Episode 15

The next day it was already in the media and in some renowned newspapers in the society columns. Benjamin Ficheer, a famous businessman, was seen with an alleged girlfriend. The coveted bachelor arrived hand in hand with a still unknown, but beautiful, young woman, despite being much shorter than him. There were no intense displays of affection or caught kisses, but they did arrive and leave together. Could Benjamin really be dating? Or is she just another one on the businessman's immense list?


I read the news. I hate that she's just another one. Imagine what this guy is like, what have I gotten myself into? My God, my father gets me into all sorts of trouble, I hope I survive these two years.


I read the news, like always, they wouldn't let it go unnoticed. I look at our picture, and how beautiful she is. I don't care what's written. I take one of my cars and go to work.


I took advantage of the fact that I was off this week and, of course, I studied. Besides the courses I had bought about wines, posture, table etiquette and such, I was doing my doctoral thesis and yes, I wanted to be the best.

It was about 5:30 p.m., I hadn't even seen the hours go by and my cell phone vibrates with a message.

Benjamin – Hi, how are you?

Alana – Hi, I'm good, and you?

Benjamin – I'm good, did you see the news about us?

Alana – Yes, did you?

Benjamin – I did, I think we need to show a little more passion, just holding hands is not going to convince anyone.

Alana – Everything in its own time Benjamin, but ok, let's improve our acting.

Benjamin – I agree we have to improve and we don't have much time, we need to be convincing because in two months we will be married.

Alana – Yes, all right then

Benjamin – How about you?

Alana thinking – He wants to know what I'm doing, I don't believe it! I better speak up now, I want to avoid having problems with Mr. Thinks-he's-all-that.

Benjamin thinking – What the hell was I about to ask what she was doing? What's happening to me? It's none of my business what she's doing.

Alana – Sends a photo – Doctoral thesis, I'm working on my thesis.

Benjamin – Nice, so I'll let you study and we can go out to dinner tomorrow, what do you think?

Alana – Sounds good

Benjamin – I was going to ask you to dinner tonight, but I have two more meetings and it's almost 6:00 p.m.

Alana – I hope your meetings go well, see you tomorrow Benjamin.

Benjamin – Thank you, see you tomorrow my studious girlfriend.


I don't know what it is about her, but she's different.

Heitor – Let's go Benjamin, we're already 5 minutes late for the first meeting

Benjamin – Ok, let's go

Heitor – What were you doing that made you late?

Benjamin – Since when do I owe you an explanation, Heitor? You work for me, am I wrong?

Heitor – Same old rude you - and laughs - I hope Alana can put up with you for these two years.


It had been days since I had seen my father, so to my surprise he told me he was coming home for dinner and bringing his girlfriend.

Actually he was already living with her, but he didn't have the decency to tell me. It's fine, as always.

I made a simple dinner but my specialty. Since my late mother's parents were Italian, my grandmother had taught me and I learned very well, at least I knew how to do that.

I made everything from the pasta to the sauce, all as natural as possible and it smelled great. My father and his girlfriend Ingrid arrived.

Henrique – Good evening Alana, this is my fiancee Ingrid, your future stepmother.

Ingrid – Good evening, I see your father wasn't lying about your beauty, you're very beautiful indeed Alana.

Alana – Good evening, please make yourself comfortable, thank you, but he always exaggerates.

In the end we had no surprises, I received compliments about my pasta, they both almost died eating.

They said they were living together, as if I didn't know, and then we got onto the subject I least wanted to talk about, Benjamin

Henrique – And how are things going with your future husband, Alana?

Alana – Spare me, Dad, besides getting me into this mess, you want to know how it's going as if it were real, normal, and you know it's not, quite the opposite.

Ingrid – I told your father that he should be ashamed of what he made you do for him, and he's lucky because if you were another daughter like Celine, I would let them collect his debt however they wanted.

Alana – Yes, and the worst part is that besides probably killing him if he didn't make the deal with Mr. William, they would take me to one of their nightclubs or casinos, besides becoming an orphan I would literally lose my life!

Henrique – I've apologized a thousand times already, and you know what Alana? I think you two will get along great, and who knows, you might even fall in love for real.

Alana thinking – Get along great, what does he think I am? Like him, who only thinks about money and does wrong, I'm not even going to start that argument. It's not worth it.

Alana – Forget it Dad, I don't want to fight, it's already done. I just sincerely hope you smarten up a bit, I really liked Ingrid, I think you'll be happy together.

Ingrid – Thank you dear

They say goodbye and leave.

Alana finishes tidying up the kitchen and goes back to the table to study.

Message from Benjamin

Benjamin – Good evening.

Alana looks at the clock, it was 10:00 p.m.

Alana – Good evening, how were your meetings?

Benjamin thinking – Interesting

Benjamin – Good, I just left the office now

Alana – Hmm, have you had dinner yet?

Benjamin thinking – I wonder if she wants me to take her to dinner?

Benjamin - No

Alana – Are you hungry?

Benjamin – Honestly, yes.

Alana – Do you like Italian pasta?

Benjamin - I do

Alana – Do you want to come here to eat? I made a lot, my father brought his fiancee to dinner here.

Benjamin thinking – Wow, she cooks? She worries about me? She's the first woman who asks if I'm hungry without insinuating or wanting to go out.

Benjamin – I'd love to, but are you sure I'm not going to die? - with a little laugh and a small problem - Heitor is with me.

Alana – You're funny, so come on over and I'll get it ready for you, you can bring him along.

Benjamin - We'll be there in 10 minutes

Alana – Ok


Why did I do that? Me and my damn habit of helping everyone. Damn it, what must he be thinking? Damn you, Alana! You idiot.

Ten minutes later

Alana had already set the table for them, and in fact I cooked a new batch of pasta, I had made plenty of dough, just had to cook it and the sauce was ready. Good thing Heitor was with him, that way it wouldn't be so awkward.

The doorbell rings

I open it and come face to face with them, why is this man so handsome? He was really working because he was wearing a suit and damn, the guy is hot!

Alana – Hi guys come on in,

Benjamin – Hi, that smells good. What is that?

Alana smiles – Pasta

Heitor – You're a lifesaver Alana, I'm starving!!!

Benjamin – Tell her, very close to her ear, the pasta smells great but yours is better - and smiles, going to sit down.

Alana thinking – What does he want? To kill me.

They eat and tell her about the meeting, which she listens to and is amused to see the two of them eating so much and talking excitedly about the results they had achieved.

It was about 11:30 p.m. when they said goodbye and left.

Heitor gives me a kiss on the cheek – Thanks again, that was great, I think I'm going to be sick now.

Benjamin – Thank you, it was great, I didn't know you were such a good cook, that could be a problem – and smiles. – Can I give you a kiss?

Alana turns her cheek like Heitor – You may. Otherwise, no chance – and smiles.

Benjamin – Not like that I don't, see you tomorrow.

Heitor laughing – That's why I like you Alana

Alana – Goodnight guys, see you tomorrow.

In the car

Heitor – Dude, you're so lucky.

Benjamin – Why do you say that?

Heitor – She really cared about you, you know, she can cook, and by the way, she cooks well, and she's beautiful, and she even gives you a hard time, which is pretty cool! - and laughs at him.

Benjamin – I am lucky, but I didn't like the hard time.


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