Letters to the Lost

Letters to the Lost

Chapter 1: The First Letter

Chapter 1: The First Letter

September 5th, 1944

Dear Alistor,

I can hardly believe I’m writing this letter to you. I wish I could tell you this news in person, to see the look on your face when you hear it. I’ve been so eager to share this with you, but words will have to do for now. Alistor, I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby!

I found out just a few weeks ago, and I’ve been dying to tell you. I wanted to wait until I was sure, and now that I am, I can’t stop thinking about what this means for us. I’ve been to the doctor, and everything seems to be going well. I’m still in the early stages, but I wanted you to know as soon as possible. I hope you’re as excited as I am. I know this isn’t how we planned to start our family, but life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it?

I’m so happy, Alistor. I’ve been dreaming about our future, imagining what our little one will look like. Will they have your eyes? Your smile? I hope so. I can already picture you holding our baby, looking at them with the same love and tenderness you’ve always shown me. I wish you could be here to experience this with me, but I know you’re doing what you have to do.

Life here has been moving along, though it feels a bit slower without you. I’ve been spending more time at home, trying to rest and take care of myself like the doctor said. Mom has been a big help, making sure I eat right and reminding me to take it easy. She’s already talking about all the things we’ll need to prepare for the baby, and she’s been knitting little hats and booties. I think it’s her way of keeping busy and not worrying so much about you.

I miss you more than words can say. Every day feels like an eternity without you, and I find myself counting down the days until you come home. I know you’re out there fighting for something bigger than all of us, and I’m so proud of you, but it doesn’t make the distance any easier. I just want you to be safe, to come back to us when this is all over.

I’ve been writing to you every day, even though I don’t always send the letters. It helps me feel closer to you, like we’re having a conversation across the miles. I imagine you sitting next to me, listening to me ramble on about the baby or what I had for breakfast, and it makes me feel a little less alone. I hope you don’t mind me writing so much. I just want you to know everything that’s happening here, to feel like you’re still a part of it all.

I know you’re busy and might not have time to write back right away, but I’ll be waiting for your next letter. Just knowing that you’re thinking of us makes all the difference.

Please take care of yourself out there, Alistor. Stay safe and remember that we’re waiting for you, now more than ever. Our little family is growing, and we need you to come home to us. I love you more than anything in this world, and I’m holding on to the hope that we’ll be together again soon.

With all my love,

Brianne Adonis


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