You'Re Only Mine

You'Re Only Mine

Chapter - 1

We don't meet people by accident .

They are meant to cross our paths for a reason .


..........HAILEY COLLINS...........

" Hailey, come on ! I promise it is going to be fun ." Tiana my bestfriend since second grade yells from outside of her car .

I look at her and shake my head . " No " . I cannot believe she made me come to this college party . My parents will kill me if they ever found out !

" Tiana , we should not be here .What if something happens?"

I told her through the car window which I opened half .

" Stop being such a boring person .Nothing is going to happen .Except maybe getting drunk and meeting college hot guys !" She beams . It would be like her to only think about getting drunk and getting screwed by some hot guy at parties .

I think about it for a minute . I should not over think it . I am a senior in high school and should be enjoying myself . My boyfriend is away for the long weekend and I have never been to a college party .

" Ugh ' fine As long as you promise that you I'll not get drunk and leave me alone with drunk people I don't know ."

" Cross my heart and hope to die if not you can stick a needle in my eye ."

She sing song . Sticking out her pinky finger out like always does when we make a promise to each other .

I get out of her car and hook my pinky finger with hers . " You better do as you said now ." then hook my arm around hers laughing making our way into the house party .

( After 2 hours )

" The bitch ! She actually left me in this God forbidden place all by myself ."

I screamed internally .

After walking into the party , we walked around to get a feel of the place . We met Tiana's older brother Andrew who actually comes to this school .His Fraternity friends are the ones throwing this party and invited us . Well , more Tiana and of course me being her best friend I had to come .

He introduced to some of his brothers . We then go to dance for a while until she went to dance with some guy and now I cannot find her .

" Hey , Andrew . Have you seen your sister ?"

I tap his shoulder to get his attention . He is talking to some guy who looks very scary . I personally would not want to be alone in an alley with him .

Turning around Andrew smiles noticing it is me . " hey beautiful . How are you ? "

He slur swinging his heavy arm around me .

" I'm good Andrew. Have you seen Tiana anywhere ?"

I ask trying to hold him up since he was drunk .

" My baby sister ? Nah , nah ! Have not seen her ma ! Damn Hailey , I did not realize how fucking sexy you are ."

He lean down and kissed my cheek.

" No Andrew , stop . You are drunk ." pushing him off I took a step back from him . Andrew is like a big brother to me even though he is really good looking , I do not see him that way .

Bringing his hands up in surrender he chuckles , " Alright , alright . Damn sorry . Just paying you a compliment. Get that stick out of your as* ."

" Whatever , I'll look for her myself ."

I said turning on my heels and leaving him there laughing like an as* . I hate when he is drunk because he hits on me everytime .

All around me are the people who were drunk . They are grinding on each other and doing other thinks I rather not see . I hate being around thinks like these . It never turns out well .

Trying to locate Tiana , I go upstairs to see if she may have gone up to the bathroom . Or she might be in one of the rooms making out with some guy .

Passing couples making out on the steps and even against the wall I make to the second floor .

"Hey , sweetheart . Looking for something or someone ? "

I turn around to see a tall muscular guy holding a red solo cup . He is standing next to some other guy of his size and height .

" Um , yeah . I am looking for my best friend , Andrew's sister ." I told them . Maybe they knew who is she and where .

They look at each other and smirk then turn to look at me .

" Yeah , we know her . She went to the bedroom at the end of the hallway with some guy ."

" Okay , thanks ." I tell them with a smile . Just like I thought she found a boy toy for the night .

Opening the door of the room I see that it is dim and empty. There is a bed on the side but no one is in it there .

" That is strange . Maybe they thought I was speaking about someone else ."

Turning to leave I bumped into a hard chest . " Ooomphs..."

Looking up to see who I bump into , It was the same muscular guy who told me that Tiana was in here .

" Sorry ... " I tell him .

" No worries sweetheart . So your friend is not here ? "

He asked with a smirk . Just the way he asks sents a shiver down my Spine . It is not a good feeling .

" U..umm , no she is not . I am just going downstairs and look for her ".

Side stepping him to leave but his other friend had closed the door and standin front of it .

Grabbing my arm tightly he pins me to the wall . " where are you going , babe ?".

I begin to panic ." I told you . I am going downstairs to find my friend ."

" Hmm , how about you stay up here with us and we can have a good time together. "

He says while brushing my lower lip with his finger , staring at my lips .

" I don't think so. I have a boyfriend and , and I am going to find my fri......"

But before I can finish he grabbed me and pushed me on the bed .






starting is big enough but it's awesome 🤠



Rojin Ehsan

Rojin Ehsan

Really intetesting start👍👍👍❤



Rojin Ehsan

Rojin Ehsan




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