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Trapped With The Mafia Boss (Novel)

Got Kick Out

Hi, my name is Esther Yang. I’ve lost my job and now I’m homeless. I just got kick out of my own apartment. I can’t believe that this is happening to me. What am I going to do? I have to go find somewhere to stay tonight before it gets dark.

As she walks away from the only home she has ever known... She has no idea how the next 24 hours are going to change her life forever!

“Should I call Alex?” She said to herself.

Alex is Esther’s ex boyfriend. They separate on a bad terms. Alex was a monster, who was aggressive and possessive and sometimes even violent. He has beat her so many times already.

But Esther has no one else to call...

“Ugh, never mind I don’t want anything to do with him. I have to find somewhere safe to sleep tonight.”

Esther walk away...

While she was walking she saw a park bench and decided to sleep there for the night.

“I guess I will sleep here tonight.”

When she was about to sleep she heard a loud screaming. She went to go check it out and couldn’t believe what she saw.

*Bang bang!*

“That’s for Chris.” Said Jacob.

“He shot him.” Esther said in her mind.

Both of the guys laughed.

“Hahaha we finally got him.” “The boss will be happy.” Said Simon.

They both took out a cigarette and smoke.

Esther was so scared that she didn’t know what to do. She turn around and accidentally step on a branch.


“Who’s there?” Shouted Jacob.

“Damn, get her!” Shouted Simon.

Esther ran away. The two guys chasing after her.

Esther finally got away from them. She was tired and out of breath.

“Thank god, I think I lost them. I can’t believe I saw someone being murdered.”

“Well, well, well, what have we got here?” Said Jacob.

“Don’t even think about trying to run.” Said Simon.

“Please let me go. Please I won’t tell anyone what I saw.”

“You’re coming with us.”

“Jacob, you go and take care of the body and catch us up.”

Jacob nods.

“Start walking, sweetheart.”

They took Esther into an abandon house where gangsters hangout at.

“Simon you hold her here. I’ll go and talk to the boss and see what he wants us to do with her.”

“Please let me go.” Cried Esther.

“Shut up, you won’t go anywhere.”

“Let go, boss wants to see her.”

“Start walking!”

Esther body was all shaking. She’s wonder what they’re going to do with her.

“Hey boss!” Shouted Jacob.

“Oh my god.”

His eyes bore into mine. I have never seen such cold, dark eyes in my life. I break eye contact and stare at the floor. I can feel my heart beating hard in my chest.

“Who are you?” He said.

I stay silent and keep looking at the floor. I can feel someone poke me in the back.

“Answer the boss.”

“N-nobody important.” I answer.

“What’s your name?”

He said once again.

“What’s it to you?” I reply angrily.

I can heard everyone gasp and it occurs to me that nobody answers the boss back. I can hear a girl in the back shout “Just kill her.” But his face never changes, he shows no emotions at all. Who the hell is he?

“I’m trying to decide whether to kill you now or have a bit of fun with you first.” He said.

I was pissed, and before I realize what I’m doing, I draw back and slap him in the face.

Everyone is so angry now. But I try to look in control.

“Everyone, shut up. Feisty little thing, aren’t you?”

“I’m not scared of you.” I said.

“Well you should be, sweetheart, you should be very scared.”

“Simon, take her back to mine, I’ll deal with her later.”


“Yes, mine, is there a problem?”

“No problem, Boss.”

“And get her phone.”

“Yes, boss.”

“No, please, I’m sorry.” Cried Esther.

I try to grab his arm, but he turns and walks away.

“Let go.” Said Simon.

“What are you going to do with her?” Said Jacob.

“I haven’t decided yet, but it’s gonna be fun.”

“Do you want me to join you Chris?” Said Gina.

“F off Gina.”

*“Better not be with that b*tch.”* Said in her mind.

While in the car I was yelling like crazy.

“Please just let me go! I swear I won’t tell anyone what I saw!”

“Honey, you’re giving me a headache.” Said Simon.

“Sir, you know this is kidnapping.”

“So, sue me.”

“Oh my god how am I going to get out of this?” I said in my mind.

“I need to escape.”

“Are you going to kill me?”

“Not unless I have to.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means behave and you’ll live to see another day.”

“But I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“It a hard knock life, sweetheart.”

(While back at the abandon house)

“Well that was the first time a girl slap me. She actually slapped me. But she is just an innocent civilian... Who witnessed something she shouldn’t have? Wrong place, wrong time? Or is there more to her than meets the eye? I’ll have fun finding out! Slap me and get away with it? I don’t think so, baby!”

Subscribe to find out what happen next chapters...



“Huh, a message from boss?” Said Simon.

Messages: “Put her in the spare room, I’ll be home soon.”

Reply: “Ok, boss.”

Messages: “And guard the door until I get back.”

“The boss will be back soon, I’ll show you to your room.”

“My room?” Esther reply.

“Start walking.”

We both walk into the room.

“This is your room for now on.”

“Oh wow, this room is beautiful.” Esther said in her mind.

I quietly observed the room.

“What’s your name?”

“None of your beezwax.” I said.

“Very mature.”

“F you.” I reply angrily.

“You would make things a whole lot easier for yourself if you just co-operated. The boss won’t hesitate in killing you if he has to.”

I breath in, and said my name.

“My name is, Esther Yang.”

“That wasn’t so hard now was it?” Said Simon.

“Now settle in, the bathroom is over there and don’t even try to escape. I’ll be outside and there’s no way out of this penthouse without a key card.”

I stare at him with an angrily face while he left the room.

“I don’t think I’d want to escape even if I could.” I said in my mind.

“Well, this room is amazing and it beats sleeping on a park bench. I just hope they don’t kill me.”

“I guess I’ll have a shower and get some sleep.”

15 minutes later.

“That shower was amazing. I don’t know who owns this shirt, but I’m borrowing it.”


“Time for sleep.”

Chris walking to the room.

“So, did you get her name?” Said Chris.

“Yeah, it’s Esther Yang.” Said Simon.

“Esther Yang, huh?”

“Did you do any digging?

“Yeah, she’s 22, is a college student but couldn’t pay for her student fees so she drop out. She live on the south side in a tiny apartment. No family, parents died in a car crash when she was 17.”

“Where does she live now?”

“Owner of the apartment said he had to evict her earlier today. She also lost her job and hadn’t been paying the rent.”

“So she’s homeless?”

“Not sure, he said there’s an ex boyfriend called Alex Zhou.”

“Ended in bad terms, according to the landlord he was known to be abusive. The landlord said, he still hangs around and she takes him back a lot.”

“Did you find out anything about this Alex Zhou?”

“A small time criminal, bully boy from what I hear.”

“Ok, find out as much as you can about him and her.”

“Where is she now?” Ask Chris.

“Probably sleeping.”

“Ok, you can go now, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Simon nodded.

“Homeless, eh?”

Chris quietly walk into Esther bedroom.

“She’s wearing my favorite damn shirt to bed.” Said in his mind.

He was just standing there and looking at her.

“Damn, she’s hot!” Said in his mind.

“Get your mind out of the gutter Chris boy, it ain’t gonna happen.”

“I should go and check on Sam.”

Chris walking out of the room.

“Sam?” Shouted Chris.

“He’s not in his bedroom? Where the hell is he? And look at the state of this damn room.”

Chris calling Sam.

“Sam! where the hell are you?”

“Get home right now, Sam.” Chris reply angrily.

“You know not to go out alone in the city at night.”

*Rolls eyes*

“Don’t make me come looking for you.”

End calls

“That boy is getting on my last damn nerve.”

The next morning.

“This bed is so comfortable, I never want to leave it. Pity I can’t stay here forever.” Esther said in her mind.

“What should I do now?”

“I should think of a way to escape here but first I need to go find something to eat, I haven’t eaten since yesterday. But what if I meet the scary guy from yesterday?” Didn’t he said this was his home? I’m too hungry to care right now.”

As Esther walk to the kitchen she saw somebody standing by the counter searching for something.

“Oh, wow. He’s so hot.” She said in her mind.

He turn around and said “Something wrong?”

I freak out.

“Sorry, I... I...”

“Spit it out, I don’t have all day!”

“Sorry I was in a world of my own. And, look I’m sorry about yesterday, I didn’t mean to slap you. I was out of control yesterday.”

“I don’t care about what happen yesterday, now sit, I’ve made breakfast.”

“I can make my own breakfasts.” I said.

“I don’t recall asking if you could cook. Now sit!”

“You’re not the boss of me.”

“What did you say?”

“I said I’m not sure who owns this shirt. But I had to borrow it last night.”

“It fine, now sit and eat.”

“T-thank you.”

I absolutely don’t know what going on with him, but nobody have ever make breakfast for me before. After my parents past away I’d got to take care of myself all along. I have no one to rely on and I don’t have any friends.

“Breakfast was yummy but I won’t tell him that. What an intense control freak. Hm.. I also need a shower. Should I ask permission first?”

“What is it?” Said Chris.


“You look like you have something to say, so say it.”

“Um... could I use the shower?”

“Knock yourself out.”

“Thank you.”

“Tiana bought some clothes over, they’re in the closet.”

“Um, thanks.”

“I wonder if Tiana’s his girlfriend?”

“Anything else?” He said.

“No.” I reply.

“Hm.. Esther in the shower. Now that’s a sight I wouldn’t mind seeing. Ugh, what wrong with me?I really need to get over this woman.”

Suddenly Chris phone start ringing.

*Ring ring*

“Christopher Wang?”

End of chapter.

Will Chris let Esther go? Subscribe to find out what happen next chapters...

The Fire Breathing Dragons?

“So Tiana brought me some clothes.” Said Esther.

“Who is she and why would she do that?”

“Ok, let’s see what this Tiana brought.”

She brought me some clothes. It quite pretty, but I’ll go with the skirt.

“Ugh, none of these outfit are really me. If Alex could see me now I’d be in so much trouble.”

When I walk outside the room I heard shouting.

“Why are they shouting?”

“I’m warning you, Sam! If you keep it up, I’ll put you in f**king boarding school.” Said Chris.

“Oh get lost, Chris, you can’t tell me what to do, I’m 18.” Said Sam.

“I don’t give a f**k, if any of Keith’s men see you, they’ll kill you.”

“You shouldn’t have had their leader killed then.” Said Sam.

“I done what I had to do. It was him or us?”

“We’ve got a visitor.” Said Sam.

“Sam, get the f**k back here now!”

Esther went inside the room.

“I see you got the clothes.” Said Chris.

“Yes, thanks.” Esther reply.

“Esther, we need to talk.”

“He actually said my name.”

“Yeah, about what?” Said Esther.”

“About what you see. And about what you plan to do with the information.”

“They... they killed a man.” Said Esther.

“He deserved to die.”

“Nobody deserves to die.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Said Chris.

“He was the leader of the Green Skulls cartel.”

“Aren’t you some sort of leader too?”

“Yes, but we don’t kill innocent people.”

“Do the Green Skulls kill innocent people?”

“Yes they do and they tried to kill Sam.”

“Who’s Sam?” Esther ask curiously.

“That was Sam that was here a minute ago, he’s my little brother.”

“Where are your parents?”

I know that I shouldn’t ask him about his parent, but I’m just too curious.

“They’re dead.” He said in a cold voice.

Damn, why did I ask him that?

“I’m so sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? You didn’t kill them, did you?”


“Look, Esther, I can’t let you put my people at risk.”

“Are you going to kill me?”

“No, please don’t kill me, I still want to live.”

“That depends on you” He said.

“I don’t understand?” Said Esther.

“I know that you’re homeless and don’t have any family.”

“How do you know that?!” I reply angrily.

“I have my sources.” He said.

“Now you can choose to go to the police. But I promise you that you won’t get there alive. Or you can join The Fire Breathing Dragons. And always have a roof over your head and a family.”

“The Fire Breathing Dragons?” I said.

“That’s us.” Said Chris.

“Would I have to kill people?” I said in fearly.

*Chris sighs*


“I’m really confused.”

“How about I throw a party tonight, eh? So you can meet some of the main members before making a decision.”

“That might help.” I said.

“Ok go and rest, I’ll set it up.”

“Why do you want me to join?”

“Because it will save me having to kill you.”

I breath in, and turn around.

“Esther?” He said

“Um, yes?”

“You do know that there’s no way out of this penthouse, right? I owned the whole building and you’re on the top floor.”

“I won’t try to escape, I tell it like it is.” Said Esther.

“No, I have to escape no matter what, I won’t be living in a gang like this forever.” Said in her mind.

Esther walk out of the room.

“I bet you do.” He said in his mind.

*Chris grab his phone and called someone*

“Gina, it’s me. I need you to get me a dress and get it here today.”

“What, why would he want a dress?” Said Gina.

“Oh, is it for you Chris my dear?”

“No, not for me, you idiot. Just get the dress here today and tell everyone there’s a party at the penthouse at 7.” *Sighs* And tell them that I want them all here, no excuses.”

End calls.

After the phone call Chris went to go check up on Sam.


“Look, Chris, I’m sorry, I won’t stay out late again.”

“You better not, Sam, I’ve enough to worry about without you giving me grief too.”

“I know, I’m sorry, Chris.”

Ok, well there’s a party here tonight at 7, so be there.”

“I will.”

He rolled his eyes and leaves the room.

(A few hour later)

“Hm, I guess I should try on this dress that Chris sent up.”

While I was changing I hear the door creeks. I turn around and saw Chris.

“Ahh, get out you pervert!”

“Oh, f**k!”

“Get out of here, Chris you, pervert.”

I quickly put on some clothes.

“Sorry, I didn’t know you were in the habit of walking around *****.” Chris chuckle.

“Do you need any help?” *Wink*

“GET OUT!” I shouted at him.

“Ok, ok, chill, babe.”

“Humph, what an a**hole.”

I went back and put on the dress.

“Wow, this dress is amazing.”


“Everything is so expensive. This dress is a bit revealing though. Oh get a grip, Esther. You’re not with Alex anymore. You can wear what ever you want.”

I went outside and saw everyone waiting in the room for me.

“Oh, god.”

“Esther’s here.” Said Jacob.

*Chris turn around*


“You ok?” Said Chris.

“I guess.” Esther reply.

“Ok, let get this done.”

“Listen up everyone. This is Esther Yang. And she’s thinking about joining the Dragons. So you are all here tonight for some introductions. And to let Esther see how things work around here.”

“Esther, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” Said Chris.

“First up is Tiana.”

“Hey, girl, welcome to the Dragons.” Said Tiana.

“Tiana joined The Fire Breathing Dragons 5 years ago.”

“She mainly deals with the undercover work we need done.”

“Undercover?” Said Esther.

“Yes, she pretend to be someone else in order to get information about our rivals.” Or she’ll seduce rival gang members and keep them occupied while we intercept their shipments. So, if you join us, I might get you involved in that side of things.”

“What? So I have to seduce them?”

“It depends.”

“Oh no, I wouldn’t be able to seduce anyone and I’m a terrible lair.” Said Esther.

“Oh I’d say you could seduce any man, Esther.” Chris said in his mind.

“Anyway next up is my brother Sam.”

“Sam’s in his last year of school and isn’t involved much with the Dragons yet.”

“Chris, I have an essay to finish, it’s due tomorrow.” Said Sam.

“So go and do it.”

“Next up is Gina.”

The look on Gina face it seems that she doesn’t like me at all. She rolls her eyes and click her tongue.

“Is there a problem, Gina?” Said Chris.

“No, boss.”

“Good, let’s keep it that way, yeah?”

“Yes, boss.”

“Gina as been with us for 2 years.”

“She deals mainly with the drugs side of the business.”

“Drugs ?” Esther reply.

“Yes, we need a lot of money for guns and ammunition. And also for everyone to take a wage home. Right or wrong drugs bring in a lot of money. But I will not tolerate any members using. You use and you’re out.”

“Ok, let’s wrap this up it’s getting late.”

“Next up is Jacob and Simon. Who you’ve already had the bad fortune of meeting.”

“These two have been with me from the start. And they deal with everything, but mainly hits.”

“Hits?” Esther startles.

“As in killing people?”

“Did we have this conversation earlier, Esther?”


“Then why the f**k am I having to repeat myself? Once again, we don’t kill innocent people. Don’t make me have to say it again, yeah?”

“I-I’m tired.” Said Esther.

“We’re done here anyway.”

“There’s a few more main members, but they’re on a job tonight. You’ll meet them soon.”


“Go to bed, I expect an answer tomorrow.

Esther nods and went to bed.

“So what’s the deal with this girl?” Said Gina.

“I dunno, but she’s staying here.” Said Tiana.

“In the penthouse? But, Chris never let anybody stay in the penthouse.”

“He wants to tap her.” Said Simon.

“Shut the hell up, Simon!” Gina reply angrily.

“Well, she better keep her filthy hands off Christopher.”

“Hah, you’re just mad that Chris didn’t tap you.” Said Simon.

Simon walk away from the room.

“We have to get rid of her, Tiana.”

“Are you crazy?” Said Tiana.

“Chris would bury us. I’m not getting involved.”

“Fine, I’ll get rid of her myself. That b*tch is not getting my man.”

End of chapters

What has Gina got planned for Esther?

And is Chris telling Esther the whole truth?

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