Episode 12

Meanwhile at the office

Benjamim - Heitor, I need you to do something for me and it has to be now.

Heitor - Speak.

Benjamim - Go to the university and get the name of the institution, the name of the responsible dean, and make them change Alana's classes to the day. I don't want my wife going out every night.

Heitor - What course is she taking?

Benjamim - She's a teacher, you idiot.

Heitor - How is that possible? She's so young.

Benjamim - Now I understand why my mother mentioned her outfits.

She's pursuing a doctorate in finance, Heitor. She advanced a few classes because she's smart.

Heitor - Besides being beautiful, she's smart and works.

Are you sure she won't run away from you?

Benjamim - Shut up, Heitor, and get to it! We give them so many incentives that if they refuse, I'll cut all of it. Tell them it's a personal request from me, that she'll be my wife.

Heitor - It seems like you like her, buddy.

Benjamim - It's part of appearances.

Heitor - Okay, I'll pretend to believe it and walks away laughing.

Isis, Gabi, and Alana

We've walked a lot, bought a lot, and stopped for a coffee and some muffins. Alana - I need to go soon; I have class today.

Gabi - What are you studying, Alana?

Alana laughs - I'm a finance teacher.

Gabi - I can't believe it! Seriously, but you're so young.

Alana - Well, I advanced a few years because, modesty aside, I'm very good with numbers.

Isis - She's a genius, Gabi.

Alana - Don't exaggerate, I just like numbers and they like me too, and I smile.

Gabi - I really like you; besides everything, you're not annoying and you work.

Alana - Come on, what's he want?

Gabi and Isis - What happened?

Alana - The conceited guy is already texting me; nobody deserves that.

Gabi - Hmm, interesting. What did he say?

Alana - Just "hi," and he's typing now.

It seems like he's writing a book, given the delay.

They laugh at her way of expressing herself.

Message from Benjamim to Alana

Benjamim - Alana, my beautiful, you don't need to go to class tonight anymore. I was able to change your classes to the day, plus you can start next week; the dean is my friend.

Actually, I make generous donations to them.

Alana - Don't call me beautiful!!!

Benjamim - That's all you read from everything I wrote?

Alana - Okay, thanks Benjamim. I've never liked working at night.

Benjamim - Just "thanks"?

Alana - Of course, and if you start with your nonsense, you can tell the dean that I'll go back to working at night!

Benjamim - Wow, why so much anger?

Remember, we have to go out tomorrow.

Alana - Yes, I know. Don't worry.

Benjamim - What are you up to?

Alana - I’m not married to you yet. We'll talk later.

Benjamim - Rude.

Alana - Controlling.

Isis and Gabi - What's happening that you're almost throwing your phone against the wall with that face?

Alana - I'm not going to tell you; it's better if you see. She hands the phone to them to look.

Isis and Gabi - Read and laugh.

Gabi - Poor guy; I don't think any woman has ever treated him like this.

Isis - True.

Alana - Girls, it's not true; it's because he wants to control me, and that annoys me. If he didn't know me, it would be fine, but he does know, and you all know he knows we're here.

They laugh - true.

Gabi - He's going to fall in love with you, Alana.

Alana - God forbid.

Gabi and Isis - laugh.

So can we continue the outing?

Alana - Aren't you tired?

They - Not at all; we're loving this.

Gabi - Adoring it.

Isis - Same.

Suddenly, Isis starts laughing and shows her phone to Gabi, who laughs too.

Isis' phone - message from Benjamim.

Benjamim - Hi, are you at the mall still?

Isis - Hey, friend, yes. Did something happen?

Benjamim - Yes, Alana hasn't replied to me. How are things going?

Isis - Very well; she's beautiful and will get even more so.

Gabi grabs the phone and says, let's see if he's really into her and writes as if she were Isis.

When we were trying on clothes, there were plenty of male glances at her.

Benjamim - Spare me, Isis, but do keep an eye on her.

Isis and Gabi laugh at him; first, he tried to hide it, then he gave himself away.

Alana - What happened?

They - Nothing, let's continue, Alana.

Alana - I don't know if I'm cut out for this life, but okay, let's go.

They bought many things, from shoes to dresses, sets, accessories, bags, makeup, and lingerie, which caught the girls' attention due to Alana's good taste.

Gabi whispers to Isis - He's going to fall for her.

Isis - I think so too.

Gabi - I'll do everything to help; I really like her.

Isis – duas.

Finally, they head home.


I have to admit that Benjamin really helped me out by moving my classes to the daytime. I take a shower and call my sister to tell her about the classes, and she invites me to join her and Felipe at the races they help organize.

I’m not a fan of illegal activities, but I love cars! And speed, too, so I’ll go because after tonight, I’ll have to meet up with a guy who thinks too highly of himself to convince, and for the next two years, it will be like this. So I’ll treat this as a farewell.

I arrive where the races take place; of course, it’s quite a secluded spot since it couldn’t be any other way.


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