Episode 18

El Cortez:

The next morning, the investigator showed up with the investigation papers I had requested. He told me:

Investigator: "Sir, there are some important things here, about the convent, it's worth highlighting."

El Cortez: "Alright, I'll take a look at it now. Thank you very much for your service, your money is already in your account."

Investigator: "Thank you, sir!"

El Cortez: As soon as the investigator left, I started reading those papers. I read everything about that attempted woman-girl.

But there's nothing much, I can even say that it would be a dull life, she doesn't go to parties, never dated, and lived a quiet life, around her sanctified God. Well, everyone's crazy in their own way, I just think it lacked a little adrenaline, that's all.

I end up amusing myself with my thought, as if I wanted to put adrenaline in her life, if she knew a third of the kind of adrenaline I live, she would freak out on the same day.

I smile to myself.

And so I continue reading, until I get to the part about the convent, where a whirlwind of bad feelings runs through my veins, and anger takes hold of me.

I get in my car and ask one of my security guards to drive. I give him the address while I continue reading that report, my anger only growing.

"As soon as the car stops, I get out abruptly and enter that convent without even asking permission. The nun comes to meet me, but it's no use, I just say:"

""I want to see Ayla now!"I say, very irritated."

"Mother Antonia:"Sir, calm down, she is getting ready to travel tomorrow!""

"El Cortez:"Travel my ass, if she doesn't show up here in two minutes, people will die.""

"I say, gripping my Glock 9mm."

"She looks at me scared, and more than a prisoner she takes me to the room where Ayla is."

"Even covered with all those clothes she's still beautiful."

"She looks at me scared and I smile internally."

Then she tells me.

"Ayla:"El... El Cortez, what are you doing here?""

"El Cortez:"I came to get you!""

"Ayla:"Who told you I'm going with you, I just thought you were crazy, but now I'm sure!""

"I speak somewhat angrily."

"El Cortez:"Look here, you little brat, my patience with you is over.""

"I put my gun on my waist and without an ounce of patience for any kind of childishness, I throw her on my back and leave carrying her while she kicks and punches my back in a futile attempt to break free, it's more like a massage to me than an attack."

"No one dares say anything as I walk with this brat kicking and screaming."

"I put her in the car and lock the doors as she cusses me out in her holy way."

"Ayla:"Look here, you son of a bitch with Pomba Gira, what you are doing is kidnapping if you don't know it, carrying a person without their consent, are you listening you balloon mule, are you listening you Gadarene.""

"I cursed, but I cursed him with all the bad things I found in the Bible, but it was in vain because that son of Jezebel didn't even give me the slightest bit of attention and even made fun of me."

"El Corte:"To me, that's all a compliment, because I didn't understand a single word you just said.""

"Ayla:"And to make matters worse, he laughed at me, ugh, this deviant is driving me crazy.""


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