Episode 6: "Cant go anywhere"

Eryang get a two rooms in a inn that we own in the Sui Town. Eryang and Kyubi didnt know that we own the Inn.. We discuss who will room with me...

Lingmin: "So who will room with me?

Eryang & Qingyin: "Me!"

Lingmin: "Alright... we are in individual rooms! lets go!"

Eryang & Qingyin: "WHAT!?"

Lingmin: "What? Something Wrong with my disicion..."

Both: "No...*

Lingmin: "Good...*

*After go in the perspective rooms*

Lingmin: "This is too awkward... I met Qingyin and Kyubi days ago.. And i didnt know them well.. This is really awkward.. *whirl in a bottle* Too bad..

* Drink alcohol *

Eryang: *knock* " Can i come in?"

Lingmin: "Yeah..."

Eryang: "Thanks.. *get inside, sat down*"

Lingmin: " So what's up with you?"

Eryang: "Not a big deal though.."

Lingmin: "So what's the thing your here?"

Eryang: "About Mong Do Wa... If he really a wolf blood why he can sense your blood?"

Lingmin: " Eryang... Do you still didnt know about wolves family?"

Eryang: *confuse*

Lingmin: "There are three types of family wolves.. Gao, is the lowest family rank of wolves but most in population. Next is the Xin, the middle ranked wolves they can sense your futured moves etc. The Highest rank of wolves Mong, The mong clan has an empire of its own they have so many different abilities sense, imagery, etc. but there population is indangered, they can marry a human like us. There is no rules if its about marriage you can marry who ever you love... *drink alcohol*"

Eryang: "Your too smart.. *

Lingmin: Well.. i just read the book that father gave me..

Eryang: Really? Uncle left you that kind of book!?

Lingmin: Yeah.. So what?

Eryang: Nothing.. Looks like your very good at knowing wolves..

Lingmin: Thanks.. How about you then!?

Eryang: Vempires is my masterpiece!!

Lingmin: Thats kinda cool too you know!

Qingyin: What do you know about Vampires!!!???

Eryang: Oh! Wolf boy!

Qingyin: Dont call me Wolf boy.. Call me by my nickname.. Qingyin!

Eryang: Fine.. Qingyin..

Qingyin: Are you gonna tell me somthing about the Vampires? or not?

Eryang: Its not what im gonna say.. I know the basics to myths for Vampires. Not about theyre planning to you and to my cousin..

Both: *Lean on to Eryang*

Eryang: What?

Both: *raise an eyebrow*

Eryang: Fine.. I'll tell you..

Lingmin: Go on then... were listening!

Eryang: They are going to ambush us if we go in the Tang Town.. Clan leader Chun Zang of Tang... Are dealing with the Glamour Clan..

Lingmin: So thats the reason why you come with us!?

Eryang: Bingo!

Qingyin: We are not playing stuff!!! *The literally boy*

Lingmin: Hehehe.. Im sleepy.. *Falls asleep*

Both: *Stares each other bitterly*

Eryang: I must be the one who bring him to bed!

Qingyin: What have reason!?

Eryang: Because im his cousin and im older than him!

Qingyin: Thats unnecessary!! Im going to put him to bed!

Eryang: What have reason?

Qingyin: Yeah! Cause im his guardian!!

They are arguing to each other, Who will be the one who put him to bed. Until Kyubi come in the room to check what is the arguing about. She walk pass through them and put Li Ge Yu on bed.. When she turn around they're still arguing each other.. And pass through again..

Kyubi: Are you done?


Kyubi: I Pit him now to bed.. So what are you arguing about?

Both: *Frezee* *Turn around each other*


Eryang: Dairy is not here.. Im not used to sleep alone.. Can i sleep with you? Please!? Im begging you!!!!! I cant sleep alone!!

Qingyin: Scardy cat...

Kyubi: Who is Dairy?

Eryang: She is my fox...

Kyubi: And?..

Eryang: Please.. Would you please.. Sleep with you?...

Kyubi: Fine then.. Lets go.. Master Mong! Go to your room now..

Qingyin: *nod* Excuse me.. *pass through*

Kyubi: Hmm.. Lets go!

Kyubi & Eryang: *out of the room*

When they go in they're rooms.. Kyubi asked Eryang if he really know about vampires.. Eryang responded as Kyubi's expected. Kyubi was shoked that it was really true..

Kyubi: Yiu know what! Im sleepy!! lets go in the cave!

Eryang: We dont have a cave here only rooms...

Kyubi: Im not going to sleep here.. Im going to sleep outside!

Eryang: Why so!? You know that there might ambush us here! not like what they're planned!!

Kyubi: Hehe! Why so worried about me? Huh?

Eryang: Of course im worried!! *gasp*.. *grins worried*

Kyubi: Im always at the bottom..

Eryang: *Shock* The heck are you saying!!!???

Kyubi: I mean, im always at the bottom of the cave..

Eryang: Im going with you then!

Kyubi: As you says so! Whats the big deal!?

Eryang: *sigh* Good..

Kyubi: Your strange today..

// At night //

Kyubi: *yawn* Lets go!

Eryang: Wait.. i forgot that theres no cave in Tang!

Kyubi: *opens portal* How about here?

Eryang: Oh... Great.. I forgot about you have powers..

Kyubi: Keep it on your mind then from now on!

Eryang: Yeah! I'll try to remember about that!

Kyubi: *giggle* *enters portal*

Eryang: Are you sure it's fine?

Kyubi: Yep! Fine as you think!

Eryang: Well i dont think its fine..

Kyubi: Come on! Lets go! Its all right! It's like your sleeping in a foam!

Eryang: Wait.. You build that nest?

Kyubi: Yep! It takes me a long time to bulid a one nest!

Eryang: *enters*


Eryang: *Lay down inside the nest*

Kyubi: *jump In* Weee!!!

Eryang: *Move aside* What are you doing?

Kyubi: Sleeping beside you!

Eryang: Eh-?

Kyubi: *falls asleep*

Eryang: Guess im really going to sleep with him.. Its really comfy in here.. He is good at making nest.. *falls asleep*

// At Li Ge Yu //

Lingmin: *opens eyes* / sleep walking /

*stands and walk to Qingyin's room*

Qingyin: Hm? *wakes up*

Lingmin: *pulling him*

Qingyin: Whats wrong? *stands*

Lingmin: *pulling him out*

Qingyin: Where are we going?

Lingmin: *keep pulling him*

// At the barn //

Qingyin: Lingmin! we are far now! And why are you pulling me to-... Barn? What are we doing here?

Lingmin: *pick a piglet*

Qingyin: What are you doing!? The farmer might see us here!!

Farmer: Hmn? HEY! What are you doing here in the middle of the night!? We are close now!

Qingyin: Sorry! we are going now!

Lingmin: *patting the piglet*

Qingyin: Lingmin! Put it down!

Lingmin: No....

Qingyin: Wait... He is asleep!?

Farmer: Huh? Is that your girlfriend?

Qingyin: Huh!?.. G-Girlfriend?

Farmer: She is really pretty! How lucky you are!

Qingyin: He-....

Farmer: Its alright! if she wanted to touch the piglet!

Qingyin: Its!-

Lingmin: *give to Qingyin*

Qingyin: What!?-.. Why are you giving me a piglet?

Lingmin: *Looks at Qingyin*

Qingyin: *raise an eyebrow*

Lingmin: *pick another piglet* *Give to Qingyin*.

Qingyin: Huh? Why are you giving me this?

Lingmin: Eat...

Qingyin: This is not ours!

Lingmin: *pull a feather and put in to Qingyin's mouth* Eat!

Qingyin: Phew! Eww!! How digusting! dont give me feathers!! Phuwe!!

Farmer: Haha! How sweet! Well! gonna go now!

Qingyin: Wait! please!!... Help me! ....



Thank you For reading!!


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