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Devil's Tale


17 mar 2010

[Somewhere in the Doant Country]

????: That's a huge blast in A General's headquarters.

????: I think Someone attack the headquarters most of the floor covered in smoke I can't really tell what's happening there.

????: No way in hell someone attack that headquarter. maybe it's short circuit or something else.

[In the headquarters]

sounds:(Alarm ringing, Foot steps, Gun firing)🎶

[17th floor]

2nd in command: find the intruders and kill them all if anyone get out of here alive I will kill you all myself. And send the message to all command center in this area to come here immediately Understand.

Soldier: yes sir.


????: What should we do next?

????: First we have to destroy this monitoring room. This will cut off all communications of this building.

????: And what about this soldiers dead bodies?

????: Burn them with this room! They deserve it.

[21st floor General's office]

Sound:(Door opening)

General: who the hell are you?

????: You created me and yet, you don't even know who I am? Feel my hell fire it will burn you alive General. Let's see who's fast to pull the trigger?

General: So, you are the Leader of Hell's organization " Master Devil.”

Devil: Hahahaha! So, you actually know me.

sound: (Gun fire)

8th July 2004

["Doant Military base" in The General office]

Doant kernal: Sir Hooler Force's suddenly start attacking on us what should we do?

Doant General Baqi: don't panic! First gather all our soldiers and secure the border. Then start counter attack with our full power. immediately issue Red alert in whole country. gather all mens who can fight.

it's a open war.

D.K: understood sir.

D.G: Now every one go and prepare for battle. They started it but it's up to us to end this. They will pay the price for underestimating us.

I'm going to see the king.

Soldiers: yaaay! Long live Doant! Long live King Gulfam Shah.

Servant: Lord Gulfam! General Maddar is here to see you.

King: Hmm! Send him in.

Servant: yes my Lord.

D.G: Greetings my Lord.

King: what's the situation out there?

D.G: Sorry to say that my Lord but it's out of control. Hooler's have the upper hand. They have 4x men power and Advance weapons in their hands.

King: so what do you think we should do?

D.G: We will defend our Country with last drop of our blood. But My Lord I suggest that it's better for you to go to your brother's Country with your daughter. You are not safe here.

King: So, you suggest me to abundant My country, and my people when they need me most?

How dare you say that to me?

D.G: My Lord if anything happens to you this country will be doomed. Think about your daughter for a second.

King: it's not your place to think about me. And for my daughter, I already send her to my brother's Country with a letter for help. Sence the communication are cut off that letter is our only hope to get help.

Now go to your position and defend the border until the help come.

D.G: yes My Lord.

D.G thinking: (what a fool I am to doubt the Lord Gulfam. He knows our situation very well. now it's up to us to defend our country)

[Three months later. in the Dount king palace]

king Gulfam: what is the status? is there any news of my daughter?

D.G: No my Lord! and the situation is very critical. I don't think that our man can stop them any longer. I request you to leave this country while you have the chance. I will find your daughter and protect her.

king Gulfam: Maddar! I know you are worried about me but I will never abandoned my country like this. if this country falls i will fall with it.

You go and find my daughter. from now on I will personally command my Army.

[One Month later. Somewhere inn the Dount county]

????: Hooler country win the war. they breakthrough our border.

????: Yeah I heard that they killed King Gulfam. What will happen to us now?

????: Hope for the good.

[Hooler country. King's mansion]

King Zajoon: Hahahaha

We finally won. They struggle very well. But in the end victory was always be mine. General Roar you are my most trustworthy Man, so now, I will Give you Doant Country as a gift for your services.

Tomorrow you will go to the Doant Country and take your charge there. Make me proud my son.

Hooler General Roar: I'm really honored. I Will never let you down My Lord.

king Zajoon: Now go and prepare to move there.

H.G: As you wish my Lord.

Prince Moon: Why did you give him the charge Dad?

king Zajoon: Because I have a special assignment for you. go there and find that object for me.

Prince Moon: Why are you so obsessed with that thing. I know you attacked the Dount county just for that Item. Is this items is really worth it?

King Zajoon: You will know soon enough. Now go You have a long journey ahead of you my son.

Price Moon: Yes my Lord. as you wish.

[Next day General Roar arrive in the Doant Country]

H.G: 2nd commander Jozaf! Tell the people of this country to pay 20% tax of their income to me every month and Make 23 bases in main cities of this country. If anyone stand against us kill them on the spot and hang their bodies to the entrance of their city. Understand.

Jozaf: Yes Sir.

[Defenseless innocent people who cannot be able to pay taxes were brutally killed by H.Forces their wife and daughters were captured as their slaves. And their sons, and elders were captured and Force to build their bases for them.]

But one village stand against them....

Hunter Village

[13 October 2005]

(The day before General Roar arrived)

[On top of the Asfa mountain. There is a Village called hunters village]

Saim: wake up Ahtee it's almost time for breakfast. Wake up, and gets fresh already.

Ahtesham: Come on big bro! let me sleep for a while.

Saim: this is your daily routine you know. If someday, I will be gone as well what will you do then?

Ahtesham: hey! Do you really have to say this kind of stuff. I will die right beside you. I can not leave you eather like mother and father.

Saim: come on! Forget what I just said. Just get up already.

Ahtesham: okay okay. What is in the breakfast today. han?

Saim: it's a roasted bunny.

Ahtesham: what? Again?

Oooh !

(After breakfast)

Ahtesham: come on you lazy punk. We are already late for hunting.

Saim: oh yeah! And whose fault is it?

Ahtesham: now not the time for argument.

Let go.

Ahtesham: I reached first.

Saim: in your dreams.

Sofia: you both are late.

Ahtesham: it's saim's fault.

Sofia: yeah yeah I know.

Ahtesham: aah that's heart. why you punch me.

Sofia: Its your fault for blaming others.

Ahtesham: Yeah I know you alwas side with him.

Sofia: what just you said?

Ahtesham: Nop! Nothing.

Saim: Come on you two thats enough.

Elder Joan: Hey Childrens How are you today?

what a lovely weather today for Hunting.

you all ready?

Saim: Yes elder. we are ready to go.

Ahtesham: I will hunt that bear today for sure.

Sofia: I heard that line many times. you should hunt a buny. leave that bear alone.

Ahtesham: Why? Are you in relationship with that bear or what?

Sofia: ha ha ha, Nice joke.

Saim: come on we has to hurry or we will return empty handed.

Ahtesham: Let's go then

(Same night)

Elder Joan: Saim the dear you hunt today is very healthy. we will gain nice profit from it.

Saim: thank you elder.

Elder Joan: You all did great job today like you always do.

lets pray and enjoy our meal together like a big faimily. May God keep this piece in our village. I pray for our unity every night. I hope our handicrafts continue to grow over time.

Every Body: Ameen.

Elder Joan: lets start eating.

Saim: hey elder! Is their Any news from our brothers who were going to defend our Country Borders with Army?

Elder joan: No Son. Nothing yet but I hope everything will be fine. Our brothers will return soon. Have faith in them.

Ahtesham: I also want to go to the front line.

Elder: tell me son! If everyone go to the front lines then who will defend our village?

Ahtesham: yah yah! Like Hooler ever come to our poor village.

Saim: hay watch what you say you moron.

Ahtesham: what?

Elder: haha haha. You both are like your parents. Ahtesham your time will come eventually. Until then be patience and enjoy your life.

Sofia: Go to the border later. Kill that bear first if you can.

Ahtesham: You will be apologizing to me on the day I kill that bear.

Saim: Don't worry Ahtesham I belive in you you will hunt that bear tommorow.

Ahteaham: 😝

(Next morning)

Sounds (Shouting, Gun firing)

Ahtesham: What's that fuss about brother🥱?

Saim: Hooler forces! They win the war. Ahtesham! Getup and run toward the forest.

Ahtesham: what! no way in hell. I will fight right beside You all.

Saim: today is not the day for argument. Just do what I told you. I'm going out now.

[Center of the village]

Elder: what do you want soldiers?

Hooler Inspector Shaiq: Your king was defeated. Now, Doant Country belongs to us. So, you better do what I tell you! you old geezer.

Elder: what do you want from us?

Shaiq: we want monthly 20% tax from all of you. We will not harm anyone as long as you pay taxes.

Saim: we will not give you anything from this village. You better leave us alone or else...!

Shaiq: or else what? Are you threatening us?

Elder: he is just a child please forgive him. But..! you better listened to what he just said.

Shaiq: you old geezer! You are the one who betters listened to me or else, We will burn your entire village.

(Suddenly an arrow pierces Inspector Shaiq chest.)

Shaiq: what the......?

Ahtesham: oohooo I just missed a little.

Saim: Ahtesham! What are you doing here? I told you to go away didn't I?

Ahtesham: and I told you that I will never be abundant you and my village. We will fight together till the end.

Shaiq: soldiers kill them all. Don't spare anyone. They will pay the price for hurting me.

Elder: defend the village My brothers and Sons.

Saim: you moron if you had listened to me back than you had a better chance for survive.

Ahtesham: I prefer death.

Elder: defend the women and children. Show them what are we made of.

Sound: (Shouting, gun fires, arrows)

Elder: Saim protect your brother. I promised your father that i will protect you two. Run with your brother to the top of the hill there was a hidden cave. You both will be save there.

Saim: how can i leave you and run? You fulfill your promise elder now it's our turn.

Elder: it's an order. Go now.

Saim: but.

Elder: think about your brother.

Saim: ok. Ahtesham come with me i have a plan.

Ahtesham: I'm coming.

Saim: Run toward the top hill.

Shaiq: soldiers! Those two boys are running get them and kill them.

Elder: no you don't. My sons protect those two.

[5min later]

Jameel: They killed our elder. Don't let them get out of here alive.

Saim: Looks like we are safe now. Ahtesham get in that cave and hide move that rock to the entrance so they didn't find you. I am going back.

Ahtesham: you lead me here for this. How could you Saim our people risk there live over there and you.

Saim: I had no choice. Just live for me, for elder, for everyone.

Ahtesham: I can not live like this.

H.S: they are over there kill them.

Saim: you Moron go now while you have time.

Ahtesham: I am sorry brother but I can't.

Saim: You stubborn kid. Fine then. Come with me. We have to climb that rock so we can defend our self and attack them.

Ahtesham: Now you talking.

Sound: (gun fire, foot steps)

Ahtesham: Brother! I think our time is come. We will meet in the next world.

Saim: Yes you are right. I'm sorry my brother. Please forgive me for this.

(Saim pushes Ahtesham off the mountain and face the enemy by himself)

Saim thinking: I hope you will survive with the help of that river. I had no choice my brother. If i survive i will find you. And if i am not then forgive me. I can't protect you nor my village.

[several hours later]

Shaiq: They are better than i thought but in the end they all dead. How many soldiers we lost?

H.S: 73 sir.

Shaiq: damn this hunters. How will i explain this to commander?

H.S: Sir! What should we do with this women and children's?

Shaiq: kill them all and burn them with this village.

To be Continue............

Birth of "The Devil"

[In a cave on the banks of the Asfa River]

Ahtesham thinking: Where am I? What am I doing here? Oh yeah! Saim pushed me over the mountain. Maybe this this river throw me out here. I have to return. Aaahh, I can't move my body. Looks like my leg are broke and my arm too. Hey, what is this light here? It coming from that stone. It's a warm green light. I think i shuold rest here for a while.

[After a while]

Ahtesham thinking: I was past out. I have to return. Han, how is my arm recovered? My leg too. I can't feel any pain any more. How is this possible? That light is gone. What was that light? It was coming from this rock. What is this? Maybe It was just a hallucination. but! I was severely Injured for sure.

Sound: (Gun Fire, Screaming)

???: Help me. Somebody Help me Please.

H,S: Why are you running from us you old geezer.

H.S: Pay your Tax and you will be free to leave. there is no point in running you can not run from us and no one will come to rescue you.

Old man: Please leave me. i don't have any money. Please spare my life I'm begging you.

H.S: If You Don't have any money then die old man. Kill him partner. Partner? hey peter where are you? It's not a funny joke. come out now. hah! Peter what happens to you? How did you get here? hey old man you saw him right? you saw that man who drag my partner in this river and killed him. tell me now or i will kill.

Old man: Please don't point that gun to me I didn't see anyone.

H.S: Then die Old man.

Sound: (Gun Fire, Screaming)

Old Man: Am I still Alive.

H.S: Who are you? How dare you grape my hand? I said loss my hand now. do you have a death wish or something? You Monster Freak.

Ahtesham: Didn't your mom teach you that never bullied elders.

Sound: (Gun fire Screaming)

Old man: thank you young man. my name is Moiz You are so fast and skilled. are you from the army? and what happened to your face?

Ahtesham: My face what's wrong with my face?

Moiz: See for your self in that river. Your half face is completely destroyed.

Ahtesham: I look like a devil now. they will pay for this. they will pay for everything they done with this Country by their lifes. Saim? Old man! take care of your self. I have to leave now.

Ahtesham Thinking: Saim! wait for me I am coming. everyone please stay alive.

[After a While}

Ahtesham thinking: Thats my village gate. Just a little longer. Why is so much smoke comming out from there.

Ahtesham: Saim, Sofia, Ali, elder Joun is anybody there. I'm back. Say something.

H.s: Stop right there. Who are you? Go back right now or I will shoot you.

H.s: bro he have a gun.

Ahtesham: Why are you still here. I will kill you all.

Sound: (Gun firing)

H.s: How can he dodge the bullet. He is so fast. Aaah

H.s: You are a monster. How could you kill my brother?

Ahtesham: Real Monsters are you guys. You killed the innocent people of my country for no reason. Now it's your turn to die.

Sound: (Gun shoot, scream)

Ahtesham thinking: My village they burned my village.

Ahtesham: Saim, Elder Joun, Sofia. Say something. Where are you? Anybody say something please. You can not die.

Sound: ( Crying)

Ahtesham: I swear. I will kill them all. I will avenge you guys. Home, My home.

Sound: (Door cracking)

Ahtesham: they killed my people and burned my village just for some damn money. Huh! That's father's hunting mask. It's all my fault father I couldn't save my brother. Please forgive me.

Ahtesham thinking: It is no time to cry i have to stand up. I swear I will avenge you. I will wear your mask until I fulfill my promise.

[ He wear that mask and Shouting out loud in pain and sorrow.]

Ahtesham: Saim, Sofia, Elder joun? Is anybody here? Answer me! Answer me alright. Just tell that you are fine. Yaaaaaaah

[His brother, Sofia, Elder joun and other people are all gone.]

Ahtesham: Father I swear you that I will take Revenge For my village, and for everyone. I will kill every Hooler Soldier, Inspector, and everyone who was involved in this.

From today, they will face the Hell that I will create just for them. From now on My Name will be "Devil."

To be Continue

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