While im sleeping, i hear a hissing noise outside that wakes me up. I woke
Mong Do Wa and said that i heared something outside the cave..
Mong Do Wa: "It was nothing, dont be afraid. As long im here you wont get hurt."
When suddenly Li Won Feng woked up and go in the other side and sleep beside Foxy.. I just suddenly remembered that Li Won Feng ia always walking while sleeping.. I stand up and asked him if he really sure and he agreed..
I make a little chat with him as in very very little.. Actually i was the one who is only talking, he didnt even talk to me even a little word..
Li Ge Yu: "Hey!! Why dont you speak any single word?! C'mon!!"
Mong Do Wa: " Happy?! now!? huh?!"
Li Ge Yu: "Can i ask you something?!"
Mong Do Wa: "What is it?!"
Li Ge Yu: "Do you have any nickname?! Beacause your name is too long to say!"
Mong Do Wa: "Wow, thats unexpected!"
Li Ge Yu: "What is the unexpected thing that i say?!"
Mong Do Wa: "No one dares me to ask my nickname... 'Qingyin' .... thats my nickname... *smiles lightly*.. How about you? "Li Ge Yu" !? "
Li Ge Yu: " Stop teasing me!! Ok... I can tell you... It's 'Lingmin'....."
Qingyin: "Thats cool.... -turns away-... *ears red*.."
Lingmin: "Hey your ears are red! Are you alright?!"
Qingyin: "Yeah... Im fine... Dont mind me!"
Lingmin: "Im kinda bored!! I want to do something..."
Qingyin: " Dont worry the sun is almost set up.. *stands* Come on! Lets wake them..."
Lingmin: "There it is again!?"
Qingyin: "You hear that too? Its louder than before! Come on wake them up!!"
Lingmin: *noded* "Hey! Wake uo you two!"
Li Won Feng (Eryang): "Ok,ok,ok, im up!!"
When Eryang woke up, Foxy (Kyubi) falls in Eryang's lap...
Lingmin: (What the heck!?)
Qingyin: "Kyubi! Wake up! We need to go now!"
Kyubi: "What?! As in now?!"
Qingyin: "Yes, come, stand up there and dont sleep in someone's lap! Your heed is heavy!" *check outside*
Kyubi: "You need to change clothes or else you will be notice! And if someone ask your name say that your nickname is your real name! Alright!?"
Both: *noded*
Kyubi: *Use magic to change their clothes* "There! Much better!"
Eryang: "My crown!! You change it too?!"
Lingmin: (Oh,no.... i hate white and blue... Its a color of a cultivator! Im not good at talisman.. well... I guess a little bit...)
Qingyin: "Hey! Go faster! You have swords!?"
Kyubi: "I'll make two for them!!"
Qingyin: "Hey! Do you change your names? Dont you use your nicknames! We will get caught!"
Lingmin: "I have an idea! we can still use our nicknames but we just need to add a surnames! Right?! We can use unknown one!"
Eryang: "How about... "Jing"... Is that fine for you?"
Lingmin: "Yeah! "Jing Lingmin" and
"Jing Eryang"...
Qingyin: "Hao,hao, Lets go now! Come on!" *run in the forest*
Us: *Follows*
When we are running inside the forest i feel someone is following us... So i stop running and make them stop too. I pretend to be exhusted and i change my voice. Eryang change his voice in a lower pitch, while i change my voice in a high pitch. I convince Qingyin to piggyback me. I know inside of him he dont want too, so he just play along with me.
We traveled many days to nit be seen until we make in to the **Sui Town**. The **Sui Town** is full of common cultivator people so its fine for me and for my step\-brother. And also, **Sui town** is a big city, mostly Clan leaders used to meet here for meetings.
As we Get inside the Sui Town i saw a young boy who is a beggar. He keeps looking on the bread, beside him on the bread corner. I walked towards him and ask the little boy if he is hungry.
Lingmin: "Hey! You hungry?!"
Boy: *noded*
Lingmin: "Can i have these, Five pieces please..."
Vendor: "Yes, sure!....... Here you go! "
Lingmin: "Thank you!"
Qingyin: "What is he doing?!"
Eryang: "His heart is too soft.... and too kind to kill..."
Kyubi: "Why? Arent you a killer?"
Eryang: "Kinda..."
Lingmin: "Here.... *give*... Take this, eat it ok!? You might die when you get starve.... *Pat the head*.."
Boy: "Thank you very much!!"
Lingmin: "Your very most welcome!"
Boy: "Bye! Milady!" *run slightly*
Lingmin: "Bye!! Hey kid! Remenber that im not a woman! Im a man! OK!?"
Boy: "I will!!!! I wont forget it! I promise!!"
Lingmin: (That boy is silly.... he calk me Milady....) *Walking back to them*...
"Here!! Some bread!!"
Kyubi: "Give me some!!" *have a big bite and eating fast*
Lingmin: "Hey! Take it slowly! Take it slowly!"
Kyubi: (Im really hungry!! i havent eaten for many days!!) *Tears of joy*
Qingyin: "Whats wrong with you?!"
Kyubi: "I havent eaten for a days!! Im really starving and really tired!! I wabt tobk rest!!"
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