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Glass Academy

Glass academy starts now!

“I’m serious eleven stop using my stuff!” Abel said eleven laughed for a few seconds “what are you going to do about it I’m practically Unstoppable!” Eleven said Abel quickly left Daniel heard them arguing for minutes he had gotten annoyed and stepped in.

“Both of you just stop I’m trying to work on controlling my abilities!” Daniel said eleven scoffed “your abilities?” “You don’t even have abilities you are just a copy cat no wonder dad likes you, you always follow him around like a lost puppy!” Eleven said Daniel looked at him angrily for a few seconds.

Daniel Shook his head “your a as*hole!” Daniel said eleven laughed “shut up you little puppy or else dad might hear you after all your the youngest out of all of us.” Eleven said Cain looked at eleven he immediately punched eleven in the face eleven fell to the ground and so did Cain “what you.... forget your own weakness you can’t hurt a sibling or somewhat like the Bible you’ll get shocked a little like Cain isn’t that what dad named you after!?” Eleven said.

Cain started to tear up “just shut the f*ck up eleven why don’t you go do your annoying drinking!” Cain said eleven scoffed and walked off Daniel started to tear up “big brother I’m sorry.” Daniel said Cain smiled and hugged him “it’s okay Daniel your like all of us a orphan you shouldn’t be treated differently because of your powers I fill you in since your kinda new here don’t let elevens cocky attitude get you down just like us he has a weak point.” Cain said.

Daniel looked sideways confused on what he meant “what kind of weakness?” Daniel said Cain smiled for a few minutes “since his skin is invulnerable to a point where he can barely be killed his psyche is really weak if you happen to have a empath or telepath ability he’ll be weakened against that.” Cain said.

Daniel looked surprised “really that’s so.... weak.... anyway why is he always mean?” Daniel said Cain looked up “well he’s only like that because he’s high as heck and he has this other ability he can see ghosts sorta like Michael but he can’t temporary bring back the dead and he’s also not that hard on medicine though he’s still pretty hard on medication anyway we should go or else Dad will get angry?” Cain said Daniel nodded smiling for a few seconds.

They immediately went down the hall where they found their sibling eating Daniel sat down and started eating “young Daniel do you remember why you are here?” John said Daniel nodded for a few seconds quickly “yeah Dad.” Daniel said “then explain why are you here?” John said Daniel nodded he immediately stood up.

“My mum brought me here when I was two years old because she started noticing my powers she thought I was a norm but then she saw my power at work I was playing with this kid in a park he was the same age as my..... his ability’s had manifested way before me so he had controlled one thing led to another I had copied his ability’s permanently which his ability’s was laser eye and I not knowing how to use them I had blasted him leaving a hole where his heart would have been.” Daniel said he immediately sat down everyone looked at him strangely for a few seconds.

“Now Daniel do you still have those abilities?” John said Daniel nodded “demenstrate all of your abilities.” John said Daniel looked confused “but dad I still don’t know how to control them all.” Daniel said John looked at him “do it now!” John said Daniel started to tear up “please don’t make me dad!” Daniel said John looked at him angrily “Do it now!” John said.

Daniel became frightened he concentrated everything he had he moved his hands and pointed towards a glass of water he shot a freezing ray freezing the water and glass the bast continued Daniel couldn’t stop it the cup immediately shattered the cold wave still uncontrollable continued he couldn’t stop it Daniel felt powerless.

“Dad do I like stop it?” Michael said John shook his head “no he needs to learn how to control his power until then he isn’t allowed to leave the table.” John said Daniel tried to concentrate the blast immediately scattering creating small ice crystals.

Michael tried to stop him but John immediately put his hand on his shoulder looking at him “let your little brother figure this out.” John said “I don’t get it why do we call him little brother though we’re all the same age just a few days older and why can’t I help!?” Michael said John shook his head “let him figure it out everyone else go I’ll stay here.” John said everyone stood up and left Daniel felt useless.

He kept on trying but only made matters worse “and here I thought maybe like your sibling you could go on missions too.” John said Daniels eyes widened he immediately tried his best again until the Ice way finally disappeared John clapped keeping a straight face “good job maybe you are prepared for the field but just to make sure tell me the rules and also your abilities weakness.” John said.

Daniel smiled “okay Rule 1. Don’t copy abilities from the villains Rule 2. Don’t copy your sibling abilities Rule 3. This one Rule is most important it’s more for my hand abilities then my eye abilities Don’t ever release your abilities all at once or it can cause a section 39 of the super power law handbook type end of the world scenario and Rule 4. Don’t kill the villains unless you or your siblings think their or another life is in serious danger.” Daniel said John clapped for a few minutes “now your weakness please.” John said.

“My weakness are weakness 1. I can’t copy physical abilities like acid or toad like but I can copy flight though that abiliy is already in my..... huge stack of card weakness 2. I can’t copy any invulnerability abilities or my body will reject that ability and I will have to go to the doctors weakness 3. I can’t copy magic, meta, super soldier etc but I do have a super strength type of ability called increase it allows me at will to control my strength all I have to say is the number of increase out loud or while whispering or if I’m more advanced without saying it weakness 4. I can’t copy powers that embiggens me.” Daniel said.

John nodded “good it seems your prepared May get Daniel prepared.” John said he immediately started walking away while May went up to Daniel “hey little one how are you feeling your not feeling down are you?” May said Daniel shook his head for a few seconds “no I’m alright but..... but am I really prepared for the field what happens if I mess up what if my powers grow out of control and I accidentally end the world I don’t want that?!” Daniel said May smiled she quickly hugged Daniel “don’t worry you’ll do fine out of all your siblings your the strongest plus if that does happen just take off the bracelet your dad gave you your reality bending will activate and all it takes is just a simple thought and everyone is back alive.” May said.

Daniel shook his head for a few seconds “no I don’t like altering reality it still doesn’t feel right!” Daniel said May looked at him immediately exiting the embrace “it’s all up to you it’s your powers you control them not the other way around can I tell you a story about when your dad first built me?” May said Daniel looked surprised.

“Really mum sure!” Daniel said Daniel was excited as he never heard of the stories “okay your dad had built me after you arrived here he saw how you were so different then the others unlike the others like your powers you were uncontrollable you would never listen always waiting never and you would never eat it had gotten so worse that your dad had to put you on a feeding machine then he discovered why you wouldn’t eat he had found a poicture of him and his mum he then.”

“decided that to make you more healthy you needed your mom now due to your mom being in the winds for a few weeks after putting you here he had to do the next best thing he had built me to not only look like your mom but also have every memory of you after filling in some details and gaps I had went to where you were you were so happy to see me but you realized I wasn’t actually your mum but you still accepted me as one after that you began to eat and other stuff and you also gained significant control over some of your powers including your laser eyes so then and after you didn’t have to wear special glasses or a special fabric to cover your eyes you got to see the world how it truly was beauty just how I got to see how it was and like your love for the world I loved you it almost seemed like my years as your mom I felt like a real person I was.... happy.” May said

Daniel smiled for a few seconds “Mom have you ever wanted to be a human and not a robot that dad created?” Daniel said May nodded “I guess no.” May said Daniel smiled and hugged May for a few seconds later leaving happily.

Daniel entered his room smiling he immediately walked towards his computer and started playing games a few minutes later his computer showed a red error Daniel smiled as he knew what that meant he immediately turned off the computer he ran out of the room and followed his sibling he lined up everyone had fancy costumes that gone with their superpower Daniel was the only one with no costume.

Daniel hadn’t mind but immediately May gave him a bag Daniels eyes went wide he immediately left to the bathroom he had gotten dressed he left the bathroom smiling ear to ear “wow.... you look a bit dorky.” “But it suits you.” Abel said Daniel nodded “thanks.” Daniel said “now your costume was very hard to place in order for so you better not mess it up and also each part of the costume is for a simpler control for your abilities.” John said.

Daniel smiled and nodded him and the rest left immediately for the mission.

Apple of your eye

“This guy again what is it with the same people attacking!?” “And why is he out of jail?!” Ash said Daniel looked ahead he started to walk but ash stopped him “what are you doing?!” Ash said Daniel looked at him for a few seconds “our job is to stop him I’m going to go do that.” Daniel said ash shook his head and looked at him “we don’t just run in there it’s not like the tv shows you could really die if you just run in there we need to think of a strategy.” Ash said Daniel looked ahead looking upset for a few seconds he immediately stepped back sighing “fine.” Daniel said.

“Okay his power is combustion which means he is able to explode anything that touches him or he touches and it will explode which also means Daniel you use your long range abilities try to see if you can stop any explosions Abel and I will get everyone to safety Michael keep him distracted vanya, eleven, and Cain help Michael while.” “Oh yeah crap forgot something Daniel be careful cause at a short range or if he concentrates he can make a blast of explosions sorta like your ice powers but.... much stronger and bigger.” Ash said.

Everyone got up and left Daniel quickly made walls with his powers containing his sibling and the villain Daniel could hear them talk “you guys again ugh..... couldn’t it have been a A lister superhero like Batman or Superman!?” He had said Daniel chuckled “this isn’t Gotham or metropolis you idiot!” Daniel said he immediately made the roof of the wall still laughing he saw that the civilians weren’t leaving.

“Please everyone we need you to evacuate!” Ash said “why should we evacuate uh just because of some silly villain attack?!” A guy had said “yeah how are a bunch of kids going to save us?!” Another one said Daniel quickly flew over there “please everyone do as my brother said and leave!” Daniel said he still had concentrated on making the wall but he had enough energy to help his brother out.

“Oh and what are you going to do if we don’t your all just kids your not STRONG enough to take out a villain!?” A women immediately stepped forward Daniels face looked surprised he lost concentration and the falls broke apart he started to remember what his mom said ‘we lost contact with your real mom after you came here’ Daniel looked at her ash looked back and forth “brother the wall!” Ash said multiple times but it hadn’t gotten through to him the villain got away.

He immediately looked at Daniel he went in front of him and grabbed his shoulders “you idiot you let the villain get away!” Ash said Daniel still couldn’t hear him Daniels eyes reddened he used another one of his abilities and pushed ash out of his way Abel then catched him “is Daniel all right?” Michael said he immediately walked closer to Daniel he tried to put his hand on his shoulder but Daniel blasted him with his wind power “Who ever said that we aren’t... strong your wrong and we are hero’s.” Daniel said he immediately looked towards the running villain and froze him in place “get him.” Daniel said his sibling quickly did as told ‘you can escape for now but I will get answer from you women.’ His sibling quickly had put on the power disabling cuffs and handed.

Him to the police Daniel quickly flew away so he couldn’t be question by his siblings the police looked at him astonished “wow that kid has multiple powers what’s his name or at least his hero name?” The police men said ash frowned “uh... we have to discuss that with him we’ll see you later commissioner Jordan.” Ash said immediately ash and his siblings left back to question Daniel.

When they arrive they were surprised to see a distraught Daniel ash quickly walked over seeing if he was okay he saw Daniel was looking at a metal ace playing card “ash I know what my superhero nickname will be i will be known as ace.” Daniel said ash smiled and he quickly put his hand on daniels shoulder.

“That’s amazing but will you be okay I don’t know what happened today but will you be able to stay on task?” Ash said Daniel looked at him and nodded for a few seconds “and by the way who’s is that the metal playing card?” Ash said Daniel frowned “before..... I came here my mom gave me this as a gift she always used to call me her little.... ace I thought I had lost it before this place but I just found it she must have had it this whole time and she ended up putting it with my stuff.” Daniel said ash hugged Daniel “I’m so sorry Daniel but we are your family now I know it may not look like it for some of us but truth is we all care about you just as we all care about each other.” Ash said.

Daniel smiled “thanks she also.... left this note but.... I’m not going to read it I don’t need anything or want anything or read anything from her.” Daniel said he immediately sparked a fire he drew it closer to the note ash stopped him by grabbing the note “you shouldn’t burn your letter from your parents!” Ash said.

Daniel looked at him angered “why shouldn’t I burn the letter it’s not like she wanted me I already burned half of my stuff from her why shouldn’t I burn this letter.” Daniel said ash sighed and looked down “look I get that you don’t want to look in the past and that you hate your birth mother but you’ll regret burning everything from her why not think of it over night if your mind hasn’t change then burn it if it does then read it anyone one of us would give away everything to have one thing from our parents including me remember that.” Ash said he had put it quickly in Daniels hands leaving.

Daniel looked at the letter wondering Daniel sighed “Fine I’ll read it once the worst that can happen it’s not like I can lose anything else” Daniel opened the letter frowning he read it.

Dear Daniel

Your probably reading this when Your 18 we’ll I’m glad that your reading this even if it was a few years after it was made your probably wondering “why give me up did you not want me” the truth is me and your dad absolutely do want you but living with us wouldn’t be truly living you would be stuck in home due to your power but don’t be frightened or hate your power we loved you because you were special you were... our ace your power is something to be glad about or prideful of your power didn’t drive us away it drove us in we love you and nothing would have ever changed that no powers or powers your probably wondering what’s my power well I can see into the future and I can basically imbued my power into other objects so you may not know this but that’s what I did with this paper I will happily see my baby boy grow anyway if you ever want to contact us we live in 111 fourth hold street you can find us there we’ll be waiting.

To: Daniel

From: mom and dad

Daniel crying a bit he smiled he folded the paper and had put it in his back pocket he quickly got dressed and left the house he smiled as he walked through the street he found the door and knocked on it a few times a few minutes later someone opened the door Daniel didn’t remembered the guy from his picture Daniel frowned.

“How May I help you hey you look familiar.” He said Daniel smiled “oh Are you from those Boy Scouts that always mess up my wife’s garden.” Daniel frowned and shook his head “I’m looking for my Dad his last name is ark.” Daniel said the guy shook his head then he realized “oh you mean your looking for the arks they actually moved five doors down they had to move out for a bigger hou-“ he said Daniel immediately nodded and ran Down until he reached the door.

He immediately knocked on the door he was welcomed by a guy in a suit opening the door “how may I help you young boy?” He said Daniel smiled a bit “I’m looking for Vincent ark?” Daniel said the suited guy nodded “Do you have a appointment with them?” He said Daniel shook his head the butler sighed and began to close the door Daniel used one of his powers and phased through the door entering the house he ran the butler looked surprised ‘hey I almost got the hang of my phasing power only my shirt came off .’ Daniel continued running

‘I hope I can continue to control it u don’t want another embarrassing accident like last time with my phasing’ Daniel continued to phase through doors searching door by door through out the phasing only his shirt, shoes and socks came off he finally found them he qucikly took a breath he didn’t recognize the picture but he quickly phased through the last door his mom and dad was there.

Both his parents were surprised “who are you!?” His mom said “Vince call the police.” His mom said “okay Alice.” Vince said Daniel stopped him by using his power to cut the power Daniel sighed “mom dad it’s me Daniel!” Daniel said Vince looked at him and shook his head “your not our son and can you even prove it!” Vince said Daniel took out the letter his mom had wrote “mom you gave me this letter your abilities have to know something.” Daniel said Alice looked at him and shook her head “even if You are our son my power imbued items only work for a few hours after that it’s gone.” Alice said.

Daniel finally understood the cold reality “you never even wanted me to come.... everything you said on this letter was a lie.” Daniel started to step back he started to cry “the moment I let my guard down.... the moment I’m happy you always find a way to hurt me.” Daniel day down in front of the door he looked down “why me why is it always me who gets hurt?” Daniel said his siblings and the butler came in through another door “Daniel are you okay!?” Ash said.

Daniel looked at ash with pure hatred “why.... I believed in you why did you lie!” Daniel said immediately everything began to shake “Daniel why don’t we discuss this at home.” Ash said Daniel stood up “you mean that prison of a home with only a fake mother waiting for me you told me that I should read the letter and I have I allowed myself to think of they would miss me!” Daniel said everything began to drop “Daniel come down you know what happened last time when you lost control of your emotions.” Ash said Daniel looked at him ash began to lift up “I remember well enough what happened last time and I don’t need to be reminded of how uncontrollable I can be!” Daniel said.

“Do you know how many abilities I hold in my body and how many people I killed because of them.” Daniel said “Daniel stop this.” Ash said “I have over 500 abilities in me and I killed humanity one hundred times with only 50 percent of my power do you honestly think I care if I kill them one more time I mean what’s so different this time hmm I have no one special to mean everyone in my life is basically fabricated!?” Daniel said ash shook Daniel immediately threw everyone across the room the house began to crack Daniel smiled immediately his picture of him and his parents fell including the metal ace card his parents saw the items and looked shocked “Daniel?” “Is that really you?!” Alice said “yeah Daniel is it we’re sorry we hadn’t seen it was actually you!?” Vince said.

The past is in the past while the future is the future and the present is the present

Two weeks later

“Daniel we finally found you again please come back home?” Ash said Daniel sighed he looked at the small child “you still want me back even after everything I’ve done like aging jay too a two year old?” Daniel said ash smiled “of course accidents happen so please can you come back home and we’ll take jay back home to his parents.” Ash said Daniel looked at him and teleported away again ash frowned “why is he continuing to teleport when ever I say his?!” Ash said.

Michael had smacked ash over the head “you idiot you still don’t realize what your saying is making him teleport away.” Michael said ash realized why he teleported “what’s his next location?” Ash said “he usually goes to place he’s been to like favorite places this place is where he usually cry’s over his feelings when he was a little kid so he’s probably at the amusement park his mom and dad took him too but this time let Michael do the talking.” Able said Michael nodded ash sighed and nodded.

It had took several minutes for them but they made it to the old shit down amusement park “this place has been shut down for years what does this place have over his memories.” Ash said michael nodded “okay ash I believe Daniel would be in the mirror maze.” Michael said ash nodded they headed inside the mirror maze they each saw the broken glass of the mirror maze and what’s left of the reason the place was closed down and was never used again a strange light emitted the mirrors that was once broken and dirty and the corpse were gone replacing it with what it used to be.

“Daniel slow down we’re not fast as you.” A girl said ash recognized the voice and looked over where it came from it was Daniel and his parents before his powers “mumma and dad I can’t wait until my powers manifest so that I can have a cool power as you two.” Young Daniel said he bumped into ash and he was surprised “are you misters and misses lost?” Daniel said ash nodded “well my mummy and my daddy can help you but if you want my opinion just go to your left that will lead to the entrance if you go right that will lead you to the end.” Young Daniel said ash nodded “thank you why don’t we go with you guys if your parents down mind?” Ash said.

Young Daniel looked at his parents they nodded and went right “so able why was this place closed down?” Ash said Abel frowned “A few days after its opening after you know Daniel came here a little boy had died in the mirror maze if you couldn’t tell the young boy fell braking the mirror he got straight up but someone had accidentally pushed him into the broken glass it had impaled his heart killing him due to the owner not wanting to get arrested he made the walk way unstable killing hundreds even thousands ever since the police wasn’t able to clean the bodies out of this place or in the water underneath.” Able said.

Immediately they Heard a dog they looked back the dog ran to young Daniel licking his face “Jay!” Young Daniel said Alice looked at the dog “I wonder why did you name him?” Alice said young Daniel smiled “because if I had a brother I would want to name him Jay.” Young Daniel said he smiled everything began to shift back to normal Michael smiled he continued to run until he found the end his siblings couldn’t catch up but he didn’t mind.

“Hi Daniel!” Michael said Daniel looked back of him shocked “Michael!” Daniel smiled his smile immediately went back to a frown “look before you teleport or fly what ever it is I have to say one thing.” Michael said Daniel nodded “thanks I don’t think your family forgot about you.” Michael said Daniel looked at him “look I know your hurt thinking they forgot about you but they didn’t you’ve just grown a lot and of course they couldn’t remember you, you also have a bit different hair color from when you were 2 and your eyes darkened you have blonde and a red type of hair color now and your eyes are a darker blue plus you look a tad bit younger then your actual age so that might have been a bit to remember anyway think of one thing one thing they didn’t forget about you do you remember a dog named-“ Michael said Daniel realized it and cried he looked at the confused Jay.

“Come back home we’ll fix everything and we’ll return jay back to your parents.” Michael said Daniel nodded he got up and smiled he picked up Jay and used his power to return him to his age Daniel got up but Michael could tell there was still something wrong “what’s wrong?” Michael said.

Daniel looked down at the sleeping jay he smiled then his smiled turn to a frown “I always thought I was running away because I hated how my parents lied to me but I found out... that i didn’t run away because of hatred for them I ran away because I was sad and I missed them and I was that same little boy who wouldn’t eat for days because he missed his parents when I ran away.” Daniel said.

Michael sighed “I understand in fact maybe it’s better if you were to return to your parents for a few weeks don’t force yourself into a life you know is a lie.” Michael said Daniel smiled he was glad Michael sorta understood “thanks Michael I’ll make sure to come back home in a few weeks and to visit we’ll if they allow me to stay.” Daniel said Michael smiled and nodded Daniel used his power to teleport his sibling finally found Michael but they just saw Daniel leave.

“we failed again!” Ash said Michael looked at them smiling shaking his head “No we succeeded he’s doing what’s right now.” Michael said ash smiled.

Daniel appeared before Alice and vinces eyes he stretched his arms out as a sign to handing the baby back but he was dumbfounded when both his parents hugged him and his brother daniel was crying happily knowing that he was wanted and still is wanted.

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