Luc was more than happy, showering Luan's face with kisses, kissing and pampering him, rubbing his belly and even snuggling his head on it.
"Do they still not move? Do you know what they are?"
"No, I still don't know what they are, and they move a little, they were restless today but as soon as I saw you, they calmed down, I... I needed you so much... your pheromones help me in my pregnancy but you weren't there..." Luan was now sobbing, tears streaming down his eyes.
"No, no... forgive me, my love, forgive me, I searched for you, I swear I searched for you for months, every family with your initials... I felt like I was dying these months, Luan, why did you leave that morning? Why did you leave me there?"
"I couldn't let you think I was just anyone, I don't usually sleep with alphas, I hated alpha pheromones, I never had a boyfriend, I hated feeling them, but you... you're so different." Luan was now with his face in the alpha's neck, slowly inhaling his scent, taking each breath as if it were the last, speaking softly in his ear and then down to his neck.
"You're my alpha, right? (Whisper), you're mine, aren't you? You won't leave me again, Luc... promise me..."
Luan was on the brink of unconsciousness, knowing he was with Luc and that he was his, but the desire to show him that he was also his was already invading him.
Luc only groaned occasionally when he felt Luan in his ear and then his neck, his skin tingling and the prominent erection becoming noticeable, without realizing it, he began to release pheromones and his sharp fangs came out again.
"Lu... Luan, please... don't do that, I'm trying to control myself..."
"Don't do it, Luc, give me your pheromones, I want to feel them... I want to feel you..."
Luan was totally different when his wolf dominated his consciousness, he was totally erotic and sensual, purring in his ear and giving small licks on Luc's earlobe, while whispering things...
"I'm very wet right now, Lucian... (whisper)..."
That was the limit for the alpha, he grabbed Luan by the shoulders and forcefully pushed him away to look him directly in the eyes... his golden eyes met Luan's pink eyes who was visibly blushing and panting.
"I'll lock the door, Luan, I hope you know you can't say no now."
A smile formed on the Omega's face as he approached his ear and whispered softly to him before giving him a small lick...
"I already locked the door and told mom I wasn't feeling well, no one will come."
Luc said goodbye to his human side and let his alpha dominate the situation when he buried his head in the other's neck to inhale the delicious apple scent that Luan gave off and to growl in excitement when he felt Luan's hand rubbing his hardness over his pants.
"Luan... I don't want to hurt you, is this okay? Can we do this?"
"Noah said it's okay, do it, yes, I need to feel you."
Hearing the other alpha's name made Luc react with the possessiveness of a dominant alpha, he bit his neck a bit and heard the Omega's moan before repeating in front of him.
"Don't mention that alpha's name again in front of me..."
"Ahhhh he is... he is my doctor... he takes care of my pregnancy... ahhhh"
He barely responded as Luc had already caught one of the Omega's nipples... swirling his tongue around it and giving small bites... the Omega shivered every now and then and began to release a plethora of pheromones, clouding the judgment of the alpha who, without thinking further, completely removed the smaller one's maternity top and stripped him of his pants and underwear.
"Now I have you to take care of you and my pups..." Luc growled as he left a trail of kisses and bites on the Omega's visible belly.
"He... he is my doctor, Lucian... he takes care of me very carefully ahhhh..."
"Are you daring to think of someone else while being with me in this situation? I'll have to punish you, you know..."
The Omega only felt the cold running down his back as he felt the hot and wet mouth of the alpha stroking his firmness, the tongue making small circles from the root to the tip and a finger of the same in his wet entrance to prepare him.
"Yes... yesss Lucian like that... Ahhhh"
Call me Luc, call me Luc my love...
Lu... Luc ahhh...
The Omega gripped the alpha's hair tightly and felt his body release violently... he gasped as he felt a culmination of sensations that weakened his legs.
He glanced at the alpha who had now discarded his shirt and undid his belt, the alpha's erection was noticeable, Luan swallowed hard as he noticed the size of the alpha...
"That... that's not going to fit, Luc... you're too big."
The alpha smiled and sucked on a finger before inserting it into his tight entrance...
"I've been here before, do you forget?"
He gently positioned him and entered slowly... An Omega sigh was heard, followed by a soft moan - it hurt, but it was bearable, he just had to get used to Luc. Minutes passed, and Luan writhed under Luc, begging for more...
"Luc, Luc I'm about to..."
"Let's... I'm... me too..."
"Don't knot me, I don't want to hurt our pups..."
"You're making it difficult for me... damn it, Luan, you're so tight."
He said this and buried his manhood in one thrust, deep inside the Omega....
"Ahhhhh Luc!! Deep... so deep... I'm about to..."
He clenched the sheets and felt his body release in a pleasurable way as the alpha withdrew from him to finish outside and obediently avoid the knot.
Both lay exhausted beside each other and sweaty, amidst gasps Luc held Luan in his arms, who drifted back to sleep... he kissed his forehead and looked at him, he definitely wouldn't let anyone else see that expression of his besides him... it was their first night with a conscious Luan, he knew it, no one else would have his Omega in that way.
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