I Hear the Wedding Bells!

...Sunday 12 June 2022...

^^^It was a yet another normal warm summer day. Summer break was about to begin in eight days. The pandemic had quite come to an end but not entirely. My parents were again back to the flower shop and I was alone at home...^^^

After staring outside the window for a few minutes, I buried my nose back into my notebook, my gaze going through all of my important, decorated and informative notes.

“Okay, this topic is done. Which one should I revise?” I muttered to myself, while flipping the pages of my notebook and checking out all the topics that I had in syllabus.

I had all my focus and attention in my notebook, when I heard my phone ringing. I sighed, “Tch...” I took the phone in my hands to see who was calling... My gaze softened, and my lips curled up into a delightful smile. “Grace!” I exclaimed, under my breath, in a whisper.

I immediately answered her call and cheerfully greeted her, “Hello, Grace! How are you doing?” I grinned, genuinely happy while talking to her on call.

I could hear Grace giggling a tiny bit before she replied, “I'm absolutely good! Especially, after I heard your voice, I'm perfect!” Her voice seemed to always sooth me, I just leaned backwards against the bad posts and slightly closed my eyes while smiling, enjoying the sound of her melodious voice.

“That's very nice! What's new with you? Did something special happen? You suddenly called me...?” I immediately questioned, being utterly curious about what special she had to tell me about.

I heard an audible soft and honey-like sweet chuckle escape her mouth, “I don't have anything to tell...” Grace answered, in quite a playful and teasing manner; as if she was trying to make me more desperate and thirsty for the most latest updates of her life!

It amused me and I just couldn't hold it in and laughed it off, softly, “Oh, you don't? No problem, your voice will do...” I made a flirtatious remark, lovingly cooing at her, exactly just how she liked it.

She laughed softly and giggled, “Aww! Stahpppp!” She was extremely shy, flattered and flustered just exactly how she usually reacted to my flirtatious remarks.

I was also feeling pretty shy after making that flirtatious remark, maybe, even more discreet than Grace, at that moment!

“I won't be telling you because I'll be showing it to you, Tsukito!~ It's really beautiful. I'm very sure, you'll love it!” I heard Grace squeal in excitement and enthusiasm. Her enthusiasm never failed to warm my heart and astonish me.

I knew she was trying to tease and play with my desperate to see whatever she had in the store for me, I chuckled softly, “Don't make this traveler in the desert thirst more and more desperately for water! Show me? Please?” I said, pleading for the sight of her beauty, eager and desperate.

Even though, physically and practically, Grace was not in front of me. And, despite me not being in the condition where I could see her facial expressions... I still knew perfectly well that Grace was smirking to the sound of me pleading for the gorgeous sight of hers.

“Okay, okay~” She cleared her throat. “If you're that eager to see me... I should definitely show you.” Grace uttered, in a very confident way. I absolutely loved... it, when she was confident. “Wait, let me send you the photos real quick!” She said and hung up the call to send me the photos.

I, unconsciously, tapped my toes on the floor continuously, eagerly awaiting the pictures to be sent to me. I was completely desperate; My cheeks flushed red, my gaze completely static and buried on to the phone screen, and my teeth biting on to my fingers... She held the power to completely get the hold of my attention, and also to take my breath away with merely a snap of a finger!

“Please, Grace, show me! I'm waiting! Please, please, your Tsukito is hungry for the mere sight of you!” I typed the message, but immediately deleted it again, rethinking whether I should send it or not. But, then I typed that message again and sent it to her. “What's the harm in being desperate and flirtatious with her anyway... She is my girl!” I told myself and my grin slightly got wider in anticipation as I saw her come online.

“Oops, sorriii, my parents had come, so I was just doing some stuff. Wait. Imma send now! :3”

I instantly sat straight like an inanimate object... A robot, you could say, as I read that message. I leaned towards the phone screen, in anticipation... For the photos! “She must have bought some new dresses or skirts! She must be looking so gorgeous!... I want to see her so badly... God!... Wait, why isn't she sending?--” Before, I could ask myself that question... My phone buzzed with the sound of the notification.

“Oh, wait.” My attention directly went towards the phone screen.

I froze on my seat and my breath got stuck, almost as if, Grace had instantly taken my breath away with the magic of her endless beauty... “Oh...” I breathed slightly harder and deeper, subtly gasping for air. “Wow...” I zoomed in to her face, staring at her hair, her eyes and her lips... She had put excellent efforts to her appearance... I loved it. I loved it when she would adorn and highlight her features, when she would take care of herself... When she would absolutely take my breath away... When she would try such gorgeous dresses!

“Oh, god! She- she looks like a bride! She looks so gorgeous.” I murmured to myself, under my breath. Being so mesmerized by her beauty, I almost had forgotten to text her my perspective. I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my phone buzz for like four times.


“How do I look?”

“Where have you gone?”

“Helloooo? 😑”

I quickly typed the message to her, offering a brief explanation along with complimenting her and raising her confidence, just as I should be doing.

^^^“Oh, I'm really sorry, I was actually staring at your pictures!”^^^

^^^“You look absolutely breathtaking!”^^^

^^^...“I couldn't take my eyes off, you had completely hypnotized me Grace!”...^^^

I waited for to read my text and reply to me. She normally took, maybe, one or two minutes to respond to my messages... Hence, I took the benefit out of it and continued staring at her photo for just few more moments.

“Oh? What's that...?” I zoomed in to her arm and there was slightly red spot there, a tiny bruise... It wasn't something new to see, since, my adorable Grace was a little too clumsy at times.

Still, I typed one more message, questioning her regarding the photo she had sent, “Grace, why is your arm bruised? Did you again run into something? 😂” I asked her, in a light-hearted manner. It was pretty obvious that I only wanted to tease her about her clumsiness.

She came online, two seconds after I sent that message and replied, “Yaaaaa, I ran into the dining table again! -_- No matter, how much I try to be careful, I always run into something and end up getting bruises! :(”

As I read her message, which offered an explanation regarding my question, I just chuckled a little and laughed softly before replying to her message...

“You're definitely something, grace! 😂 You know what, I'd have to be keeping a lot of first aid materials at home in future when we get married!”

“ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ NOT FUNNY.”

Her message and that cute emoticons that she used, warmed my heart and I laughed a lot. Grace truly was like her name.

Wherever she would go, she would be taking happiness along with her!

Oh, how I would love to marry her... I cannot imagine, how wonderful we'll look together! Her, as my wife! I, as her husband! And, if she desired to have children in the future, there would be three of us...

I caught myself again stuck in day dreaming and fantasizing about Grace and Me... So, I immediately snapped out of my thoughts. “Alright, Tsukito, not again. You should be studying! If you study, you get job and if you get job, you get money! If you get money, you get Grace's hand in marriage with her parent's approval!” I motivated myself, trying hard to not get distracted with the temperory false fantasies, in order to make it true in the coming future.

I lightly slapped my face and then sighed, taking a deep breath before digging my nose again into the books.


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