The days go by and the gloomy guy from the dragon's cave is very stressed, well, we barely speak, and then I had to pray a few rosaries interceding for this dark being to find the light.
I'm distracted by my thoughts until I'm snapped out of them by a very beautiful and well-dressed woman, so I say:
"How may I help you, ma'am?"
Lady: "I came to speak with El Cortez!"
Ayla: "What is your name, ma'am?" She looks at me with a haughty look.
Lady: "I am Alexia El Cortez!"
Ayla: "Well, ma'am, the gloomy being... I'm sorry, Mr. El Cortez is in his office and since you are family, I don't think he'll mind."
Alexia: "Look, girl, I already like you. It's rare to find someone who doesn't kiss my brother's ass!"
Ayla: "Mercy, what's this story about kissing ass?"
Alexia: "Hahaha, it's brown-nosing."
Ayla: "Ah yes, between us, he is very grumpy, but I believe that by praying a few rosaries interceding for him, my little saint will deliver him from this evil."
Alexia: "Look, you'll have to have a lot of faith, because I don't think there's any hope for that one."
Then we are interrupted by the door opening and the master of wizards coming out of it.
El Cortez: "What are you doing here, Alexia?"
Alexia: "Oh, for you too, you ill-mannered man! I came because I need to talk to you, or do you think I enjoy your bad mood?"
El Cortez: "Then say what you want because I don't have time for you."
He speaks as he enters his office.
Alexia: "Ugh, very charming. But don't worry, I adored your secretary, so I'll come here more often."
Alexia leaves speaking and you can only hear El Cortez scoffing.
Ayla: "My God, what a family of crazy people. Well, at least she's not stressed like her brother."
After a while, Alexia leaves and says:
Alexia: "Ayla, could you join me for lunch?"
Ayla: "Look, ma'am, I don't..."
I'm interrupted.
Alexia: "Look, don't give me that 'ma'am' business. My brother will lend you to me for a while!"
El Cortez: "Don't bother me, Alexia, she needs to analyze some documents for me."
Alexia: "Well, since you won't lend me your secretary, I'll stay here with you."
El Cortez: "Go on, take her, get out of my sight!"
Alexia: "Thank you, little brother."
Ayla: "Just like that, the crazy woman leaves pulling me along. Do these people think I'm merchandise?"
So we had lunch together, the girl is crazy as a loon, mercy, but I liked her, aside from the atrocities she says. And to help the crazy woman, it seems she's going to take me to a party with her. Mercy, she's dying to lead me astray from God's path.
After lunch, she leaves and made me promise to go to that party with her on the weekend, and so I return to the cave.
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