Episode 5

Pov Maia

I don't know how else to be, I'm overprotective. We're walking along and suddenly I see a nurse shouting at one of the children who arrived at the prison a little over two months ago and just the one they cut off a piece of her tongue so she has difficulty speaking, but my blood boils when I see her hitting little Mira Ahhhh what hatred. Because of my cheetah DNA, I run and grab her arm before I hit her again.


Nurse_ What are you, this girl? It's not enough for the alpha to retrieve impure wolves, now there are others who don't know their place.

I hold the nurse by her blouse and sigh. I can't control my anger and the guards can tell you that I used to get beaten up every day because of it.

Maia_ is just a child... A CHILD...

My voice is hoarse and dark, I can feel the nurse's body shaking and I can hear my bones almost breaking.

Violet_ I'm emerging....

I throw the nurse to the floor and kneel down, the pain making me sweat.

Mirna_ Maia what happened?

Lucca_ First transformation...

I hear his voice and then Violet takes complete control and my bones break and settle back into place. Violet appears black as night and looks again at the nurse, who stares at me in amazement.

Violet_ So I guess I should introduce myself, right?

Nurse_ sorry sorry sorry

Lucca_ Calm down but you'll end up hurting innocent people.

When Violet hears his voice, she unravels at once and I'm naked in front of everyone, causing Lucca to become possessed and throw me over his shoulder...

Maia_ Put me down...

He remains silent and I see the pack, we enter it and follow everyone looking at us, he throws a cloth over me and follows me to a huge house... We go inside and make our way to what seems to be a bedroom. He goes in and locks the door. As soon as he puts me on the floor, I thought we were going to fight, but he takes my mouth and at first I don't know how to react, then he slips his tongue in and I can't resist, my body is crying out for him and he knows it because he runs his hands all over my naked body as he devours my lips, but then I hear a growl.

Maia_ stop!

Dexter_ How dare you tell me to stop? I'm your partner and you belong to me partner... I smell your scent, I feel your arousal, I feel every cell in your body calling out to us...

That's not his wolf... I take the cloth that was covering me before and cover myself.

Maia_ Stay away, I can be your companion, but you're not the boss of me...

He lunges at me and tears the cloth...

Dexter_ Maia your name is sweet is something else sweet too, let me try it little buddy...

Maia_ Please Lucca stop, I'm not ready.

Then I cry and he stops and his eyes return to their normal color.

Lucca_ Sorry, I'm extremely possessive, I didn't mean to scare you. Could you tell me the story of that little girl the nurse was fighting with?

Maia_ I need clothes first, could you get them for me Alfa?

He looks at me and then walks over to the wardrobe, picks up a blouse that would look like a dress on my body, puts it on and pulls my hair out of the blouse, which seems to excite Lucca again.

Lucca_ I need a shower, could you wait for me here so we can talk, this will be our room from now on...

But then Violet appears and approaches him

Violet_ I don't want to stay in the same room as you Alfa

Lucca_ call me partner, love, sweetheart, baby, whatever silly nickname you think fits, but I'm not your little alpha, I'm your partner, destined to be your husband, as you see fit.

Violet_ Alpha! And only alpha! I smell wolves in this room and don't even try to say anything, my sense of smell is too acute. Excuse me alpha...

We left the room while the alpha looked at us without understanding anything, there was a scent of she-wolves but none of them seemed to have lain down on the bed, so it was the she-wolves who tidied the house.

Maia_ why did you do that?

Violet_ you didn't want to stay and I found a way


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