"Balbino is going to finish you," he yelled.
"He's taking bets to see who will be the first to dishonor you when you're caught, and the list is already long."
I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.
"I'm sure I'm very attractive and a good catch, but you guys aren't my type," I announced, pointing my hand in his direction.
"Bastard, idiot..." he hissed.
Romeo approached and stood beside me, holding out a plate of Camilo's bone dust.
We had a powerful oven, responsible for the cremation of some bodies, as well as a grinder. This way, we would get rid of the traces of some of the deaths we were responsible for.
"Look, your dish has arrived," I sneered, picking up and rubbing the dust between my fingers.
"Hmm... since I'm a redeeming man, I'll give you one last meal that you'll enjoy."
"I'll see you in hell..."
"Yes, and please don't forget to save my place next to the devil," I retorted.
I licked the tip of my finger, tasting Camilo's bone dust, and it tasted like ash. He looked at me in disgust and the men in the room turned their faces away.
I got up and walked around the table to place the plate in front of him.
"I'll give you two options: the first is to smell every last bit of this dust and give me the information I need."
He asked, looking at the contents with horror and disgust.
"Or I'm going to give you a blood thinner shot, postpone your death, and I'm going to cut off your other fingers, prepare the dish and make you eat them.
"I pondered for a second.
"Hmm... and considering the information you gave me about how much Balbino is rooting and betting to see who will be the first of his men to dishonor me, I'll do the same to you. I will make you available to any of my soldiers who show interest. And that's the third option."
There was something worse than death for a captured man. None of the tortures compared to being raped and having one's honor subjugated. Balbino and the 'Ndrangheta pigs knew this and, for that very fact, they put a price on my head. Or, more precisely, my ass.
Camilo needed to remember why Gilliam chose me, and not another, for interrogations. I was the best at what I did, the most mentally fertile, the one who always found innovative ways to torture enemies until I got my answers.
"You want the names of those who were with me?"
I confirmed with a nod.
"And anything else you want to say, of course. I'm here to listen. You can open up with me, my time is all yours."
I smiled, and he growled.
"I'll smell the dust," he announced, squeezing his eyes shut.
I waited, observing every fleeting reaction on his bruised face. Camilo was in an internal conflict, but he knew this was the best option. If he couldn't even smell the dust on his fingers, let alone eat his own skin.
"I have to go get engaged, so please do this soon,"
I snapped, grabbing his blond hair and pushing his head down.
Camilo tried to hold his ground, but he wasn't strong enough and ended up giving in to my pressure, sticking his face in the plate of dust.
"Smell it, Camilo. I don't need to teach you how to do that, you do enough cocaine every day to know."
He inhaled, choking and coughing, and then tried to raise his head, but I forced it back down.
"The names, now, and I'll let you go!"
He coughed.
"Now, dammit!"
"Leone and Tito..." he said, inhaling a little more dust and choking again. His face was turning pale, his chest heaving, regaining control of his lungs, before continuing, "Balbino wouldn't risk sending more of his important men, so he only sent the three of us."
I glanced at Romeo, a silent command to tell Gilliam what had been discovered. He nodded and left the room.
I let go of Camilo's head and took a step back, just long enough to avoid being showered with vomit. The idiot turned to the side and threw up everything in his stomach, mixing it with his own blood that stained the floor.
"And where are they?" I insisted, snapping my fingers.
Camilo wiped his mouth on his shirtsleeve and glared at me. His nose and chin were stained with dust, and saliva dripped from the corners of his lips.
"You only said names," he retorted.
I spread my hands on the corners of the table and lifted my lips in a malicious smile.
"Want to smell a little more, Camilo?"
I was at my limit. I had already gotten the names and whatever extra information I could gather would be helpful, but not essential. I would stick the imbecile's face in the plate just for fun, before blowing his brains out.
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