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Letters to the Lost

Chapter 1: The First Letter

Chapter 1: The First Letter

September 5th, 1944

Dear Alistor,

I can hardly believe I’m writing this letter to you. I wish I could tell you this news in person, to see the look on your face when you hear it. I’ve been so eager to share this with you, but words will have to do for now. Alistor, I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby!

I found out just a few weeks ago, and I’ve been dying to tell you. I wanted to wait until I was sure, and now that I am, I can’t stop thinking about what this means for us. I’ve been to the doctor, and everything seems to be going well. I’m still in the early stages, but I wanted you to know as soon as possible. I hope you’re as excited as I am. I know this isn’t how we planned to start our family, but life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn’t it?

I’m so happy, Alistor. I’ve been dreaming about our future, imagining what our little one will look like. Will they have your eyes? Your smile? I hope so. I can already picture you holding our baby, looking at them with the same love and tenderness you’ve always shown me. I wish you could be here to experience this with me, but I know you’re doing what you have to do.

Life here has been moving along, though it feels a bit slower without you. I’ve been spending more time at home, trying to rest and take care of myself like the doctor said. Mom has been a big help, making sure I eat right and reminding me to take it easy. She’s already talking about all the things we’ll need to prepare for the baby, and she’s been knitting little hats and booties. I think it’s her way of keeping busy and not worrying so much about you.

I miss you more than words can say. Every day feels like an eternity without you, and I find myself counting down the days until you come home. I know you’re out there fighting for something bigger than all of us, and I’m so proud of you, but it doesn’t make the distance any easier. I just want you to be safe, to come back to us when this is all over.

I’ve been writing to you every day, even though I don’t always send the letters. It helps me feel closer to you, like we’re having a conversation across the miles. I imagine you sitting next to me, listening to me ramble on about the baby or what I had for breakfast, and it makes me feel a little less alone. I hope you don’t mind me writing so much. I just want you to know everything that’s happening here, to feel like you’re still a part of it all.

I know you’re busy and might not have time to write back right away, but I’ll be waiting for your next letter. Just knowing that you’re thinking of us makes all the difference.

Please take care of yourself out there, Alistor. Stay safe and remember that we’re waiting for you, now more than ever. Our little family is growing, and we need you to come home to us. I love you more than anything in this world, and I’m holding on to the hope that we’ll be together again soon.

With all my love,

Brianne Adonis

Chapter 2: The Baby Shower

Chapter 2: The Baby Shower

October 2nd, 1944

Dear Alistor,

I’ve been counting down the days to write this letter and tell you all about the baby shower! It was such a wonderful day, and I felt so much love and support from everyone who came. I only wish you could have been here to share it with me.

The most exciting part of the day was finding out that we’re having a boy! I had my appointment last week, and I couldn’t wait to share the news with everyone. Mom was so excited that she decided we had to have a shower right away. She even made a cake with blue frosting on the inside, so when I cut into it, everyone saw the color and cheered. It was such a joyful moment, and I could feel you with me in spirit, celebrating alongside us.

I’ve been thinking a lot about names since we found out. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve fallen in love with the name Atlas. I think it’s strong and unique, just like you. I can’t wait to hear what you think about it. I imagine us calling out his name as he takes his first steps or when he’s running around the yard. I know he’s going to be as brave and kind-hearted as his father.

The shower itself was beautiful. Mom and Aunt Mary really went all out. They decorated the whole house with blue and white streamers, and there were tiny little booties and baby bottles scattered everywhere as decorations. We played all sorts of silly games, like guessing the baby’s due date and how big my belly is getting. I think you would have gotten a good laugh out of it. Everyone was so generous with their gifts. We got so many adorable clothes and blankets. I can’t wait to dress our little boy in all these tiny outfits. There were also lots of practical gifts—diapers, bottles, a baby carrier, and even a beautiful crib from Grandma. She said it’s the same one she used for Mom when she was a baby. It feels like a piece of history, something that connects our past to our future. I know Atlas will sleep soundly in it.

But the best gift of all was a blanket that Aunt Mary made. She knitted it herself, and it has stars and constellations woven into it. She said she wanted our little boy to always be reminded that he’s part of something much bigger, that even when the nights are dark, there are always stars to guide him. I held it close to my heart, thinking of you and the nights we used to spend stargazing. I can’t wait for the day when the three of us can lie under the stars together as a family.

It was a beautiful day, but it was also bittersweet. I couldn’t help but think of you and how much I wish you were here. I know you would have been in your element, making everyone laugh and feel at ease. I kept imagining you beside me, your hand resting on my belly, feeling our son’s little kicks. He’s been moving a lot lately, especially when I’m talking about you. It’s like he already knows who his daddy is and wants to be close to you, even from afar.

I’ve been holding onto the hope that you’ll be back in time for his birth, that you’ll get to see him and hold him in your arms. I know the war is unpredictable, and I try to prepare myself for whatever may come, but it’s hard not to dream about the day we’ll all be together. Every kick, every flutter I feel makes me wish you were here to experience it too.

I miss you so much, Alistor. Every day without you feels a little bit longer, and my heart aches to see you again. But I’m doing my best to stay positive, to keep moving forward for our son. I know you’re doing the same, wherever you are, and that thought gives me strength.

Please stay safe, my love. I’m counting down the days until we can be together again, and I’m holding on to the dream of our family—of you, me, and our little Atlas. You’re always in my heart and on my mind.

With all my love and anticipation for our future,

Brianne Adonis

Chapter 3: Growing Pains

Chapter 3: Growing Pains

October 15th, 1944

Dear Alistor,

I’m sitting here on the porch, wrapped in one of Mom’s old quilts, watching the sun set over the hills. It’s one of those quiet moments that makes me miss you more than usual. The sky is turning all sorts of colors—pink, orange, a little purple. You always loved sunsets. I wish you were here to see this one with me.

Things are changing so much, Alistor. My belly has really started to grow, and it feels like our little Atlas is having a party in there most days. The kicks are getting stronger, and sometimes they’re so sharp they make me wince. I find myself holding my belly a lot, just feeling his movements and wishing you could feel them, too. I imagine you here with your hand on my stomach, feeling him kick for the first time. I think about how your face would light up, your eyes wide with excitement. It’s those little moments I dream about most.

I’ve moved back in with Mom for now. I thought it would be best with everything going on and the baby coming soon. She’s been a big help, but I still feel a bit out of place here, like I’m a little girl again. I miss our home and the life we were building together. I miss our quiet evenings and the way you would wrap your arms around me just before falling asleep. Mom’s house is cozy, and she’s been so supportive, but it’s just not the same. I’ve been feeling more and more like I’m in this strange in-between place, somewhere between who I was and who I’m becoming.

Mom tries to keep my spirits up, cooking all my favorite meals and telling me stories about when she was pregnant with me. She’s even started knitting little socks and hats for Atlas. But there’s a heaviness in my heart that I can’t shake. I find myself lying awake at night, one hand on my belly, the other reaching out to the empty space beside me where you should be. I just wish I could hear your voice, even for a moment.

I had a scare the other day. I woke up with a sharp pain in my side, and for a moment, I panicked. But the doctor said everything is fine, just normal growing pains. Still, it made me realize how much I rely on you, even when you’re so far away. I wished so badly that you were there to hold my hand and tell me everything was going to be okay. I know I have to be strong, for Atlas and for you, but some days it’s just so hard.

Despite the pain and the worry, there are moments of pure joy, too. Like when I feel Atlas move, or when Mom and I talk about what he might look like. I hope he has your eyes and your smile. I hope he grows up to be as kind and brave as you are. I keep telling myself that soon enough, this will all be over, and you’ll be home with us. We’ll be a family, just like we always dreamed.

I know you’re doing everything you can to stay safe, and I’m trying to be strong for both of us. But I miss you so much, Alistor. I miss your laugh, your touch, the way you could make me feel like everything would be okay no matter what. I keep holding onto the hope that you’ll be back before Atlas is born, that you’ll get to hold him and see the life we created together.

I’m counting down the days until we’re together again, but some days feel like a lifetime. I just need you to know that I love you more than words can say. I’m doing my best to keep our little one safe and healthy until you come home.

Please, my love, take care of yourself. I need you. We both do.

All my love,

Brianne Adonis

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