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Frozen Wings


“Seraphim highest of all angels. You probably don’t believe they exist at all but they do. Seraphim will often circle over your head waiting for you to look up and notice that they are there. When you try and see Seraphim it won’t work because they only show themselves to the people who they believe are worthy. They are high-class people with little or no taste for weakness. But some seek out those who have those weaknesses and change them into something greater. The Seraphim world is a place where you can only get to by flying. You often don’t notice it when you are on an airplane. They have it hidden under special wards that keep it from being seen by the human eye. People have rarely ever gone there and come back fully human. Seraphim only take people who they believe have a strong heart and will to their home. The hearts that go into the Seraphim kingdom often don’t come back out the same way. They change into something more like them and sometimes do not retain the emotions that make humans human. Seraphim do not torture this out of us they form us into something different they mold human bodies into Seraphim. To us humans, they are aloof and hold little to no emotion. If you are deemed worthy it isn’t a good thing. When they choose you, you more often than not have become a nuisance to them and want to get rid of you in what seems to be a nice way but it is a morbid way. What you read about in church is a lie and they aren’t the messengers of God they are these demons from the darkest part of hell that have come to take what God gave us and throw it away so they can be superior. They are jealous of what we are and they are upset that they are not as important to God as we are. WE spread the word out among the people, while they are stuck running around giving us God’s messages. It is a thankless job and they know it and they wish it was not so. They wanted to be something greater and they decided that the only way of going about it was to make us more like them.”

“Ugh really who does this author think he is? Has he met a Seraphim before… because this is not how we act, yeah sure we are messengers of God but we also have a life too. 

Sighing, I dropped the book on my nightstand and went to stand by the window. I thought about what the author said.

“Yes sure, we are aloof and aren’t very straightforward with emotions when it comes to humans but we are the mail carriers of God and it is kind of our job to not be so in touch with the human race. It kind of defeats the purpose of being a Seraphim. This author doesn’t understand how important our job is and if we mess it up, we mess it up big time. Even though we aren’t seen often enough to make ourselves seem anything more than a fairytale doesn’t mean that we don’t exist at all. We aren’t that much different than humans when we are at home in our world. We just have to put on a mask when we are there in the human world so humans don’t get the idea that God created us better than them because we can fly around. We need that mask so the humans understand that they have a unique connection with God that we will never have.”

 “Oh, hi I am Ronia. I am 17 years old. If you are a human reading this you will get a unique insight into a Seraph’s life. My life to be precise. I am a very interesting person….well my mate...oops I am jumping the gun but whatever but anyway here is my story.” 

Making dresses

    I was an ordinary Seraphim, well as ordinary as you can get when you are a royal Seraphim. I was spoiled and I knew it and I hated every minute of it.  I have seen so many Seraphim suffering. It is horrible. I cannot even describe it. "It was awful, terrible, demoralizing, depraved, disgraceful, disgusting and, Hang on I need a thesaurus!" It made me realize how myopic the upper classes were. It made me want to throw up. I went down through the city to get the annual silk dresses that I have made for all of the girls in the orphanage. I always made sure they had at least 4 silk dresses in their closets. If they grew out of the dresses I made sure they were taken apart and used for their new dresses if they were desired. I went down and gathered up all of the dresses and handed them all placed in their special garment bags. I had also made sure that I had asked the girls questions like what was their favorite color, animal, flower, tree, and favorite design like ruffles, lace, feathers, jewels, etc. I made sure they got dresses that represented who they were. I went down to the orphanage and all the girls streamed out. They stood in line from youngest to oldest. The first girl that was my age was named Jennifer, she got her dresses and her favorite colors were blue gold, and green colors of the sea. She had a mermaid-style dress with feathers, shells, and sea glass that covered the skirt. The dress top was interesting.

The dress was a halter, and the halter was made from shimmering blue, purple, green, and white pearls. She took out the dress and squealed with such delight it brought tears to my eyes. Then there was Tigress, she was in love with tigers just like her name and everything was tiger's, she had a fake, but looked authentic, also felt authentic, tiger skin dress.

Another dress with a tiger roaring on the skirt with tiger claws around the hem and collar. All of the girls loved their dresses but then I saw a girl who didn't get a dress and she was staring at all of the other girls with tears in her eyes I walked over to her and she was about my little sister's size I had my sister's dress with me and I gave her my little sister's dress. The dress had a halter top with a flowing skirt. The skirt was covered with shells, sea glass, pearls, ropes upon ropes of sea silk; one of the rarest substances in the world. The entire dress was Egyptian style and the skirt was made of sea silk. I told her to go try it on. She looked at me and ran off and came back over to me a few minutes later. The dress fit her perfectly then I pulled out sea silk shoes that had a small clam with an even smaller pearl inside. Then I pulled out shoes for all of the other girls as well. This part was new, I gave them all necklaces, bracelets, brooches, purses, etc. They all came and gave me hugs. For a moment I could forget that my kingdom was a slab heap. They all thanked me over and over profusely as I walked towards my carriage. What they didn't know is that I had made every single one of those dresses, shoes, purses, necklaces, bracelets, and brooches. I went home to the grand palace that sat up above the city on a mountain in the middle of a mountain lake. My little sister was bouncing up and down with excitement for her dress and I told her that it wasn't made the right size for her and that the seamstress would have to take it in a lot because she had thought the dress was for me. She looked at me with hurt in her eyes and I told her that the dress would be done in the next 2 hours and she brightened. I needed to hurry so this dress would be done in time.

Chosen suitor

I went up to my room which had jewels, feathers, shells, pearls, lace, tiger skin, claws, ruffles, sea glass, and sea silk, satin, and velvet strewn all over the floor. I ran over to my closet and snatched up an old dress that I never wore, it was ugly it had a plunging neckline that showed nearly all of my cleavage. I sewed up the neckline with sea silk and outlined the bodice with sea glass, pearls, and shells. Then I put a clam in the center of the bodice. Then I made the skirt which had a huge slit that went all the way up to the midpoint of my thigh. I sewed that up with sea silk and hemmed the skirt with lace that looked like sea foam and put tiny pieces of sea glass in the lace so it looked like the lace or seafoam was sparkling. Then came the upper part of the skirt which I painted to make it look like the horizon with dolphins and sea birds. I made the middle of the skirt the sea and also put little pieces of sea glass in it to make it look like it was the sea so it glittered. Then I ran to my little sister's room and reached into the back of her closet and found the prettiest shoes I had ever seen, they were deep blue with deep undertones of purple with tiny pearls and feathers of a peacock outlining the edges of the shoes. I took the shoes out into the light and found they were made in the year I turned my little sister's age 15. I took them and put sea silk and glass on the edges. Then I ran to find my sister. I found her in the throne room with mother and I asked sister if she could come with me because I had something to show her and she ran over and we ran and giggled up to my room once we got to my room I realized that I had forgotten to clean up my room and I asked her if she could keep a secret for me she nodded eagerly and I opened the door and she gasped seeing all of the needles and threads jewels, feathers, pearls, shells, sea glass, sea silk, satin, velvet, tiger skin, claws, etc. She gasped and asked me if I made her dress and I said I had made everything. She looked at me in amazement and wonder. I took her to the closet and while hanging in front of her dress she gasped and took it out and ducked behind the Chinese tall dressing screen and I handed her her shoes and she gasped and asked if I had taken them from her closet and I had made them fit her dress. She just shook her head at me in awe. Then she came out and stood in front of the mirror and gaped at herself in disbelief. I put on a blue-green, studded with pearls, sea silk ribbon around her neck and wrapped it around twice then tied it. Then I put blue-green sea glass earrings into her ears. Then put a crown made from peacock feathers, pearls, and sea glass in her hair. The crown itself was silver and platinum. Then I brought out my dress which was the same thing as hers then did the same thing to myself and we both went down to show mother. We walked down and we bumped into a guard and he spoke in a soft but rich voice and asked us if he could escort us to wherever we were going we both agreed politely and he walked behind us and my sister asked me if I thought he was cute I whirled towards her and scoffed and said that even if I thought he was cute, it doesn't matter if I have to marry a prince or someone apart of the royal family. It is the law and it is impossible to change, I would be thrown out of the kingdom and be stripped of my wings. She shook her head and walked on. The guard had stopped and looked at my sister and me and we both laughed at his face. It was a mixture of confusion and hurt. I told him that I thought he was cute but he was not my type, he gave me a confused but genuine smile. Sister smiled at me devilishly. "Irine!!!", I screeched and she ran as fast as she could in her dress. I caught up to her with ease and I tackled her the best I could while trying not to rip her dress and mine. I poked her in the ribs and she squealed at me telling me to stop. I got up and helped her up too. We were a few steps away from the throne room when my mother burst out of the room and looked at me and dragged me into the room by my hand as well as Irine's. She took one look at both of our dresses and swore upon the holy one. I blanched and I looked at my sister who was just as pale as I was. I looked at my mother in question and she answered my unspoken question. 

"There is a suitor who wishes to marry you." 

I took a step back from Mother. I edged slowly towards the door. Then she opened her wings which were deep red with blue tips, colors of her soul mate our father, and blasted the grand doors to the throne room shut. My wings were the color of my hair and eyes so they were blond and blue with hints of gold and gray. They will change colors when I meet my soulmate. I sat on my throne and waited for the suitor to come in with his big parade. Then the throne room doors slammed open and trumpets sounded then my suitor walked in his wings black and white. He was handsome but just not my type. His hair silvery-white and his eyes pale silver with hints of pale blue with a black streak that ran at a diagonal across his iris. He looked at me and smiled radiantly. I plastered a smile onto my face and said hello with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. He bowed and knelt in front of me and offered me his hand palm up and I got up and placed my hand in his and he kissed my hand.

 "Arise, you need not kneel.", I said uncomfortably.  He looked up at me in surprise. "What is your name,” I asked, shifting away from him.

 He told me it was Alister and I looked at him and said that I had already decided that I was not going to marry him and he looked at me with a look of relief. I looked at him thoughtfully, "If you desire you may tell my mother that we aren't a fit match you can, but I would rather tell her myself." 

He nodded and left the room and I walked to Mother's room and she saw my wings had not changed, she sighed and took out a long list. I just gaped at her, she had made an entire list of all the available men in our kingdom. I groaned and was about to walk out when she grabbed me by the arm and sat me down and asked me which name drew my attention the most and I looked at the list from the bottom to the top then a name popped out at me it was Kasar Blackwing I pointed to the name and she gasped in wonder. I asked her what was wrong and she said that Kasar was a twin son of the King of the Wild Ones, the people that kept pushing at our borders. She called for the captain of the guard and she told him to go get Kasar. He nodded around left swiftly and silently. She looked at me and said that if Kasar was the one we would invite him to dine. The captain came back in and in came Kasar it was the same guard I had told that he wasn't my type.  When I looked at him he was very handsome, but he was pale, and when he saw me and his face paled even further. I tilted my head at him, my face full of concern, wondering why he was so distressed. Mother ushered him in a seat and he sat down. She nodded at me. I turned around and said that he had been chosen as my suitor.

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