Devil's Tale

Devil's Tale


17 mar 2010

[Somewhere in the Doant Country]

????: That's a huge blast in A General's headquarters.

????: I think Someone attack the headquarters most of the floor covered in smoke I can't really tell what's happening there.

????: No way in hell someone attack that headquarter. maybe it's short circuit or something else.

[In the headquarters]

sounds:(Alarm ringing, Foot steps, Gun firing)🎶

[17th floor]

2nd in command: find the intruders and kill them all if anyone get out of here alive I will kill you all myself. And send the message to all command center in this area to come here immediately Understand.

Soldier: yes sir.


????: What should we do next?

????: First we have to destroy this monitoring room. This will cut off all communications of this building.

????: And what about this soldiers dead bodies?

????: Burn them with this room! They deserve it.

[21st floor General's office]

Sound:(Door opening)

General: who the hell are you?

????: You created me and yet, you don't even know who I am? Feel my hell fire it will burn you alive General. Let's see who's fast to pull the trigger?

General: So, you are the Leader of Hell's organization " Master Devil.”

Devil: Hahahaha! So, you actually know me.

sound: (Gun fire)

8th July 2004

["Doant Military base" in The General office]

Doant kernal: Sir Hooler Force's suddenly start attacking on us what should we do?

Doant General Baqi: don't panic! First gather all our soldiers and secure the border. Then start counter attack with our full power. immediately issue Red alert in whole country. gather all mens who can fight.

it's a open war.

D.K: understood sir.

D.G: Now every one go and prepare for battle. They started it but it's up to us to end this. They will pay the price for underestimating us.

I'm going to see the king.

Soldiers: yaaay! Long live Doant! Long live King Gulfam Shah.

Servant: Lord Gulfam! General Maddar is here to see you.

King: Hmm! Send him in.

Servant: yes my Lord.

D.G: Greetings my Lord.

King: what's the situation out there?

D.G: Sorry to say that my Lord but it's out of control. Hooler's have the upper hand. They have 4x men power and Advance weapons in their hands.

King: so what do you think we should do?

D.G: We will defend our Country with last drop of our blood. But My Lord I suggest that it's better for you to go to your brother's Country with your daughter. You are not safe here.

King: So, you suggest me to abundant My country, and my people when they need me most?

How dare you say that to me?

D.G: My Lord if anything happens to you this country will be doomed. Think about your daughter for a second.

King: it's not your place to think about me. And for my daughter, I already send her to my brother's Country with a letter for help. Sence the communication are cut off that letter is our only hope to get help.

Now go to your position and defend the border until the help come.

D.G: yes My Lord.

D.G thinking: (what a fool I am to doubt the Lord Gulfam. He knows our situation very well. now it's up to us to defend our country)

[Three months later. in the Dount king palace]

king Gulfam: what is the status? is there any news of my daughter?

D.G: No my Lord! and the situation is very critical. I don't think that our man can stop them any longer. I request you to leave this country while you have the chance. I will find your daughter and protect her.

king Gulfam: Maddar! I know you are worried about me but I will never abandoned my country like this. if this country falls i will fall with it.

You go and find my daughter. from now on I will personally command my Army.

[One Month later. Somewhere inn the Dount county]

????: Hooler country win the war. they breakthrough our border.

????: Yeah I heard that they killed King Gulfam. What will happen to us now?

????: Hope for the good.

[Hooler country. King's mansion]

King Zajoon: Hahahaha

We finally won. They struggle very well. But in the end victory was always be mine. General Roar you are my most trustworthy Man, so now, I will Give you Doant Country as a gift for your services.

Tomorrow you will go to the Doant Country and take your charge there. Make me proud my son.

Hooler General Roar: I'm really honored. I Will never let you down My Lord.

king Zajoon: Now go and prepare to move there.

H.G: As you wish my Lord.

Prince Moon: Why did you give him the charge Dad?

king Zajoon: Because I have a special assignment for you. go there and find that object for me.

Prince Moon: Why are you so obsessed with that thing. I know you attacked the Dount county just for that Item. Is this items is really worth it?

King Zajoon: You will know soon enough. Now go You have a long journey ahead of you my son.

Price Moon: Yes my Lord. as you wish.

[Next day General Roar arrive in the Doant Country]

H.G: 2nd commander Jozaf! Tell the people of this country to pay 20% tax of their income to me every month and Make 23 bases in main cities of this country. If anyone stand against us kill them on the spot and hang their bodies to the entrance of their city. Understand.

Jozaf: Yes Sir.

[Defenseless innocent people who cannot be able to pay taxes were brutally killed by H.Forces their wife and daughters were captured as their slaves. And their sons, and elders were captured and Force to build their bases for them.]

But one village stand against them....



Shaikh ShaiQ

Shaikh ShaiQ




Saddam Shahzad

Saddam Shahzad

Interesting story



💜 Mikasa Ackerman 💜

💜 Mikasa Ackerman 💜

Wow this is really interesting👍



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