Episode 1


“My name is Tara. I grew up in a small town with simple dreams. I just wanted to live a quiet, peaceful life. But my world was turned upside down the day I found myself in a strange new realm, filled with magic and mystery. I soon discovered that I had a great responsibility to protect the people of this realm, but I also faced great danger from the forces of evil that lurked around every corner. My only hope was that I could find a way to fulfill my destiny and bring peace to this enchanted land, but the path ahead was filled with peril and uncertainty. Could I save this enchanted really and find a happy ending, or would my story end in a tragedy...

Tara, a small town girl from the 21st century with not so big dreams, so it might've seemed, only trying to make a decent living and lead a peaceful life. Her life was turned upside down in an instant as she stepped into oblivion, and like a fantasy, she found herself in another world, a world of mysteries and magic, caught in between the battle of good and evil, of those with corrupted hearts. She thought she was bound to a fate she had to succumb to, not knowing her life has always being intertwined with this fate, to come to realize she bears a huge responsibility to her people - a people she just came to know of and the duty of fulfilling it in the midst of danger and evil that lurks every nook and cranny of an enchanted realm . Her only dream now, was that this story, like a fairy-tale (not that it ever could be) would survive a dreadful fate...

*This is a story about mysteries, magic, spirit beasts, mystical creatures, friendship, survival, hatred, love, betrayal twisted fates, ...


Levingsine estate


"quit fooling around and get the job done" was all I heard after a spanner slipped my grip and went crashing down the floor. I had heard those words before in that same irritating and ear- twitching voice of hers, the lady in question- a middle aged woman of no interest to me since I didn't even find the courtesy of knowing her name as she keeps reminding me- "It's ma'am to you girl!". I probably have heard it a few times but I don't seem to ever recall it. I'd had it up to my neck with her insults. "If I were you, I'd watch my trap!" I snarled at her for the first time, as I reached for my tool.

"do you know how difficult it is, fixing this dead sink of yours that you stuck up with God knows what! And get it blocked". I finally burst out in my genuine frankness and in the heat of my anger. I was never one to put up with this treatment and wouldn't start now. I have been silent long enough.

She glared at me with disgust and disbelief that lingered in her eyes.

"how dare you! She said, as she snarled at me trying to conceal her outburst and keep her composure which wasn't going very well

"what guts you have, to talk back at me, you measly street brat!"

"I will put an end to this" she uttered sternly as she reached for her cell phone to make a call to who I believe was security.

"That won't be necessary" I snarled back at her in rage, and stormed out through the exit, swinging shot the door behind me.

Over the years, I had earned my reputation as plumber girl. Tara the plumber girl. I knew my work well and wouldn't put up with arrogant people who lacked simple mannerism and respect for others, think they owned the world, I signed.

It was already dark when I arrived at my lonely residence, Gaujong, a sub-urb known widely to be home to ruffians and poor people, but at least, they were people who didn't have to pretend to be what they weren't. I was sometimes glad working in the city took me away for a while even If it was just doing odd jobs. It was June, when living here was most inconvenient because of the rains which took a toll on the streets, not that anyone dared to lay an official complaint, since Gaujong has long been abandoned by the state, just like I was - Abandoned. It was a long time ago and I was only a baby. I never knew her, but each time I think about it, it hurts though I keep covering myself in the blanket of pretense - I don't care. Yet, there are times when I admit to myself - maybe I do care, so what, move on girl!

Pondering on my thoughts that night seemed heavier than usual and the night was suspiciously stygian with an unusual ire in it. The weather was suddenly getting hotter. It was as if the core of the earth was opening up and radiating its heat or worse, ready to swallow me whole. Very strange indeed. I turned around the dark street and noticed there was no one but me walking the path. I suddenly had a feeling something was wrong. Naturally, I doubled my pace, but the weather just kept changing, it got warm, cooled down and got warm again. Was there ever a serious global effect broadcast that I wasn't aware of...not that I cared much about watching the news, but at the very least if it had such an effect, the report would have circulated and I would have known about it.

This time, I tripled my pace, determined, in an effort to flee the scene to the comfort of my home, only to stumble on a large stone and hurt my ankle. Laying on the ground, body stretched, I wailed in pain and reluctantly, I lifted my head up to notice a beam of light just across where I was. Probably a headlight. I felt relieved to know I wasn't the only one there. I walked towards it and as I got closer, the light started drifting away. "No, wait! Stop!" I yelled hoping to get a response but it never came, just kept drifting away.

Curiously, I followed it until I reached a dead end. "there is no way I'm going in there, and how can a car reach there in the first place". I was now puzzled and fear crept its way on my bemusement and gripped me. So much for being curious Tara. Before I could turn to leave, a huge whirlwind almost the size of a tornado was building up and approaching my direction and I was forced to run straight into the beam of light...



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