Foxy woke up and said, "Hey! Pal!" i suddenly answer. "I have a name though! Oh! I forgot to say my name to you! My name is Li Ge Yu..". He stares at me and thinking something. "Are you the Yoir blood?" he suddenly asked. "I dont think so... But... Mong Do Wa is always calls me that when in a danger part... *hays*.." i replied to Foxy.. "By the way... Where is he? Is he not going back yet?" he asked. "Yeah... Im worried now..." i replied to him. When suddenly "What a show up..." Li Won Feng says... I was shocked, i dont know how did he find me here in the woods.
"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Foxy shouted to Li Won Feng.
"And What are you?!" Li Won Feng funny shouted to Foxy.
"Im a mythical creature! And dont
ever-ever go near to Li Ge Shu!" Foxy shouted.
"Hey! Im not Li Ge Shu! Its Li Ge Yu!!!" I yelled yo Foxy.
"Well.. Sorry... IM JUST ANGRY TO THIS MOCHI FACE!" Foxy yelled to Li Won Feng.
"WHO ARE YOU CALLING MOCHI FACE??!!" He yelled back to Foxy.
"YOU OF COURSE!!!" Foxy yelled back..
"What a drag... they yelling to each other! what a noise! I wish Mong Do Wa is here to stop this!!" I said to my self while shaking my head.
"Look what we have here... The challanger came?!" Mong Do Wa says while walking towards to us.
Li Won Feng replies, "Heh! And who are you?! Handsome guy?"
"Hey! What the heck Li Won Feng!! Are you gay?!" im smirking while blocking
Li Won Feng to Mong Do Wa.
"Your ignoring me?! Well then... *transform as a human* I will kill you!!! *Growl*" Foxy shouting to Li Won Feng.
"H-Hey! WAHH!!!" Li Won Feng funny yelling.
Foxy is bitting Li Won Feng's ear while me ang Mong Do Wa is watching in the side. I was laughing all long. After a couple of minutes they stoped and
Li Won Feng apologise to me what happend in the morning. I forgive to what manners that he show to me. Even though im younger than him.
(4 years gap... i hate being small!!)..
"So you are the cub? How did you beacome a handsome guy? And why are you protecting Li Ge Yu?"
Li Won Feng said.
"Its about my clan..... And its none of your bussiness!" Mong Do Wa replied to Li Won Feng.
Foxy is staring at Li Won Feng grumpy, thats why Li Won Feng dont look at him.
"Oh,Man! is he gonna bit me? Is he, is he?!" Li won Feng says to his self while listening to Mong Do Wa.
After we ate we sleep inside the cave. Me, Foxy and my step - brother sleep together but Mong Do Wa sleep in front of me but on the other side. I feel safe when im with them i dont know why?! Earlier, Li Won Feng is my enemy now he looks like a scardy cat. Foxy is too protective and Mong Do Wa is that what i feel? The feeling taht you are safe in there hands? But i wonder... Am i really in the safe hands!?
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