It all started that day...
The day my father died,I was seven I remember his last words
“Hide your emotions never show fear”
Those where the last words he told before he passed away in a car accident..but it wasn’t an accident I know that but as a kid I couldn’t prove anything because I had no evidence..I knew who kill my was my uncle..
He always hated my father..mostly because of his red eyes..yes my father had the same eye color as me..people cursed him and always said he’ll bring bad luck..even though my father was so kind to everyone but he didn’t show it he always had a poker face not showing how he felt..but he didn’t hide the way he felt with me..
In the end my uncle thought that if he kill my father he would get all of the things along with the companies for him..but he didn’t..the lawyer said that I was the one who had the right to get the things that belong to my as I kept growing I planned revenge for my father..
(Li Wei)
So now I’m 18..
My name is Li Wei
My fathers name was Zhang Wei
I’m pretty much finish with my studies now that I’m eighteen I can now take over my fathers companies...
I was walking to get there..few seconds later..some car stop by me and two men came out..I didn’t notice them..until they put a napkin on my nose..yeah they wanted to take..I tried to get away
But It was in the end I blacked out..
I don’t know how many minutes or hours had passed..I had something that covered my eyes..after I woke up minutes later the car stop and the car doors open then they took me out with them..
I had no idea where they were taking me..they took me to a room..took the thing off my eyes..and then I was my uncle...I guess I wasn’t expecting him to make a move so fast but he my dad said I did not show how suprise I was I only smile..
“It is good to see you uncle Wang” I said
As I said that he looked at me disgusted
Wang Wei: “You and your father are the same you look exactly like him when he was younger It makes me remember how he died” he smiled
...I wanna killed him....
“Uncle Wang what business do you have with me?” I still kept smiling
He smiles wide
Wang Wei: “It something easy if you do it I’ll let you live not like you’re father”
“What is the thing that you want me to do?” I said trying to sound intrigued
Wang Wei: “Give me your fathers companies I’m more experienced in doing business’re still a child it’s not appropriate for you to take over your fathers position” he said
Never I will never give my fathers position to a pig like him!
“Sorry Uncle Wang but I can’t do that” I said acting sad
Wang Wei: “Well can die just like your father did” as he said that he took a gun out
I just smile even wider..I been waiting for this moment for I can finally avenge my father....
“ Jajaja I’m not scared Wang you’re pretty much a pig thinking you can get what you want that’s time to punish the pig”
I took out my knife that I had hidden in one of my pockets of my pants..he didn’t notice it..A pig will always be a stupid..
I had planned this but I didn’t think I would be successful but it looks like luck is on my side...I pressed a button on my phone..that means I’m in bodyguards will come..smiling I just stood there..
“So now are you going to kill me Wang?” I said trying to sound pitiful
He still had the gun straight on me not noticing I move my arms...
Wang Wei: “I sure am I don’t care if you’re my family for me you’re just a cursed bastard just like you’re dad with those disgusting eyes” he said sounding disgusted
Oh yeah I’m disgusting at least I’m not a pig like him that’s even more disgusting..
So confident he shot but I dodge the bullet so easily..
And attacked him..took the gun and try to throw it far away...but he then started punching me..
Wang Wei: “You disgusting bastard I’ll kill you”
He tried to get the gun so I use that to stab him..and I sure did stab him hard...that will show him...
Wang Wei: “b-bastard” he struggle I stab him right in the chest
He would be dead in a few I thought I just walked away from the pig and started sending a message to my bodyguards telling them to call the police but before I could send it..i notice it too late..the pig had his gun..he shot i was gonna evade it but i didn’t see it coming straight to my head...
I fell*t...i did a mistake...I shouldn’t of put my guard least ..he’s going to die with I thought..I closed my eyes and smiled...
Is this the end for me?....
At least I will with my father...
To be continued..
Hope you like the first episode
If you have a question or you don’t understand something don’t hesitate to ask me in the comments
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Updated 74 Episodes
Bts is life
i don't like reading but I'm digging this novel. , like damn
author ľm in love with your work
Ave is i
I don't get why people don't like his red eyes, when I read the intro thing I thought it would be about an albino like cool. But when I read the prologue it said he had black hair and read eyes, even cooler. It would be awesome to meet someone with red eyes.