Loving You Was A Mistake

Loving You Was A Mistake

Episode 1

What am I doing here?


She looked at me in the mirror and sighed. The dress that Jeimy made me buy last week, I have to admit it fits well, although it's not really my style. I prefer to wear something more discreet, but my friend insisted that I buy it for today, and since it's her birthday party, I can't help but refuse to wear it. Anyway, I turn around and see my backside. I have to be careful, if I bend over too much, everything will be visible, even though I'm wearing shorts underneath, so I suppose it won't be a problem. Still, I don't feel very comfortable wearing this piece of fabric.

"Honey, the taxi is here," announces my mother, entering the room as always without knocking. "Wow, you look very... different," she says, surprised to see me so daring.

I look at myself in the mirror for the umpteenth time and smooth out a nonexistent wrinkle in the tight black dress, with silver chain straps and sheer panels on the sides by my ribs. I decided to pair it with high black heels, a small black clutch with a silver chain flap, and I didn't wear a necklace, just some silver earrings, rings, and bracelets to match.

"Jeimy forced me to buy this dress and wear it today," I explain to Mom as I put some money in my purse, grab my phone and take Jeimy's gift.

"I knew it, that dress is definitely not your style," she comments and I glare at her, "Oh, daughter, don't look at me like that, I'm not saying it doesn't suit you."

"Forget it, Mom, I'm leaving now," I say, brushing past her.

"Well, take care and have a good time."

"Yeah, sure."


Half an hour later, I finally arrived at the Jhonson's house. I must say, the place is quite large, befitting a wealthy family. There are several luxury cars outside. I let out a nervous sigh, pay the taxi driver, and then get out of the car to walk towards the gate where some guards are standing.

"Good evening." I greet, they respond with a gesture and step aside as the door opens automatically, they already know me, so they don't ask for my name or identification. I walk inside and make my way to the living room where I know the guests are.

I take a deep breath and gather my courage before crossing the threshold, preparing myself to see all these people and, above all, him. I take a step and then another, just as I imagined, the place is quite crowded. I search with my eyes for my friend, the birthday girl, and quickly spot her. She sees me too and smiles, says something to her guests, and walks towards me.

"I knew that dress would look amazing on you." she comments.

"Yeah, whatever." I roll my eyes. "Here." I offer her my gift. "Happy birthday!" she smiles, accepts my present, and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Come on, my parents and Grandma Caroll are over there." she takes my hand and pulls me towards her family. We pass by people, asking for permission until we reach the Johnsons.

"Good evening, Mrs. Jennifer, Mr. Tom, and Mrs. Caroll." I greet my friend's parents and paternal grandmother.

"Hi, sweetheart, how are you?" Mrs. Caroll asks. "You look very different today." she says, making me blush.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. And you?" I reply and look at Jeimy.

"I made her buy it, doesn't she look divine?" she questions. The grandmother looks at her disapprovingly and she smiles nervously.

"I'm fine, sweetheart, thanks for asking, and you look very beautiful, but don't let my crazy granddaughter tell you what to wear." she says, smiling kindly, and I nod.

"Sweetheart, you shouldn't force your friend to dress as you like." Mrs. Jennifer finally speaks up.

"I didn't force her, Mom, I just wanted her to try something different." Jeimy excuses herself.

"Besides, it's her birthday and I wanted to please her." I intervene, so they don't say anything else. Her grandmother and mother smile, and the topic is dropped there.

"How are your studies going, Vivian?" Jeimy's father asks now.

"Fine, I'm already in my last semester. Next week, I have an interview at Salvatierra Industries." I reply, smiling. It's something that excites me a lot. Salvatierra Industries is one of the most successful foreign companies in the country, and being accepted to work as an assistant to the deputy manager for my internship is wonderful.

"What are you talking about?" someone asks behind me. Upon hearing that voice, my heart skips a beat.

"About Vivian's upcoming internship at Salvatierra Industries." Jeimy responds for me, knowing that for the next few seconds, I've lost the ability to speak.

"Really? Congratulations, Vivian!" Tomas says with his magnificent smile. "When do you start?" he asks.

"Um... It's not certain yet. I have an interview next Monday." I manage to say, he continues smiling, and I feel my legs trembling.

Tomas Johnson, my crush and my best friend's brother. I've been madly in love with him since Jeimy introduced us in our first year of university. We both study the same thing, business administration, and that time I came to the Johnsons' house to work on a group project, with Tomas helping us. It was love at first sight. His wavy, slightly rebellious blond hair, his gray eyes, and god-like features won me over from the very beginning. It was love at first sight. Unfortunately for me, that love was never and will never be reciprocated. Tomas' heart belongs to his girlfriend, Kendall Donovan, a stunning and conceited blonde with green eyes who believes she owns the world and that the rest of us are just tenants. Well, that's what Jeimy and I think of her because, to Tomas, she's the best woman in the world. Love is blind, they say.

"I hope you do well," she says. "By the way, you look different today," she says, looking me up and down. "You look good," she comments, and that's enough to make me blush.

"T-thank you," I manage to respond.

"Of course she'll do well! Vivian is a very intelligent, hardworking, capable, and charming girl. I'm sure her bosses will be amazed by her abilities," my friend assures, and I can't help but feel embarrassed. I know why she's doing this. Jeimy hates Kendall. They went to the same high school, and according to what she told me back then, Jeimy was a little overweight and suffered from bullying because of it. Kendall was the one who encouraged those acts. When Kendall and Tomas started dating, Jeimy told Tomas about all of that, but the girl assured him that she had changed, that she was sorry for what she had done, and even apologized to Jeimy. But we both know that it was all just an act and that Kendall is still the same bad person deep down. But Tomas doesn't see this. As they say, there is none so blind as those who will not see. Anyway, Jeimy believes that one day he will realize this and notice me. I, on the other hand, have already resigned myself to the fact that it will never happen. After all, I've been in love alone for five years. I highly doubt something like that will happen.

"Be careful, sister. You're flattering her too much. Don't let it be that you're in love with your friend," he says, and Jeimy widens her eyes and then hits him on the shoulder.

"Idiot!" she exclaims quietly.

"Guys, please," Mr. Tom scolds. "Tomas, don't say such nonsense. It can lead to misunderstandings."

"It was just a joke, don't exaggerate, Dad," he complains, smiling at me, and I return the smile, feeling my cheeks burning.

"Well, I don't want to spend the whole night here talking to you all! Let's go, Vivian. Since you didn't let me celebrate my birthday in a club, at least let this DJ play some good music," she says, pulling me towards where the DJ was. After asking him to play an upbeat song, she pulls me back to the improvised dance floor.


A while later, well into the midnight, I find myself sitting on a pouf while she massages my feet. The heels are killing me, I've been dancing a lot today.

"Are you tired already?" Jeimy asks beside me.

"Yes, we haven't stopped dancing today," I reply.

"It's my birthday, I have to enjoy it and make sure you enjoy it too, because you didn't do anything for yours," she says, and I nod.

"You know I'm not much of a party person," I comment. She nods and looks ahead.

"Look at that fool, bored because stupid Kendall isn't here," she mutters, looking at her brother.

"The strange one," I comment with a touch of sadness.

"He's an idiot. I'm sure that b... is fooling around with someone else right now, and he's here like an idiot missing her," she asserts. I furrow my brows.

"Jeimy, you can't say that for sure. Sure, the girl is unbearable and two-faced, but we don't know if she's like that," I comment.

"I'm sure she is," I roll my eyes and just smile. Jeimy's contempt for Kendall is huge. Suddenly, she stands up and smiles. "I'll be right back, getting some drinks," she comments. I nod and put my heels back on.

Minutes later, she comes back with three glasses of different colors. I furrow my brows but don't say anything.

"Here," she says, offering me the red glass. "Drink it all," she demands, and I roll my eyes but do as she says. Then she takes the yellow glass. "Take care of this here," she comments, handing me her glass, then she goes to where Tomas is and gives him the blue glass. He takes a sip from it, and then Jeimy smiles, returning to me and taking her glass. "Bottoms up, friend," she says. Her behavior is strange, but I don't pay much attention to it, and I drink the contents of the glass.

Several minutes later, I start feeling strange. I'm feeling really hot, and my breathing is erratic.

"Are you feeling okay, Vivian?" Jeimy asks.

"No, honestly, I'm feeling strange," I reply.

"It must be that you're already drunk, friend, you've never had much tolerance," she comments.

"Yes, I think that's it, I've had quite a bit today," I agree with her.

"Do you want me to take you to the guest room so you can rest for a while?" she asks, concerned.

"Yes, I think that's best."

We get up with her help and navigate through the crowd with some difficulty. We leave the hall, climb the stairs, and reach the second floor where, with great difficulty, I walk to the guest room. When we arrive, Jeimy opens the door and helps me lie down on the bed. She takes off my shoes and I slide toward the center of the bed.

"Do you want anything?" she asks.


"Alright, I'll go get it from the kitchen. Stay here lying down, don't go out, Vivian. It can be dangerous in your state, alright?"

"Yes, don't worry."

She walks towards the door and turns off the light. Why did she turn off the light? I don't pay much attention to it and listen as she closes the door. I turn around in bed, feeling desperate. I'm really hot, I've never felt like this before. What's happening to me? Will taking a bath make it go away? I think that's best. I get up from bed and start to take off my dress. Just as it falls to the floor, the door to the room opens and I see the silhouette of a man in the doorway. My heart skips a beat and I try to cover myself with my hands, but then remember that the light is off and maybe he hasn't seen me. The door closes and the man walks towards the bed, right in my direction. I want to move, but my feet don't respond. The man takes a few steps and then I can distinguish him thanks to the moonlight seeping through the curtains.

It's Tomas!

He approaches me and before I can do or say anything, he takes me by the waist, presses me against his body, and kisses me. The next thing I feel is both of us falling onto the bed and he starts caressing my whole body. For some reason, that heat I felt earlier is no longer bothersome, but quite the opposite. My mind feels clouded and I just let myself go and enjoy that moment.


I slowly open my eyes and blink several times, getting used to the sunlight streaming through the window. I feel a slight headache and furrow my brow. I move a little and open my eyes in fright as I feel someone embracing me. I look down and realize two things: first, a man is hugging me, and second, I'm naked.

Oh my God, what have I done!

I exclaim inwardly and quickly get out of bed. The man stirs due to my movements and wakes up. He looks up and furrows his brow, then looks at himself.

"Shit," he whispers.

"Yeah, shit, what am I doing here?"

Vivian Smith, 23 years old

Tomas Johnson, 25 years old.

was a typical young adult. She lived in a small town and worked as a waitress at a local diner. Jeimy was known for her friendly personality and cheerful demeanor. Despite facing various challenges in her life, she was determined to pursue her dreams. Jeimy had always been passionate about writing and hoped to become a successful novelist someday. She spent her free time reading books and honing her writing skills. Jeimy believed that writing was a form of expression that allowed her to create her own world. She was inspired by the works of famous authors and admired their ability to transport readers to different places and time periods. Jeimy's dream was to write a novel that would have a similar impact on people. She wanted her words to touch hearts and leave a lasting impression. Jeimy knew that becoming a successful novelist was not an easy task, but she was determined to work hard and make her dream a reality. She continued to write tirelessly, pouring her heart and soul into every sentence. Jeimy was confident that with perseverance and dedication, she would achieve her goal. She believed in herself and her ability to make a difference through her writing. Jeimy's journey as a novelist had just begun, and she was excited for what the future held. She was ready to face the challenges ahead and overcome any hurdles that came her way. Jeimy knew that being a professional novel writer in English required not only talent but also a deep understanding of the language and its nuances. She was committed to improving her skills and expanding her knowledge in order to become the best writer she could be. Jeimy was determined to make her mark in the literary world and leave a legacy through her words.
















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