NovelToon NovelToon

You'Re Only Mine

Chapter - 1

We don't meet people by accident .

They are meant to cross our paths for a reason .


..........HAILEY COLLINS...........

" Hailey, come on ! I promise it is going to be fun ." Tiana my bestfriend since second grade yells from outside of her car .

I look at her and shake my head . " No " . I cannot believe she made me come to this college party . My parents will kill me if they ever found out !

" Tiana , we should not be here .What if something happens?"

I told her through the car window which I opened half .

" Stop being such a boring person .Nothing is going to happen .Except maybe getting drunk and meeting college hot guys !" She beams . It would be like her to only think about getting drunk and getting screwed by some hot guy at parties .

I think about it for a minute . I should not over think it . I am a senior in high school and should be enjoying myself . My boyfriend is away for the long weekend and I have never been to a college party .

" Ugh ' fine As long as you promise that you I'll not get drunk and leave me alone with drunk people I don't know ."

" Cross my heart and hope to die if not you can stick a needle in my eye ."

She sing song . Sticking out her pinky finger out like always does when we make a promise to each other .

I get out of her car and hook my pinky finger with hers . " You better do as you said now ." then hook my arm around hers laughing making our way into the house party .

( After 2 hours )

" The bitch ! She actually left me in this God forbidden place all by myself ."

I screamed internally .

After walking into the party , we walked around to get a feel of the place . We met Tiana's older brother Andrew who actually comes to this school .His Fraternity friends are the ones throwing this party and invited us . Well , more Tiana and of course me being her best friend I had to come .

He introduced to some of his brothers . We then go to dance for a while until she went to dance with some guy and now I cannot find her .

" Hey , Andrew . Have you seen your sister ?"

I tap his shoulder to get his attention . He is talking to some guy who looks very scary . I personally would not want to be alone in an alley with him .

Turning around Andrew smiles noticing it is me . " hey beautiful . How are you ? "

He slur swinging his heavy arm around me .

" I'm good Andrew. Have you seen Tiana anywhere ?"

I ask trying to hold him up since he was drunk .

" My baby sister ? Nah , nah ! Have not seen her ma ! Damn Hailey , I did not realize how fucking sexy you are ."

He lean down and kissed my cheek.

" No Andrew , stop . You are drunk ." pushing him off I took a step back from him . Andrew is like a big brother to me even though he is really good looking , I do not see him that way .

Bringing his hands up in surrender he chuckles , " Alright , alright . Damn sorry . Just paying you a compliment. Get that stick out of your as* ."

" Whatever , I'll look for her myself ."

I said turning on my heels and leaving him there laughing like an as* . I hate when he is drunk because he hits on me everytime .

All around me are the people who were drunk . They are grinding on each other and doing other thinks I rather not see . I hate being around thinks like these . It never turns out well .

Trying to locate Tiana , I go upstairs to see if she may have gone up to the bathroom . Or she might be in one of the rooms making out with some guy .

Passing couples making out on the steps and even against the wall I make to the second floor .

"Hey , sweetheart . Looking for something or someone ? "

I turn around to see a tall muscular guy holding a red solo cup . He is standing next to some other guy of his size and height .

" Um , yeah . I am looking for my best friend , Andrew's sister ." I told them . Maybe they knew who is she and where .

They look at each other and smirk then turn to look at me .

" Yeah , we know her . She went to the bedroom at the end of the hallway with some guy ."

" Okay , thanks ." I tell them with a smile . Just like I thought she found a boy toy for the night .

Opening the door of the room I see that it is dim and empty. There is a bed on the side but no one is in it there .

" That is strange . Maybe they thought I was speaking about someone else ."

Turning to leave I bumped into a hard chest . " Ooomphs..."

Looking up to see who I bump into , It was the same muscular guy who told me that Tiana was in here .

" Sorry ... " I tell him .

" No worries sweetheart . So your friend is not here ? "

He asked with a smirk . Just the way he asks sents a shiver down my Spine . It is not a good feeling .

" U..umm , no she is not . I am just going downstairs and look for her ".

Side stepping him to leave but his other friend had closed the door and standin front of it .

Grabbing my arm tightly he pins me to the wall . " where are you going , babe ?".

I begin to panic ." I told you . I am going downstairs to find my friend ."

" Hmm , how about you stay up here with us and we can have a good time together. "

He says while brushing my lower lip with his finger , staring at my lips .

" I don't think so. I have a boyfriend and , and I am going to find my fri......"

But before I can finish he grabbed me and pushed me on the bed .


Chapter - 2

He started to kiss my neck I pushed him but he grabbed my hands .

" I do not believe I asked if you have a boyfriend babe . I asked if you want to have a good with me and my friend ."

He hover over me with an evil smirk . I know what his intentions are and I did not want my first time to be by a drunken guy who I do not even know .

" Ple...please . Do not do this . I.."

" Are you begging me to fu*k you babe ? Don't worry , once I fu*k you in every hole , you will be begging me not to stop ."

Bending down he pushes my legs apart so he could be in between them .

Then he grabbed my hands pulling them above my head making me squeal .

" Please . Please don't! Please you cannot do this !"

I start to scream . Even twisted my body to get out of his grip but he just laughed.

" There is no use in fighting it babe . I get what I want and want I want is to fu*k you ."

Be cupped my chest and start squeezing it with his free hands .

" Mmm, I am going to make that pus*y so wet baby ."

Unbuttoning my Jeans then unzipping the zipper .

" Stop , please stop . You do not need to do this !"

I continued to scream at him but I know there is no use . He and his friend are going to take my virginity by rapi*g me .

" Hey , David, come here and make her wet for us . I do not want her to think that we are not into ******** ."

He tells his friend who is next to him now .

"Please ,please don't!"

"Shh baby . I am going to make that pus*y feel so good . Don't worry ."

David the other guy tells me . Sliding his filthy hand inside my panties , he glides his fingers on my **** .

" STOP ! PLEASE DON'T!" I scream louder praying that someone can hear me . But all I can hear is tha bass to the music coming from downstairs.

" Damn mami , your pus*y is so wet. Nick feel how wet her pus*y is . I think she wants it ."

David smirks at the tall one which now I know is Nick .

"Oh yeah ? Let me see ."

David takes his hand out and licks his fingers letting Nich to put his fingers in my **** .

" You taste good baby ."


I screamed and with all of my strength I am able to bring my legs up and kick Nick in between his legs causing his to let go of my arms .

Ugh ! You bitch !" he yells grabbing his crotch . Right when I am about to get up he catches me by surprise. He slaps me hard which causes me to fall back on the bed .

" You are going to pay for that you stupid bitch ! I was going to be gentle with you . Now I'm going to fu*k you in your pus*y and in your *** so hard that you will not be able to walk for a week ."

He seethes straddling me as he rips my blouse .


" You are going to suck my di*k while David over here fu*ks you senseless ."

He says unzipping his Jean's then pulls put his co*k . I move my head from side to side .

He grabs my hair tightly to keep my head in place . " Open your mouth baby and taste this delicious di*k .

"NOO! GET OFF ME !" Screaming over and over I can feel my Jeans being pulled down .

"Stop moving you little bitch ." With a punch to my face I begin to lose consciousness.

Shaking my head to maintain my focus on not getting raped , I can swear I hear someone coming into the room screaming .

" What the fu*k do you think you are doing to her ?"

The strange voice screams . I don't really know what else they are saying since my eyes feel heavy .

The weight on top of my body is lifted and I can hear grunts cussing in the background . Then silence .

I feel daizy and sleepy. " Hey , hey . It's alright princess .You are safe now . No one will ever touch you like this again . I promise. If not they are dead ."

The stranger tells me holding me to his warm chest then kissed me softly on my forehead .

Looking up through my hooded eyelids , I cannot really tell his features , except his light grey eyes and the small nose ring on his nose .

He stared at me " Are you my Savior?"

I whispered in low voice and then passed out in his arms not knowing who my savior is .

Chapter - 3

" There is no use in fighting it baby ... I get what I want and I want is to fu*k you ".

" You're going to suck my di*k while David over here fu*is you senseless."

Hey , hey . It's alright're safe now ! No one will ever touch you like this again . I promise....if not they are dead."

Feeling myself stir from the nightmare I was having , I woke up with a jolt regretting my quick reflexes.

"Uhh , it hurts." I grunt putting my hand on my forehead feeling a headache come on . I was having flashback from what guys did to me and about the guy who I think saved me ....

" Hailey ! Hailey! You're awake ! Are you alright? How are you feeling ?"

Looking in front of me sat Tiana who wore a worried expression on her face .

" I have a headache and feeling like I've been ran over by a truck ."

I tell her honestly , my body feeling sore .

Bringing me into a tight hug she soothed my back .

" I'm so so so sorry Hailey. I don't mean to leave you alone ...its that I met this really cute guy ....which I don't even remember his name now cause I was so buzzed and ..."

Cutting herself off I pulled away and shook my head . I knew she had left me for some guy .

" Hailey , please forgive me ." she begs .

"Tiana , you left me alone in a strange place with drunk people after you promised me you wouldn't....I don't blame you for what happened...but."

Standing up I sighed and looked down at her . "I just don't know if ..."

"...if you could forgive me ?"

She asked frowning making me nod my head.

We stayed quiet for a while then sat back down .

" How did I get here in you house ?"

"Andrew carried you in after ..."

"Did he find me ?" I asked curiously cutting her off . I could have sworn I saw someone else holding me before I passed out.

" some other guy did and from what Andrew told me , he also beat the crap out of those two bastards who almost attacked you ."

Almost? "Tiana , they don't almost attacked me ....they sexually assaulted me . They were close until someone came in ..."

" I know ..I...I just don't want to remind you of what happened Hailey. "

"Tiana...I will never EVER forget what they did to me ..."

No matter how much I will try too.


The long weekend came and went and we are back to school . After waking up in Tiana's room Sunday , I want home and pretty much stayed in bed on Monday. I ended up having a big bruise on my left cheek and when my parents saw it they freaked out . I had to lie and say I fell down on my steps . They believed since I had fell down before also. Now I just hope my boyfriend believes me .

Stepping out of the school bus I make my way inside the school . Tiana always drives me back and forth since I don't have a car cause I don't have any license yet . I'll ne turning 18 in a few months so in decided to wait until then . Plus , I wasn't in the mood to spend my morning with her . I guess a part of me is mad at her for ditching me but I just didn't want her to continue to beg me for forgiveness. So deciding to act immature and childish I'm going to avoid her today at all costs.

Making my way to my locker I greeted some of my friends that are in the hallway. I'm a bit quiet and reserved and don't consider myself that popular even though I'm dating a jock. My boyfriend Eric is the captain of the wrestling and swimming team plus he plays goodball . Yeah I know , he's Mr. Athlete while I'm just a cheerleader with Tiana . He was actually away at swimming match with his team this weekend. He had texted me yesterday to let me know he is back and wanted to pass by to see me but I just told him I wasn't feeling well . I know he would have know something was wrong so I avoided him also . It's not going to be easy today .

......Eric , Haileys boyfriend......

Opening my locker I grab my math and history book out and put it in my bog when someone pushes me against the locker and pins me with their body .

" Damn baby you are so damn sexy ....I can't wait to get you alone !"

The gruff voice whispers in my ear making me panic .

" Please ...please don't."

I began to beg and shake closing my eyes tightly reliving what had happened to me three nights before .

I started to hyperventilate and felt light headed ...they found me !

"Hailey girl what's wrong? Look at me please ! It's ."

Hearing Eric's voice my eyes opened up slowly to see my boyfriend freaked out .

"E..Eric?" I said hugging him tightly to me . I missed him so much .

" Yes babe , it's me . Who did you think it was ?" He asked with a chuckle as he held me tight .

I didn't say anything just held him close . I don't him to let go of me .

He pulled away cupping my face with both hands looking in my eyes.

"Hailey.... what's wrong? What the hell happened to you cheek ?"

" just scared me that's all . I had a bad dream last night and I guess I'm just still shaken by it . And my cheek is bruised cause I fell down the steps at Tiana's house ."

I lied , I couldn't tell him the truth , essentially in the middle of the hallway .

He furrowed his eyebrows then sighed .

" Are you sure there isn't anything else wrong?"

He pushed but I just shook my head no .

"I'm fine , you just took me by surprise that's all ." I shrug .

" Ok , if you say so . Now , how about bringing those juicy lips over here so I can kiss them ..."

Pulling me closer to him he smirked and kissed me sweetly . I missed him .

"Mmm..." I moaned on his lips . I loved kissing him .

Pulling away he smiles that smile that I love so much .

" Come on beautiful , let's go to class ." intertwining our hands together we walked to class to start our day .


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