Busted! Darklord [Fan Fiction]

Busted! Darklord [Fan Fiction]

A voice in my head

Disclaimer: I do not own Busted! Darklord.

Original author: Xian Man Wen Hua

Artist of the manga: Zhu Shui Guai Xiang

...Chapter 1...

...A voice in my head....

A good hearted kid was playing in the forest of the Dead, a forest that got its name after countless battles that happened there, and countless deaths of brave warriors that fought for the good of this world.

"...help meeee…." A faith voice could be barely heard coming from a small cave.

Of course the son of a Demon lord couldn't help it but to start following the voice.

"Renjie stop!" A strong man shouted at the little son of the Demon lord that was standing In Front of a cave.

"Uncle Li, what are you doing here?" Renjie asked curiously.

"Renjie, you know that you must not enter caves with red marks on them, it is a rule from your father." Uncle Li explained.

"I'm sorry Uncle, please don't be mad." Renjie with a sad face bowed his head In Front of his Uncle.

"It's fine Renjie, let's go home now." With his hand placed on Renjies shoulder they both headed back to the palace.

Soon enough night fell and everyone fell asleep.

Everyone besides little Renjie. He was watching into the ceilings while laying beside the Demon Lord on their massive king size bed.

"...help meeee…." It was the same voice from before.


That voice was repeating through Renjies mind.

Renjie opened his eyes and stood up, he mindlessly started walking towards the main exit of the palace. He quietly exited the palace and started sprinting towards the Forest of the Dead, while listening to the same mysterious voice.

Night was young, tonight was a full moon, so navigating through the mountain wasn't the problem.


With every step the voice was clearer and easier to understand.

"...Young…Demon…Lord… please…help…mee…" Renjie was standing in front of the entrance of the mysterious cave, the same cave Uncle Li told him not to enter.

Without hesitation Renjie entered the cave and started sprinting through the maze that was made to ensure that no one finds what's hidden inside.

The cave was dark, nothing could be seen within ten meters from the entrance.

*Demonic Fire!* Renjie used his all bad Qi to activate a spell that helped him see inside of the cave.

"...Young…Demon…Lord…please…help…me…" Voice inside Renjie's mind was still echoing in his head, showing him the way towards the center of the cave.

Soon enough Renjie found it, a bright purplish color was emitting from the center of the cave, there was a massive purplish Spirit crouched inside of a small colorless box, completely moveless.

"Young Demon Lord, you have to release me, I am begging you." The voice was faith, barely hearable, but enough for Renjie to understand.

"What are you doing here?" Renjie asked.

*Evil Demon Lord Yu Jian has imprisoned me for many years, not allowing my spirit to go to Heaven, you have to release me.*

"That's my grandfather, why would he do something like this?"

"I was the great Witch of the Demon Lust cult, Demon Lord cult, and our cult was an alliance, until the Great Demon Lord Jian betrayed us, killing our whole clan and trapping my spirit, never allowing me to rest, you have to release me, Young Demon Lord, I am begging you."

A long silence occurred, Renjie was unsure of what to do, he never heard anything about his grandfather, he was doubtful, but good hearted so he couldn't help it.

"If it's for you to rest in Heaven then I see no harm in letting you go." Renjie placed his hand on the colorless box.

*Demon Eye*

Renjie activated his all bad Qi, resulting in his left eye glowing purplish, his Qi started entering the box shattering it into million pieces. The great Witch of the Demon Lust cult was released after many years of imprisonment.

“Thank you.” The Witch quickly passed through Renjie’s body, completely disappearing.

“Huh?” Renjie fell on his knee, holding his head. He got a massive headache from that spirit that lasted a few seconds, the headache was so strong that normal people would fall unconscious, but the Young Demon Lord was able to walk it off.

“I have to go back, before my father wakes up.”


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