the Snowcrest.

The court nods in assent, though some exchange wary glances. The king's favoritism towards Melas has not gone unnoticed.

EUMELANIN: Melas, prepare the remaining western armies for battle. 

MELAS: (nods) As you command father.

EUMELANIN: (to the court) We must be vigilant. If the Snowcrest seeks to take advantage of our mourning, we will show them the full might of Melania! As for the Manes, we shall fortify the Gate, the sea, and the coastline fortresses. We must prepare for any eventuality.

The room remains tense, their minds racing with the implications of the spymaster's words.

EUMELANIN: You're dismissed. All of you. (to Kofi) Spymaster, stay behind.

The court members file out, their footsteps echoing through the vast chamber. 

EUMELANIN: (serious) Kofi, I need your most trusted agents to investigate Amisi's death. Discreetly. I want the truth, no matter how unpleasant it may be.

SPYMASTER KOFI: (nods gravely) Your will be done, my king.


Melanie, dressed in warrior's garb, practices her archery in the quiet of her quarters. Each shot is a silent declaration of her own determination to protect her family's legacy. Her eyes narrow as she hits the bullseye once more, the thwack of the arrow resonating through the stone walls.

Melas enters, his steps hesitant, the weight of his new title pressing down on him. He watches his daughter, admiration and concern mingling in his gaze.

MELAS: You grow stronger every day, Melanie.

MELANIE: (looks up, smiling) Thank you, father. 

MELAS: But you must remember, Melania needs more than just strength. It requires wisdom and strategy.

MELANIE: (determined) I will not let you down father.

MELAS: (smiles) I know you won't. But heed my words, daughter. In the game of thrones, even the most skilled archer can fall prey to whispers in the dark.

Melanie nods thoughtfully, setting her bow aside.


The heavy oak doors to the Shrine of the Ancestors creak open, and Melas steps in, his footsteps echoing in the sacred space. He carries a candle, its flame flickering as he approaches the ancient statues of the past rulers.

MELAS: (whispers) Guide me, ancestors. Show me the path to safeguard our kingdom.

He lights the candles before the statues, their stone faces seemingly watching him with the wisdom of centuries. The shadows dance on the walls as he kneels, his heart heavy with the burden of his new role.

Melas's eyes meet the cold gaze of an ancestor known for his strategic prowess, and he feels a chill run down his spine. He whispers a silent vow, the echoes of his words lost in the stillness.

MELAS: (determined) I will not fail you, nor will I fail Melania.


Efrem sits in his dimly lit office, surrounded by scrolls and maps. His eyes flicker with a mix of excitement and calculation as he ponders the unfolding events.

EFREM: (whispers to himself) The pieces are falling into place.

He unrolls a map of Melania, tracing the borders with his finger. His gaze lingers on Eden's Gate, and he nods to himself.

EFREM: The Keepers will be my key to controlling the south.

Suddenly, the door opens, and Melaino enters, his eyes dark with anger and determination.

MELAINO: (sharply) We must speak, uncle.

EFREM: (looks up, unsurprised) Ah, Melaino. I've been expecting you.

Melaino strides forward, his eyes alight with accusation.

MELAINO: What game are you playing, uncle? You always knew about the alliance between the Snowcrest and the Desert Manes!

EFREM: (smirks) The art of ruling, dear nephew, is knowing when to hold your cards close and when to reveal them.

Melaino clenches his fists, his knuckles white with rage.

MELAINO: (angrily) You knew, and you said nothing! Why?

EFREM: (calmly) Because sometimes it is better to let enemies reveal their hands before you make your own move. The Snowcrest's new king has made a grave mistake in underestimating our readiness.

MELAINO: (clenches his jaw) And what of Melas? He grows more powerful by the day. If he returns with a victory, he will be unstoppable.

EFREM: (softly) True power is not won on the battlefield, Melaino. It is cultivated in the shadows, through whispers and alliances. Your mother knew that, and so should you.

Melaino's eyes narrow, and he paces the room, his boots echoing on the cold stone floor.

MELAINO: (through gritted teeth) What is it you want from me?

EFREM: (calmly) Simply this: watch, listen, and wait. Do not let your hunger for the throne cloud your judgment. Let us see how this hand unfolds.

Melaino pauses, considering his uncle's words. He knows that Efrem is not one to be underestimated.

MELAINO: (slowly) I will bide my time, but I will not be overlooked like you were, uncle.

EFREM: (nods) That is why you are here, Melaino. Now, go. I have matters to attend to.

Melaino exits, the door shutting behind him with a loud thud. Efrem returns to his maps, his gaze lingering on the distant lands of the Desert Manes.


The moon casts a soft glow through the window, painting the quarters in a silvery light. King Eumelanin, unable to find solace in sleep, paces the floor. His thoughts are a tumult of frustration and anger.

The door creaks open, and a figure slips in, unnoticed by the king. It is Ebony, her eyes gleaming with a cunning that belies her youth. 

EBONY: My king? 

EUMELANIN: (turns, surprised) Ebony. What brings you here at this hour?

EBONY: (innocently) I could not sleep, knowing that you bear the weight of the kingdom alone.

Eumelanin's expression softens, and he sits on the edge of the bed, gesturing for her to join him. Ebony sits, her eyes never leaving his. 

EBONY: Your burden is not yours alone to carry. We are here to support you and help you through these trying times.

EUMELANIN: (sighs) The whispers of treachery grow louder with each passing day. I fear for Melania's future.

EBONY: (soothingly) Let us not dwell on fears, my king. Tell me, what weighs so heavily on your heart?

EUMELANIN: (gravely) I have uncovered a grave threat from the Snowcrest. They have a new king, one who seeks to claim what he believes is rightfully his.

EBONY: And how did this new king come to be?

EUMELANIN: (sighs heavily) He is the son of the Snowcrest's previous ruler, born from a political marriage to the heiress of a powerful house. He was excluded from the succession, but now he has amassed his own power and allies.

EBONY: (thoughtfully) Your strength is Melania's shield, my king. But even the mightiest shield can crack under pressure. Perhaps you should consider making alliances with the rightful heirs of the Snowcrest. It may stabilize the northern borders and prevent war.

EUMELANIN: (considering) The idea has merit, Ebony. But who can I trust in the Snowcrest now?

EBONY: (smiles) Fear not, my king. Before I married into your house, I was engaged to the young prince of House Icefall. His family is still loyal to the old ways, and I believe they can be persuaded to stand with us. But you may have to meet with them to discuss the details.

EUMELANIN: (frowns) That is a risky gamble. But if it secures our borders, I am willing to consider it.

EBONY: (nods gracefully) Then I will reach out to them and see if they can journey into our heartland.

Eumelanin nods, his eyes never leaving hers as she gives off a confident smile. The scent of her perfume, a sweet blend of exotic flowers, fills the air, and he feels a moment of peace amidst the chaos.


The sun has barely crested the horizon when Melaino is summoned to the Royal Gardens by his uncle Efrem. The air is thick with the scent of blooming roses and the distant sound of a nightingale's final song. They stand under the ancient weeping willow, its branches casting a dappled shadow on the grass.

EFREM: The time has come for us to act, Melaino. The alliance between the Snowcrest and the Desert Manes is a clear threat to our kingdom.

MELAINO: (eagerly) What do you propose, uncle?

EFREM: (smiling slyly) A marriage alliance. One that will secure our borders and strengthen our position in the face of the coming storm.

Melaino's eyes widen at the revelation, his mind racing with the implications.

MELAINO: (skeptically) And who will you offer for this alliance?

EFREM: (calculative) Melanie. She is the key to the south. With her as their lady, the Keepers will be bound to us, and the Desert Manes will think twice before attacking.

The words hang in the air, and Melaino's expression shifts from eager to contemplative.

MELAINO: (thinks aloud) Melanie... she's a valuable asset, but is she ready for such a strategic marriage?

EFREM: (confidently) With the right guidance, she will be. And who better to mold her than you, Melaino? With your mother's cunning and your father's valor, you could lead Melania to greatness.

MELAINO: (slowly) But what of Melas?

EFREM: (waves a dismissive hand) A minor concern. He is a soldier, not a politician. With the right... distraction, he can be dealt with.

Melaino nods, understanding the unspoken words. He knows his uncle's mind is a labyrinth of schemes and strategies.

MELAINO: Very well. I will approach her. But what of the Keepers? They must be informed.

EFREM: (nods) They will be. But for now, let us focus on the alliance. Melanie must be convinced of its necessity.

Melaino nods, his mind racing with the implications of the alliance. He knows that convincing Melanie won't be easy, but the promise of power is a seductive lure.

MELAINO: Melanie is... headstrong. How do we ensure her compliance?

EFREM: (smirks) You're her uncle, Melaino. Use your charm and your wit. Make her see the bigger picture.

Melaino nods, his thoughts racing. He knows Melanie's fiery spirit and her unyielding nature. How can he bend her to their will?


Melanie is jolted from her sleep by the sound of the door opening. She sits up, her heart racing, as Melaino enters, his expression solemn.

MELANIE: (sleepily) What is it, uncle?

MELAINO: (serious) Melanie, there is something of great importance we must discuss.

Melanie rubs the sleep from her eyes, noticing the urgency in her uncle's tone. She sits up, allowing him to sit beside her.

MELAINO: Our kingdom is in peril, my dear niece. The Snowcrest has forged an alliance with the Desert Manes, threatening our very existence. But you know this already, don't you?

Melanie's eyes widen in surprise, but she quickly recovers her composure.

MELANIE: (steady) I am aware. Father has spoken to me of the threats we face.

MELAINO: (nods) Good. Then you will understand the gravity of the situation. We must act swiftly to secure our borders.

Melanie's eyes narrow, sensing the unspoken challenge.

MELANIE: (carefully) What is it you propose?

MELAINO: (calmly) A marriage alliance, Melanie. One that will strengthen our house and protect Melania.

Melanie's heart skips a beat, but she remains expressionless, her mind racing.

MELANIE: (warily) To whom do you suggest this alliance, uncle?

MELAINO: (measured) The young lord of the Keepers. His family is of ancient lineage, and their loyalty to the throne is unwavering. This union would secure our southern borders and ensure the loyalty of the most powerful military force in Melania.

Melanie's eyes widen slightly, but she maintains her calm demeanor.

MELANIE: (skeptical) And what does this young lord bring to the table, other than his military might?

MELAINO: (smiles) He is said to be as wise as he is brave, Melanie. His strategic mind is unmatched, even at his young age. An alliance with him would be a boon to any ruler.

Melanie's gaze remains unreadable, but the wheels of thought are clearly turning behind her eyes.

MELANIE: (considering) I will need to think on this, uncle.

MELAINO: (nods) Of course. But do not take too long. Time is of the essence.

Melanie watches him leave, her thoughts swirling. The weight of the kingdom's fate rests heavily on her shoulders, and she knows that she must choose wisely. 


The grandeur of the throne chamber seems almost obscene as the court members file in, their faces etched with tension and fear. Eumelanin sits on the throne, his eyes distant and hollow. The silence is shattered by the arrival of Spymaster Kofi, who bears the news that has been whispered through the corridors of the palace.

SPYMASTER KOFI: (kneels) My king, I bring forth the truth behind Queen Amisi's passing.

EUMELANIN: (strained) Speak, Kofi. I am weary of whispers and shadows.

SPYMASTER KOFI: (serious) The evidence points to a plot within the palace walls, my king. It seems that Queen Amisi was not the victim we thought her to be.

The room holds its collective breath as Eumelanin's eyes bore into Kofi's.

SPYMASTER KOFI: (voice steady) My king, it appears that Queen Amisi had been orchestrating a plot to place her own son, Prince Melaino, on the throne. She had been feeding false information to the late crowned prince, leading him to actions that were deemed treasonous.

The room gasps as the implications of Kofi's words sink in. The weight of the revelation hangs heavy in the air, the candles flickering as if in response to the collective intake of breath.

EUMELANIN: (slowly stands) What...what are you saying, Kofi?

SPYMASTER KOFI: (firm) The queen, it seems, had her own ambitions, my king. She manipulated the crowned prince to take actions that ultimately led to his execution.

EUMELANIN: (slams his fist on the throne) Treason! In my own house!

The room echoes with his roar, the tapestries rippling with the force of his anger. His eyes land on Melaino, who stands stoically, the blood draining from his face as the gravity of the accusation sinks in.

EUMELANIN: (seethes) Melaino! Is this true? Did you conspire with your mother against my son?

Melaino's eyes dart around the room, seeking an escape from the accusation. The whispers of treason resonate through the chamber, a stark contrast to the solemn silence that had previously filled it.

SPYMASTER KOFI: (unfaltering) It is with a heavy heart, my king, that I confirm her involvement. She had been planting the seeds of discord. Her ultimate goal was to clear a path for Prince Melaino.

EUMELANIN: (enraged) Guards! Seize him!

Guards rush forward, their weapons drawn, and grab Melaino, who struggles futilely in their grasp. The room erupts into chaos; the whispers of treason are now a cacophony of accusations and disbelief.

EUMELANIN: (shouting) Take him to the dungeons! I will deal with him once I've had time to process this treachery!

The guards drag Melaino out of the room, his protests muffled by their strong grips. The court members exchange furtive glances, the air thick with shock and fear.


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