Glass Academy

Glass Academy

Glass academy starts now!

“I’m serious eleven stop using my stuff!” Abel said eleven laughed for a few seconds “what are you going to do about it I’m practically Unstoppable!” Eleven said Abel quickly left Daniel heard them arguing for minutes he had gotten annoyed and stepped in.

“Both of you just stop I’m trying to work on controlling my abilities!” Daniel said eleven scoffed “your abilities?” “You don’t even have abilities you are just a copy cat no wonder dad likes you, you always follow him around like a lost puppy!” Eleven said Daniel looked at him angrily for a few seconds.

Daniel Shook his head “your a as*hole!” Daniel said eleven laughed “shut up you little puppy or else dad might hear you after all your the youngest out of all of us.” Eleven said Cain looked at eleven he immediately punched eleven in the face eleven fell to the ground and so did Cain “what you.... forget your own weakness you can’t hurt a sibling or somewhat like the Bible you’ll get shocked a little like Cain isn’t that what dad named you after!?” Eleven said.

Cain started to tear up “just shut the f*ck up eleven why don’t you go do your annoying drinking!” Cain said eleven scoffed and walked off Daniel started to tear up “big brother I’m sorry.” Daniel said Cain smiled and hugged him “it’s okay Daniel your like all of us a orphan you shouldn’t be treated differently because of your powers I fill you in since your kinda new here don’t let elevens cocky attitude get you down just like us he has a weak point.” Cain said.

Daniel looked sideways confused on what he meant “what kind of weakness?” Daniel said Cain smiled for a few minutes “since his skin is invulnerable to a point where he can barely be killed his psyche is really weak if you happen to have a empath or telepath ability he’ll be weakened against that.” Cain said.

Daniel looked surprised “really that’s so.... weak.... anyway why is he always mean?” Daniel said Cain looked up “well he’s only like that because he’s high as heck and he has this other ability he can see ghosts sorta like Michael but he can’t temporary bring back the dead and he’s also not that hard on medicine though he’s still pretty hard on medication anyway we should go or else Dad will get angry?” Cain said Daniel nodded smiling for a few seconds.

They immediately went down the hall where they found their sibling eating Daniel sat down and started eating “young Daniel do you remember why you are here?” John said Daniel nodded for a few seconds quickly “yeah Dad.” Daniel said “then explain why are you here?” John said Daniel nodded he immediately stood up.

“My mum brought me here when I was two years old because she started noticing my powers she thought I was a norm but then she saw my power at work I was playing with this kid in a park he was the same age as my..... his ability’s had manifested way before me so he had controlled one thing led to another I had copied his ability’s permanently which his ability’s was laser eye and I not knowing how to use them I had blasted him leaving a hole where his heart would have been.” Daniel said he immediately sat down everyone looked at him strangely for a few seconds.

“Now Daniel do you still have those abilities?” John said Daniel nodded “demenstrate all of your abilities.” John said Daniel looked confused “but dad I still don’t know how to control them all.” Daniel said John looked at him “do it now!” John said Daniel started to tear up “please don’t make me dad!” Daniel said John looked at him angrily “Do it now!” John said.

Daniel became frightened he concentrated everything he had he moved his hands and pointed towards a glass of water he shot a freezing ray freezing the water and glass the bast continued Daniel couldn’t stop it the cup immediately shattered the cold wave still uncontrollable continued he couldn’t stop it Daniel felt powerless.

“Dad do I like stop it?” Michael said John shook his head “no he needs to learn how to control his power until then he isn’t allowed to leave the table.” John said Daniel tried to concentrate the blast immediately scattering creating small ice crystals.

Michael tried to stop him but John immediately put his hand on his shoulder looking at him “let your little brother figure this out.” John said “I don’t get it why do we call him little brother though we’re all the same age just a few days older and why can’t I help!?” Michael said John shook his head “let him figure it out everyone else go I’ll stay here.” John said everyone stood up and left Daniel felt useless.

He kept on trying but only made matters worse “and here I thought maybe like your sibling you could go on missions too.” John said Daniels eyes widened he immediately tried his best again until the Ice way finally disappeared John clapped keeping a straight face “good job maybe you are prepared for the field but just to make sure tell me the rules and also your abilities weakness.” John said.

Daniel smiled “okay Rule 1. Don’t copy abilities from the villains Rule 2. Don’t copy your sibling abilities Rule 3. This one Rule is most important it’s more for my hand abilities then my eye abilities Don’t ever release your abilities all at once or it can cause a section 39 of the super power law handbook type end of the world scenario and Rule 4. Don’t kill the villains unless you or your siblings think their or another life is in serious danger.” Daniel said John clapped for a few minutes “now your weakness please.” John said.

“My weakness are weakness 1. I can’t copy physical abilities like acid or toad like but I can copy flight though that abiliy is already in my..... huge stack of card weakness 2. I can’t copy any invulnerability abilities or my body will reject that ability and I will have to go to the doctors weakness 3. I can’t copy magic, meta, super soldier etc but I do have a super strength type of ability called increase it allows me at will to control my strength all I have to say is the number of increase out loud or while whispering or if I’m more advanced without saying it weakness 4. I can’t copy powers that embiggens me.” Daniel said.

John nodded “good it seems your prepared May get Daniel prepared.” John said he immediately started walking away while May went up to Daniel “hey little one how are you feeling your not feeling down are you?” May said Daniel shook his head for a few seconds “no I’m alright but..... but am I really prepared for the field what happens if I mess up what if my powers grow out of control and I accidentally end the world I don’t want that?!” Daniel said May smiled she quickly hugged Daniel “don’t worry you’ll do fine out of all your siblings your the strongest plus if that does happen just take off the bracelet your dad gave you your reality bending will activate and all it takes is just a simple thought and everyone is back alive.” May said.

Daniel shook his head for a few seconds “no I don’t like altering reality it still doesn’t feel right!” Daniel said May looked at him immediately exiting the embrace “it’s all up to you it’s your powers you control them not the other way around can I tell you a story about when your dad first built me?” May said Daniel looked surprised.

“Really mum sure!” Daniel said Daniel was excited as he never heard of the stories “okay your dad had built me after you arrived here he saw how you were so different then the others unlike the others like your powers you were uncontrollable you would never listen always waiting never and you would never eat it had gotten so worse that your dad had to put you on a feeding machine then he discovered why you wouldn’t eat he had found a poicture of him and his mum he then.”

“decided that to make you more healthy you needed your mom now due to your mom being in the winds for a few weeks after putting you here he had to do the next best thing he had built me to not only look like your mom but also have every memory of you after filling in some details and gaps I had went to where you were you were so happy to see me but you realized I wasn’t actually your mum but you still accepted me as one after that you began to eat and other stuff and you also gained significant control over some of your powers including your laser eyes so then and after you didn’t have to wear special glasses or a special fabric to cover your eyes you got to see the world how it truly was beauty just how I got to see how it was and like your love for the world I loved you it almost seemed like my years as your mom I felt like a real person I was.... happy.” May said

Daniel smiled for a few seconds “Mom have you ever wanted to be a human and not a robot that dad created?” Daniel said May nodded “I guess no.” May said Daniel smiled and hugged May for a few seconds later leaving happily.

Daniel entered his room smiling he immediately walked towards his computer and started playing games a few minutes later his computer showed a red error Daniel smiled as he knew what that meant he immediately turned off the computer he ran out of the room and followed his sibling he lined up everyone had fancy costumes that gone with their superpower Daniel was the only one with no costume.

Daniel hadn’t mind but immediately May gave him a bag Daniels eyes went wide he immediately left to the bathroom he had gotten dressed he left the bathroom smiling ear to ear “wow.... you look a bit dorky.” “But it suits you.” Abel said Daniel nodded “thanks.” Daniel said “now your costume was very hard to place in order for so you better not mess it up and also each part of the costume is for a simpler control for your abilities.” John said.

Daniel smiled and nodded him and the rest left immediately for the mission.





Wow superpower things!!! nice work author!!! keep it up!!
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