Luan was arriving early at the hospital, getting up was torture, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't open his eyes, he even dozed off in the waiting room of that office...
"Damn sleep, good heavens... why did I have to come on a Saturday... I could have slept until noon taking advantage of my weekend.."
He hadn't had that dream where his moon cried anymore, every night he felt drowsy, so much so that he even fell asleep in the living room while eating a late-night snack. He deduced that it was because of heavy work days and that in his wildlife clinic they had a significant investment with a technology company that would help in a charity work for some event for the protection of species.
He had had to see all the paperwork and prepare the event together with his alpha father to be able to appear before the partners as the future owner and heir of "Clinic'marin" so because of that he had slept very little and now he was sleepy all the time...
"Mr. Maison? Luan Maison?..."
"Ahh, doctor, it's me..." Luan got up from his seat, stretched a little, and entered the office room followed by a doctor.
"Hello, colleague!" Smiled the doctor in charge. "My name is Noah and I will be seeing you today... tell me, what's wrong?"
Luan looked at the alpha who would be treating him, an attractive, olive-skinned boy with wavy brown hair and green eyes, with an evident smile.
"Hello... colleague..." he said the last part with a pause because although he was a doctor, he treated animals and not people, if so he could have cured himself, he thought... "You see, for a couple of days I have been sick to my stomach, the truth is that I have eaten little and my assistant gave me some very strange fried things and then I got sick, I want to think that was it, maybe I got worms... it's just that I can't hold anything down... I even vomited... umm well I want to know if it's possible that there's something wrong with me... well you know, I couldn't control it and I peed in bed the other night, the truth is that I've also had anxiety attacks and I even sleep with the light on... I sleep little and that causes me to get dizzy and fall asleep suddenly anywhere...
"I'm bad, right? Am I going to die? Tell me the truth! Yes, I know I'm going to die oh my God, I still haven't been to Paris, I can't die without seeing Paris!!"
Luan was already rambling when a laugh was heard.
"Hehehe, Luan, right?" The Omega just nodded. "Well, Luan, you're not going to die, first give me some information... you're an Omega, right?"
"Yes... that's right"
"Well, do you have an alpha? Sexual partner? How often is your heat cycle and when was the last time it came normally?"
"I... I don't have an alpha... or a sexual partner... that is, I don't have any of that now... my cycle comes once every 2 months, it lasts one or two days, I take suppressants for it and it arrived... -that's what made him realize, his cycle was half a month late and with so much work he didn't notice... - no, it can't be, my cycle was supposed to come half a month ago... it hasn't come.
"Hmmm, well, here, take this," he gave him a gown and asked him to change, "let's go to the ultrasound room, okay..."
The Omega felt that the floor was soft, he couldn't think straight, his heat cycle had come the last time he had sex with Luc and after that nothing... he didn't remember knotting with him... or did he?
No, it wasn't possible, he repeated to himself, Luc couldn't have been so careless not to use a condom, although it was also his fault because he had allowed it... he hadn't refused.
"Well, colleague, let's see... lie down here, uncover your belly, and let's see that tummy."
He put some gel on his belly, at first glance you could see that small bump that protruded from his flat abdomen... the doctor was so almost certain that he would have left all the ultrasound stuff and assured him of a pregnancy, but he couldn't, he had to check it out.
Luan looked at the screen in disbelief, begging God to only have worms because of the lousy food that Jenny, his secretary, gave him to eat... then he heard...
"There! There it is, Luan, well, there they are... look, Luan, congratulations, you're pregnant, you're approximately 8 weeks pregnant and the babies look very good, very healthy, now we won't be able to hear their hearts but they are well attached to the uterus and the embryonic sac looks extremely good so everything is..."
He couldn't continue because he heard the Omega's crying, he turned around to check on him and saw Luan crying, covering his face with one hand and touching his belly with the other.
"All mommies get emotional when they see their pups for the first time, you shouldn't be ashamed..."
"You don't understand... I, I don't know who the father is, I didn't want this."
The doctor saw him almost feeling sorry for him, and he took the liberty of taking his hand...
"Luan... have you been abused?"
"Whaaat? Nooo! This... I did it consciously, it was my heat cycle, I found an alpha and... we did it, I don't know who he is, I don't know him, the next day I left the hotel, I didn't see him again, I didn't know he had knotted... I didn't know anything, I didn't want this...
"Well, Luan, that being the case, we are still in time, you know, we can submit you to a small surgery, it's outpatient, it would be in two days maximum, and the abortion is safe..."
"A.. abortion? I, I don't know if I should.. even though it was that way, the baby is mine too... I don't think..."
"The babies..."
"The babies, there are two, Luan, you're having twins, it all depends, hahaha."
"Two?" Then he remembered that dream where he saw two wolf pups and his moon protecting them and calming their crying and he knew it, he shouldn't have an abortion, he wanted to have them and even though he never knew who the father was, he would be there for them always...
"There's no need, I want to have them... Noah."
"Very well!! So let's get you some instructions!!"
He got up, got dressed, and followed Noah to his office.
"Well, Luan... it goes without saying that you have to take good care of yourself and get more vitamins! You're a little underweight and you need to recover that... you'll take these vitamins, I'm also sorry to tell you this but the father's pheromones are fundamental in this pregnancy, if you don't get them I'm afraid you will continue to experience anxiety attacks and fears and the babies could be born underweight or with some problem in their glands.
"What? No, no, is there no other option besides pheromones? Medication or something? I don't know where he is, I can't get alpha pheromones from him."
"I'm sorry to tell you that there isn't... for the proper development of your babies, maybe I can help you with all the vitamin supplements that I will give you, but for your crises and fears... I'm afraid I can't give you anything, regularly omegas are extremely sensitive during pregnancy, that's why their alpha should be with them... They usually create a kind of nest full of alpha pheromones and sleep there always, a few months before their delivery they usually nest and take care of that territory, it's something like saying... natural in omegas... so I'm afraid you'll have to go through the process alone, although if you still want we can interrupt it..."
"Nooo! They, they will be born, no matter what happens, they will be born... give me the prescription Noah I will get everything."
Luan came out of the clinic crying... it was unbelievable how his life had changed just for forgetting a damn suppressor... now his whole body ached, he had a slight fever and he just wanted to get home and cuddle up in his bed... his whole being was asking for it, he couldn't deny it anymore... he wanted him, he only thought of one thing... HIS ALPHA'S PHEROMONES!!!
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