Episode 14

Luc was in his office from very early, these last few days he had not been able to sleep well at all. He did not understand but he felt nervous and grumpy, he couldn't focus on work but neither did he want to stay at home thinking... and not sleeping.

He had spent the last 4 months searching the internet for most families with surnames with M, he did not give up on that, he had also avoided family dinners, he no longer wanted to argue with his father about the same thing; however, his father was not an easy person, so even though Luc did not go home, his father would visit him at his office from time to time, just to remind him that he needed to find a wife and give him at least one alpha grandson.

The demands in that world are so many... That having an alpha child is a sign of power in some rich and important family.

Today would not be the exception, Luc thought like many other days about that little Omega that had slipped from his arms one summer day, he thought lately with such force that it almost hurt…

"I can't be in love, can I? Why does it hurt not to have him with me?" -Luc thought every day, not understanding what the hell was wrong with him.

Knock knock - "Sir, your father is outside, he wants to see you."

"Ugh, let him in…"

The alpha entered that office that had once been his, things had not changed much because, although he did not like it, Luc and Santos had the same tastes in almost everything.

"Hello son... I see that everything is going well."

"Hello father, what brings you here?"

"Son, the charity event is this Saturday, we have to attend, since we are a charitable company, I'm sure you read the details."

"I did, father, what I don't understand is why should I attend if you are the representative of the company."

"Come on, Lucian, the Maison family is a very good family and the benefit is for the company, it will be a renowned event, there will be many important people and the press will be there too, we must present a good image to society, you forget."

"Maison family? I haven't heard of that family before…"

Luc did not remember having looked for a family with such a peculiar last name, in his searches he had only found a few families but all of them middle class, none of the social class that his father used to, therefore it did not occur to him, but hearing that last name gave him a good feeling, a kind of impatience.

“It is an important family in the veterinary field, they have important research… maybe it is another branch of high society that obviously we don't know about, hahaha,” his father laughed, for his son now seemed a little interested.

"Father, that family, do they have daughters or sons?"

"Sons? Well, yes, one son, only one, it seems to me his name is Luan Maison, on Saturday Santos will introduce his son and successor so in the future we will have to deal directly with him, why?"

Luc did not understand why, but hearing the name sent shivers down his spine... Luan Maison... he had looked for such a perfect match on those initials on the note but had not found it so surely.

"Well...father...we'll go."

"Very good, Lucian, oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, Rinno's daughter will also attend, and since she will be going alone it occurred to me that you could be a good couple... don't get me wrong yet, just meet her as her date that night, son."

"Father…. I thought it was clear that for now I don't…"

"I know, I know… just an informal invitation, damn it, I didn't say you were going to marry her… find a good suit and I'll wait for you at home on Saturday at 6 pm, okay?"

Luc didn't want to argue anymore, so he just nodded and stood up to accompany his father, he needed to distract himself a bit, Luan's name had been swirling around in his mind, he had felt a good sign and the nerves were coming back. . There were two days left for the charity event but he already wanted it to arrive even though he still didn't fully understand why.


Luan is in the bedroom that years ago was his, now he was almost 6 months pregnant and his belly was beginning to show without further ado being a twin pregnancy, the months had been very difficult, he remembered sleeping very little and eating less, although his mother took care of him, he woke up at night feeling terrified of the dark and with constant nervous breakdowns, he wanted to go out many times at night and look for the alpha from that time, he did not understand, there was no mark for which he would need him so desperately and still his heart ached for not having him close.

He had nothing left of him, not even a garment to smell and appease the anxiety he felt every day, in his bed he had made a nest with all the comfortable clothes he found and slept there every night waiting for a day to wake up and have forgotten about him.

He also cried a lot because deep down his Luna felt abandoned and sad. Luan felt it and tried to talk to her, telling her that everything would be alright, he had left work a month ago to Laura and her assistant, although she knew his condition, he did not want anyone else to know and question how it was that Luan Maison had a pregnancy without an alpha by his side, society can sometimes be very cruel.

He was looking in his closet for some clothes that would still fit him, he had to go to an appointment, lately he had become good friends with Noah and today they could find out how his pups were doing and maybe the sex.

He took a large coat from his mother, it smelled like him in a way that calmed him down a bit, and left the mansion accompanied by his driver directly to the maternity clinic. Upon arriving, he did not wait to be called, he just entered the office to find a very handsome Noah behind the desk immersed in some ultrasounds and papers that made him look even more attractive.

Noah felt that gaze and looked up to find a beautiful Omega staring at him from the door, holding his tummy with one hand…

"You're here Luan…" Noah said with a smile.

"I'm here, Noah… hehe hey, have you ever been told that you're quite handsome?"

"Hahaha yes, sometime, but not by someone I cared about, until today."

Luan felt his face flush and just managed to look away and answer Noah about his consultation.

"Can we see them today?"

"Of course… I hope they let us, hahaha"

Luan nodded and was led to the stretcher where Noah put the cold gel on his belly, ran the device over it a couple of times and remained silent.

"Noah…is everything okay?" -Luan seemed desperate.

"Luan, everything is fine, but you should eat a little more, one of the twins is underweight, although of course we knew that, they need dad's pheromones."

"I know… lately I need them too."

"Don't worry, Luan, we are in month 6, there is less left, we will induce labor in week 39, so let's just hold on until then, okay?"

Luan nodded and rose from the stretcher with the alpha's help.

He had thought about telling him, he was tempted to do so, but something inside told him to shut up… and so he did, he couldn't lose anything, besides, Noah had been a very good friend to him and had been watching over him.


"Yes, Luan?"

"On Saturday there will be an event and my family is the main sponsor… I was wondering if you wanted to go… with me… as my date… I mean, it would be like my good friend and you don't have to go if you don't want to or you can't or if your partner or boyfriend doesn't agree, you understand… I just wanted to know and…"

He couldn't finish the sentence, a laugh was heard from the other side of the desk and he turned to meet those beautiful green eyes of the alpha.

"I don't have a partner, Luan, or a boyfriend or girlfriend… unbelievably at 26 years old I'm a single doctor, so yeah, let's go, nothing would make me happier than to go to that event with you.” -He caressed his cheek and Luan felt his face burn, he pulled away a little and wanted to smile back.

"Perfect, hehe, um, then, I'll see you there at 7, yes, I'll send you the address by message."

"How about I pick you up? I have a car and we can get there together."

"Um, yeah, yeah, sure, that would be nice, only the meeting is at my house, hehehe, then I'll give you my home address."

"Haha, okay, Luan, I understand… I'll be looking forward to it." -smiled the alpha, the youngest just nodded and left the office, leaving behind a cheerful and smitten alpha.

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3 Episode 3
4 Episode 4
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6 Episode 6
7 Episode 7
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11 Episode 11
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14 Episode 14
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16 Episode 16
17 Episode 17
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21 Episode 21
22 Episode 22
23 Episode 23
24 Episode 24
25 Episode 25
26 Episode 26
27 Episode 27
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30 Episode 30
31 Episode 31
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33 Episode 33
34 Episode 34
35 Episode 35
36 Episode 36
37 Episode 37
38 Episode 38
39 Episode 39
40 Episode 40
41 Episode 41
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44 Episode 44
45 Episode 45
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49 Episode 49
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71 Episode 71
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74 Episode 74
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76 Episode 76
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81 Episode 81
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85 Episode 85

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