Trapped With The Mafia Boss (Novel)

Trapped With The Mafia Boss (Novel)

Got Kick Out

Hi, my name is Esther Yang. I’ve lost my job and now I’m homeless. I just got kick out of my own apartment. I can’t believe that this is happening to me. What am I going to do? I have to go find somewhere to stay tonight before it gets dark.

As she walks away from the only home she has ever known... She has no idea how the next 24 hours are going to change her life forever!

“Should I call Alex?” She said to herself.

Alex is Esther’s ex boyfriend. They separate on a bad terms. Alex was a monster, who was aggressive and possessive and sometimes even violent. He has beat her so many times already.

But Esther has no one else to call...

“Ugh, never mind I don’t want anything to do with him. I have to find somewhere safe to sleep tonight.”

Esther walk away...

While she was walking she saw a park bench and decided to sleep there for the night.

“I guess I will sleep here tonight.”

When she was about to sleep she heard a loud screaming. She went to go check it out and couldn’t believe what she saw.

*Bang bang!*

“That’s for Chris.” Said Jacob.

“He shot him.” Esther said in her mind.

Both of the guys laughed.

“Hahaha we finally got him.” “The boss will be happy.” Said Simon.

They both took out a cigarette and smoke.

Esther was so scared that she didn’t know what to do. She turn around and accidentally step on a branch.


“Who’s there?” Shouted Jacob.

“Damn, get her!” Shouted Simon.

Esther ran away. The two guys chasing after her.

Esther finally got away from them. She was tired and out of breath.

“Thank god, I think I lost them. I can’t believe I saw someone being murdered.”

“Well, well, well, what have we got here?” Said Jacob.

“Don’t even think about trying to run.” Said Simon.

“Please let me go. Please I won’t tell anyone what I saw.”

“You’re coming with us.”

“Jacob, you go and take care of the body and catch us up.”

Jacob nods.

“Start walking, sweetheart.”

They took Esther into an abandon house where gangsters hangout at.

“Simon you hold her here. I’ll go and talk to the boss and see what he wants us to do with her.”

“Please let me go.” Cried Esther.

“Shut up, you won’t go anywhere.”

“Let go, boss wants to see her.”

“Start walking!”

Esther body was all shaking. She’s wonder what they’re going to do with her.

“Hey boss!” Shouted Jacob.

“Oh my god.”

His eyes bore into mine. I have never seen such cold, dark eyes in my life. I break eye contact and stare at the floor. I can feel my heart beating hard in my chest.

“Who are you?” He said.

I stay silent and keep looking at the floor. I can feel someone poke me in the back.

“Answer the boss.”

“N-nobody important.” I answer.

“What’s your name?”

He said once again.

“What’s it to you?” I reply angrily.

I can heard everyone gasp and it occurs to me that nobody answers the boss back. I can hear a girl in the back shout “Just kill her.” But his face never changes, he shows no emotions at all. Who the hell is he?

“I’m trying to decide whether to kill you now or have a bit of fun with you first.” He said.

I was pissed, and before I realize what I’m doing, I draw back and slap him in the face.

Everyone is so angry now. But I try to look in control.

“Everyone, shut up. Feisty little thing, aren’t you?”

“I’m not scared of you.” I said.

“Well you should be, sweetheart, you should be very scared.”

“Simon, take her back to mine, I’ll deal with her later.”


“Yes, mine, is there a problem?”

“No problem, Boss.”

“And get her phone.”

“Yes, boss.”

“No, please, I’m sorry.” Cried Esther.

I try to grab his arm, but he turns and walks away.

“Let go.” Said Simon.

“What are you going to do with her?” Said Jacob.

“I haven’t decided yet, but it’s gonna be fun.”

“Do you want me to join you Chris?” Said Gina.

“F off Gina.”

*“Better not be with that b*tch.”* Said in her mind.

While in the car I was yelling like crazy.

“Please just let me go! I swear I won’t tell anyone what I saw!”

“Honey, you’re giving me a headache.” Said Simon.

“Sir, you know this is kidnapping.”

“So, sue me.”

“Oh my god how am I going to get out of this?” I said in my mind.

“I need to escape.”

“Are you going to kill me?”

“Not unless I have to.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means behave and you’ll live to see another day.”

“But I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“It a hard knock life, sweetheart.”

(While back at the abandon house)

“Well that was the first time a girl slap me. She actually slapped me. But she is just an innocent civilian... Who witnessed something she shouldn’t have? Wrong place, wrong time? Or is there more to her than meets the eye? I’ll have fun finding out! Slap me and get away with it? I don’t think so, baby!”

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Kria Hough

Kria Hough

Yeah 👍🤣 wrong place wrong time 🤣😂🤣😂 is right. go ahead girl be yourself straightforward as always



Dede Aisah

Dede Aisah




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