Frozen Wings

Frozen Wings


“Seraphim highest of all angels. You probably don’t believe they exist at all but they do. Seraphim will often circle over your head waiting for you to look up and notice that they are there. When you try and see Seraphim it won’t work because they only show themselves to the people who they believe are worthy. They are high-class people with little or no taste for weakness. But some seek out those who have those weaknesses and change them into something greater. The Seraphim world is a place where you can only get to by flying. You often don’t notice it when you are on an airplane. They have it hidden under special wards that keep it from being seen by the human eye. People have rarely ever gone there and come back fully human. Seraphim only take people who they believe have a strong heart and will to their home. The hearts that go into the Seraphim kingdom often don’t come back out the same way. They change into something more like them and sometimes do not retain the emotions that make humans human. Seraphim do not torture this out of us they form us into something different they mold human bodies into Seraphim. To us humans, they are aloof and hold little to no emotion. If you are deemed worthy it isn’t a good thing. When they choose you, you more often than not have become a nuisance to them and want to get rid of you in what seems to be a nice way but it is a morbid way. What you read about in church is a lie and they aren’t the messengers of God they are these demons from the darkest part of hell that have come to take what God gave us and throw it away so they can be superior. They are jealous of what we are and they are upset that they are not as important to God as we are. WE spread the word out among the people, while they are stuck running around giving us God’s messages. It is a thankless job and they know it and they wish it was not so. They wanted to be something greater and they decided that the only way of going about it was to make us more like them.”

“Ugh really who does this author think he is? Has he met a Seraphim before… because this is not how we act, yeah sure we are messengers of God but we also have a life too. 

Sighing, I dropped the book on my nightstand and went to stand by the window. I thought about what the author said.

“Yes sure, we are aloof and aren’t very straightforward with emotions when it comes to humans but we are the mail carriers of God and it is kind of our job to not be so in touch with the human race. It kind of defeats the purpose of being a Seraphim. This author doesn’t understand how important our job is and if we mess it up, we mess it up big time. Even though we aren’t seen often enough to make ourselves seem anything more than a fairytale doesn’t mean that we don’t exist at all. We aren’t that much different than humans when we are at home in our world. We just have to put on a mask when we are there in the human world so humans don’t get the idea that God created us better than them because we can fly around. We need that mask so the humans understand that they have a unique connection with God that we will never have.”

 “Oh, hi I am Ronia. I am 17 years old. If you are a human reading this you will get a unique insight into a Seraph’s life. My life to be precise. I am a very interesting person….well my mate...oops I am jumping the gun but whatever but anyway here is my story.” 


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