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Author Name: king_nyx

Leaving The Lights On (English Version)

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Author Name: king_nyx

My body was drenched from the intense downpour, which also made the path and steps away from the sore spot damp.

There was no umbrella to offer me some shade, so I was left cold and drenched in the bad weather.

I follow the road barefoot, following its path to wherever it leads. My face was chilly and damp, and there were hot tears in it.

It seems as though the sky eradicates my pain and hiding from everyone just how miserable and down I am at the moment.

This is the reality of life-you might be shattered and injured by fate.

"How long would you walk? How many times do you have to cry just to laugh again?"

NovelToon got authorization from king_nyx to publish this work, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of NovelToon.

Leaving The Lights On (English Version)
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