It's almost 10 p.m. Benjamin must be arriving soon. I'm anxious and scared at the same time. I hope everything goes well, and that he's being sincere, that I can really trust him. This would make our whole process much easier.
I think about what my father did and it makes me so angry, so I breathe, I think that I could be the target of mobsters along with him, purely and exclusively his responsibility! The same responsibility he doesn't have, or even had when my mother was alive, but then it seems that it died with her, that everything good in him went with her. I liked Ingrid, I hope he really changes at least they didn't spend two years and a few months playing the fool for nothing.
Message from Benjamin
Benjamin - I have arrived.
Alana - I'm coming.
When I see her... Wow! She's going to kill me today. She was beautiful and perfect!
Benjamin - We went overboard today, you are even more beautiful.
Alana - Thank you, you look very good too.
Alana thinking - He's hot as always.
Benjamin - Are you nervous?
Alana - Honestly, a little. I've only been to one club in my life.
Benjamin - Seriously?
Alana - Seriously.
Benjamin - And it's always the same thing, music, dancing, drinking, talking, some people hook up, and so on... But don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time.
Alana - I know it's just a pretense, if you want to hook up with someone, it's okay.
Benjamin - Yeah, I know it's a facade, but I'm not crazy enough to hook up with someone else and leave you looking like this, forget it, no way. [He smiles]
Alana just smiles.
They arrive.
Benjamin - I'm well known around here, my nightlife has always been quite active, so a lot of people are going to say hello to me, and I'm not going to introduce you to everyone because it's not worth you knowing some people.
Alana - Okay, all right.
My heart was racing, I was very nervous, imagine the cars he had, they were already eye-catching in themselves, let alone him being handsome, rich, nice, what the hell, and me a complete loser. But here we go.
He opens the door for me, gives the keys to the valet, and we go in.
I really think everyone knew him, two steps and they would call, greet, women would make advances... What have I gotten myself into!
Elton - Wow, who's the hottie, Benjamin?
Benjamin - Hi Elton, my girlfriend [pulling Alana closer to him], and future wife.
Elton - Beautiful, nice to meet you. If Benjamin can't handle it, I'm available. [He smiles]
Benjamin - Stop being an idiot, excuse us, our friends are waiting for us.
I realized that we were attracting a lot of attention by being together, Benjamin wouldn't let go of my hand, and sometimes he would pull me by the waist, making us even closer.
We got to the table, and Isis came over all happy to introduce me to her fiance, and he was very nice, I think much older than her, about 48 or more, but very elegant, they looked good together.
Gabi had also brought a very nice friend, Karina. There were Heitor, Rave, the snakes Vivi and Carol, and two guys I didn't know, but Benjamin introduced me to Dom and Eduard.
I noticed Dom's eyes on my body and Benjamin's on him, I could tell, very intimidating.
Vivi - Brought your little girlfriend again, Benjamin?
Carol - Relax, he'll get tired of her soon.
Alana - Oh, hi to you too. It's great to see you. [She smiles]
Benjamin just smiles.
Heitor - [Laughing] You know I adore you, Alana.
Alana smiles.
They continue talking, and some of them went to dance, came back, and so on.
Heitor speaks softly to Benjamin.
Heitor - Brace yourself, brother, 'cause here comes trouble.
Benjamin - What?
Heitor - Look who's coming.
A beautiful woman was coming, but by her face, not a friendly one.
Benjamin - Shit!
Valentina - [Looking and walking towards Alana] Good evening, my dear. You know this place here is mine, right?
Alana - Huh? Do I know you?
Valentina - I don't know, but Benjamin knows, very, very well, from head to toe.
Alana - Oh, I see, the list, right?
Heitor and Rave laughing.
Valentina - List?
Alana - Your business is with him and I have nothing to do with this list from the depths, so don't even talk to me because I don't know you, talk to him, if he doesn't want you I have nothing to do with it.
Rave almost chokes.
The boys are laughing, Gabi and Isis are loving it.
Carol and Vivi are supporting Valentina.
Benjamin - Valentina, let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Alana.
Valentina - Stop the clowning around, Benjamin, since when, girlfriend?
Alana - Excuse me, Benjamin, deal with your list, I'll let you guys decide, I hate this kind of show, I'll just go to the bathroom.
Alana gets up and leaves them there.
Alana thinking - Let him handle this, does he think I'm going to throw a fit because of him? Forget it! It's just a pretense, but if it goes on like this, I don't know if I can take it, the list from the depths, that's a good one!
Damn it, Valentina, I have nothing to do with you, if I have any problems with Alana, I'll end your career, and you know I can, so get lost. You know what we had is over, I never promised you anything, and you knew very well what our thing was, it's over.
Valentina - Wow, how rude.
Isis gets up. I'll go after Alana.
Gabi was about to get up too.
Benjamin - No! You guys stay, I'll go after her.
Valentina - And he's even going after her?
Benjamin - Get lost, Valentina.
He goes after Alana.
Isis talking to Gabi: Wow, I've never seen him go after anyone.
Gabi - Me neither.
Heitor - Seriously, he went after her? [Laughing] He's screwed.
Boys - [Laughing] Benjamin after a woman, that's a new one!
It made me desperate to see her leave, I've never felt this way, this is crazy, I must be, I'm going after a woman.
I get near the ladies' room and wait, under several stares, but for me this was new, waiting for a girl to come out.
I come out and bump into Benjamin.
Benjamin - Alana, I'm sorry.
Alana - For what, Benjamin?
Benjamin - For what happened with Valentina.
Alana smiling - You don't owe me any explanations, Benjamin. I left so you could decide if you wanted to stay with her or not.
Benjamin thinking - I'm definitely going to fall in love with her.
Benjamin - But...
Alana - Appearances, Benjamin, it's not real.
Benjamin - Okay, but I don't want to upset you.
Alana smiles - You're kind, I like that about you.
Benjamin smiles.
They come back talking, they were walking, stopping, walking.
Heitor - Those two are going to take a while to get here, but at least they stop and go. [He smiles]
Gabi - They're laughing, I just don't know what about.
Vivi - Ridiculous Alana.
Everyone pretended not to hear.
Rave - When Alana mentioned the list from the depths, that was the best, I almost drowned.
Dom and Eduard - What list is this?
Gabi explains that it was Benjamin's hookups list and they all end up laughing.
Benjamin - Where did you get "list from the depths"? [He smiles]
Alana - Only haunted, and [thinking] I think you're in the wrong profession, Benjamin, you should be a psychiatrist.
Benjamin - Me?
Alana - Yes.
Benjamin - Why?
Alana - So far, only crazy women come after you.
Just then...
They arrive and Benjamin is laughing - Worse.
Heitor - What's so funny?
Benjamin - Alana told me I should be a psychiatrist.
Heitor - Hmm, why?
Benjamin - She says that only crazy women are after me. [He laughs]
Heitor laughing - True, good one.
They keep laughing.
After some time talking...
Isis and her fiance go dancing, Heitor, Rave, Dom, Eduard, Carol, and Vivi were also on the dance floor.
At the table were Gabi and Karina talking among themselves, and Benjamin and Alana.
Alana - Benjamin, you can go dance if you want, I don't feel very comfortable dancing.
Benjamin - And leave you here alone? No way.
Alana smiles - You have Gabi and Karina.
Benjamin - I don't want to dance.
At that moment, he looks at her, brushes a small strand of hair that was in front of her face, and... "I'd rather stay here with you a thousand times over than dance." Then their eyes meet and they kiss, it was intense, with feeling, it wasn't just kissing or desire, and it was noticeable.
Just then, Isis and her fiance come back, and they end up going back to talking.
Benjamin thinking - What an addictive kiss, damn, everything with her is always different, I thought it was the first, but this one was even better.
After a while, some of the guys came back and it stayed like that, they would come and go.
They decided to leave, they said goodbye, but before that, Isis pulls Alana and says:
Isis - Alana, what was that kiss?
Alana - Like what? It was just a kiss, Isis.
Isis - It was THE kiss, right? And what's more, never, never have I ever seen Benjamin stay with a woman all night sitting down and not even kissing her like that, wow.
Alana - Come on, enough, bye.
Alana goes back to Benjamin and they leave.
When they got outside, they were waiting for the valet to bring the car.
I pull her and hug her, and when she smiles I simply forget about self-control and kiss her, how good it was to kiss her. I don't even care if they took pictures, looked, commented...
When the car arrives, I open the door for her and we go.
We talked the whole way about my car and other cars, I realized that she understood and was also passionate about cars, now this is dangerous.
When we arrived, I walked her to the entrance, and we ended up kissing again, and it was even better, I think I'm addicted to her kiss.
When we left the club and were waiting for the car, Benjamin just kissed me, but I wanted that kiss.
We talked about a passion we have in common, cars, and that could be dangerous, I can't fall in love with him! He's had a lot of women, he's experienced, and he knows a lot of things, I don't know anything, what an idiot I am for feeling this way!
We had arranged to have lunch at Benjamin's house on Sunday, like all the friends who were at the club, in fact, they kind of invited themselves. And Benjamin wanted me to see the house where we would live after the wedding.
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